(((GOOGLE))) doesn't let me find this one chart, the one that shows how men rate females by age and the 13s 14s being rated the highest. Do you guys have it?
(((GOOGLE))) doesn't let me find this one chart...
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google really does suck now. So intent on forcing you to search for what it's *certain* you meant to be searching for rather than letting you find wtf you want. I mostly just use bing these days.
Yesterday i just wanted to search for the news from 2010 when one of our teacher killed her husband for money (wanted to show the story), but shiddy google somehow deleted everything of that.
It's likely not deleted, just not positioned by google.The fucking kikes don't want you to find certain informations.
The usa passed laws that censor information that could lead to civil unrest.
So, anyone has it?
Originally obviously
if not finding something you are looking for on google is a jewish conspiracy then i recommend trying a different search engine
OP my dude just fucking picture how much more of this censorship bullshit there is going to be by the turn of the century. The darkies, roastie cunts, homos and kikes will be running wild and freedom-loving white men are going to get fucked forever unless something drastic chances, like fast.
Jow Forums was right.
this censorship bullshit there is going to be by mid-century*
Woops original correctorino
Well nice advice, after 2 minutes of searching I already found a similar one. It's not the one I was looking for particularly but still this proves that google hides this shit. I still want to find the one that was aroudn here.
There's a university researcher who specializes in male attraction to underage girls, but I can't remember his name. I think the chart comes from one of his lectures.
Yeah I don't remember his name either, that's the problem.
>trying to find one specific graph that confirms your opinion rather than doing some research
>"sexual value" = "how men rate females"
>le conspiracy theories
unfortunately I only have it attached to some girl's tweet
>"sexual value" = "how men rate females"
Except that's the case. What should sexual value be based on? What the beta cuck PC bullshit propaganda says about your WEEMEEN - "ALL OF THEM ARE BYUTEEFULL"?
That chart was done by a scholar btw. so you can keep on shaking, roastie toastie.
No it's not this one. The one I am talking about had vertical bars and was for all ages, the highest bars were for 13s and 14s I believe.
oh no wait wrong one never mind
Yes, that's the one. Thanks user, appreciate it.
It might be Philip Tromovitch, but not sure.
Actually just found it again. Shot him straight in the head. m.bild.de
this is from the okcupid blog
mind that 20 was the lowest age the survey allowed lol