Chinese don't have souls - watch video

WARNING: You will be triggered if you have a soul. This is a horror show. I could only watch 5 seconds. I was sick.

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Im too pussy to watch, somebody give explanation

I ain't clicking that shit, nigger

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Someone tell me what’s in the video.

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i hate fucking dogs
gonna watch it again and again

Dog is roasted over an open flame... alive.

What ?

Not watching this shit

Attached: Capture.png (926x175, 14K)

They just have a different view of what is a pet and what is food.

Dog getting roasted alive (with a blow torch thing) while being held in the air by a gook with a big stick and a rope. The dog is screaming in pain for about a minute. All of this is done right next to a busy street with people just walking on by.

Lol its just a stupid dog getting roasted and here i was thinking its something bad like grinding aborted babies up to make pills for chinese medicine. You let me down Jow Forums expected way more after hundreds of china hate threads.

I hope you die this way achmed

you've gotta be a muslim..

China is changing. Most Chinese now love animals and keep them as pets.

Attached: Chinese Petco.webm (466x358, 2.93M)

Oh my onions eyes can't watch a simple burning of a dog.

Leave you 13 yo boomers

Fucking doggophiles, god (jesus) gave us permission todo with all animals whatever we want in regards to food preperation if we eat them. Why should flaming it alive be a crime against god? Its just a dumb dog. Animals are soulles anyways.

Everything is food to them.

Attached: chinese food.webm (320x576, 2.92M)

Fucking chinks. Even the jews and muslims arent that perverted, since they try to kill their animals quickly without causing too much of pain. Chinks have no souls indeed

Idiot. Just because you have the permission or freedom to do something, doesnt mean, that you have to abuse said freedom.
Ever heard of responsibility?

Doesnt mean they have to fucking torture it.

Empathy for nonhumans is a glitch, a mistake in evolution. We look at a shitskin and see a human just like us and "awwwww it's suffering let's give it our land and future". Now we regret it and for some reason you're getting mad at the Chinese for not having that weakness.

I'm pretty sure these people are the equivalent of Africans with AIDS having sex with babies thinking they will be cured.

Dog nuts roasting on open fire...chinks, yeah they all need to go...

Well if they're eating live food then hopefully they'll get a disease or parasite from it since they weren't cooked properly.

Hello Ahmed.

The Chinese cook to a T. It's just if gutter oil is involved then you might get an upset stomach.

Anyway, as much as dogs are part of our lives it doesn't really matter. These old generation Chinese saw their parents starve to death on the streets labouring for Mao Zedong. They had to eat their family dog, then go over next door to eat their neighbours cats. If you read about the suffering the Chinese went through during the cultural Revolution (late 50s to mid 70s) which rose two generations of strong willed, PTSD suffering Chinese then you'd get the idea of why they act seemingly so soullessly.

they do this because they think it makes the meat taste better

Fucking hell they need to be absolutely glassed.

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there is a reason all chinks look the same. they are closer to ants than people

We don't roast cows and pigs alive with the screaming bloody murder

you're so fucking cool man

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chinks roasting a dog

*banter stops*

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The Chinese are our strategic allies in the Far East. No amount of roasted dogs will change that.

Chinks have no soul.

This thread shows us all who r_TD is; who didn't grow up on /b/

> Comments on LiveLeak

> 'I can watch humans getting burned all day long and laugh but this is too fucked up'

Western society is fucked up. Those people deserve the rope.

Attached: chinks china.png (901x461, 138K)

Hahahhahaha. You pathetic, weak, little am*Rican.
The Asian century is coming and it is coming soon. The Chinese will rule over you wh*Teoid filth. I can not wait for my brothers to finally show you who truly are the master race.

In my head I think, 'How in the hell can someone prefer to watch a human being burn rather than an animal'. I understand that an animal is helpless and it is impossible for them to escape their fate of death and it sucks, but seriously? It's a fucking human being dying a person with a set of thoughts, ambitions, personality, experiences, etc... How can humans be so dissonant to other humans sometimes? I wonder if they would rather kill a person in real life or an animal if they had to make a choice. Wouldn't be surprised if they chose to kill a human instead cause 'muh feels for animals hurr durr'.

dont play stupid, you know humans are not intrinsically innocent like animals.

The communist hive acting out.

when will this meme die out

Lack of empathy towards animals should get you the chamber.

Does an animal use the financial system he created in the fist place in order to subvert and enslave entire nations?

So what about it? They just

a) consider dogs food
b) consider food is better when prepared from alive

I find it a bit hypocritical to criticize them. E.g. vegheads say same things about western meat eaters as well, but everyone just scoffs at them because "we need to eat meat, it is delicious" and yada yada

What makes killing dogs any worse than killing pigs, cows, chickens etc? Is is because they don't play fetch?

Westerners generally accept eating meat but don't want it to be treated cruelly or tortured in the process.
The Chinese people in these videos practice torture as an implicit part of the meat-eating process. And not just torture, but the absolutely cruellest and most painful possible means of torture.

Unless 99% of Chinese abhor and condemn the practices committed by a tiny minority and try and put a stop to it, as any western country would, we are not the same.
Plus the Chinese eat dogs, people that eat dogs aren't human, full stop.

So does that mean the Chinese recognise themselves as non-human? Because their soullessness isn't just reserved for animals and foreigners.

Attached: China.webm (300x224, 2.7M)

Empathy for fucking animals, when Nazis gased alive Jews or Israel are massacring Arabs in Palestine. Western society - what a beacon of hypocrisy, double-standard and decadence

lel go be a filthy gommie somewhere else faggot

hot dog freshly served

IIRC whoever gets hurt can sue if you try to help them afterwards because it can be taken as a sign of guilt

It's the law that makes them do this shit. It's cheaper to kill a person you've wounded, because otherwise, your family must have to pay for the threatement of the person you've wounded. They choose prison instead.

Here OP, enjoy. The Chinks are not human. I honestly would not mind if they got removed and I hate only niggers, muslims and gypos.

Attached: dog boiling.webm (480x360, 827K)

You say this as if it absolves them or makes them less soulless in some way.

Attached: Indonesia and niggers.png (780x212, 152K)

Whats up in your neck of the woods

This. I don't know about nip or gook, but in north vietnam city (which pretty similar to chink culturally), people are paranoid as fuck, and we have a pretty ancient saying similar to "No good deed goes unpunished".

And they should all be killed for it. Parents should be forced to watch their children roasted before their own executions by flaying. Hate. HATE.

>click link thinking it will be about humans
>it's about dogs
LOL, who gives a fuck.

Aww pooor puppi how can they do it, muh puppi
Effeminate weak American cuck

why are there so many imptrash threads

this one was moved from Jow Forums
what does imptrash mean?

threads from Jow Forumsddit
now go back