First impression of my online gf, Jow Forums?

First impression of my online gf, Jow Forums?

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She thinks smoking weed makes her cool

She does look cool smoking weed though.

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You know what user.

This is probably a LARP or something, but at this point, if this were me I would do anything to make her happy, take her out on dates, buy her makeup, cuddle her.

I just want to feel her hair, the euphoria of when it lands on you and she doesnt notice, user, if this isnt a larp, please god, just treat her right, shes probably a slut like most women, shes probably a coalburner, like most women.

But they have something us men want so badly, its the same feeling as to why I had a teddy bear as a child, I just want love.

I said online gf bro. We live in different countries. We've never met IRL.

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darn, still man, its hope for something better, even if it is just a sweaty asian man catfishing you.

Nah she goes on cam all the time for me.

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God, I hate potheads.

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It's strange that she makes the effort to do eyeshadow but not any mascara/eye liner. She's qt, but the "weed culture" she obviously lives by is annoying.

So this is the rate my gf thread cool
Not sure if it counts but here is my ex

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Pretty eyes... but she is without a doubt getting dicked down by chad every weekend then after probably texts you and says she loves you lol sorry user

I can't be the only one who thinks she's into being choked / breathplay.


She looks like an attention whore

she smokes weed, no chad, only Tyrones with good hook ups

dating a stoner must be the worst, always having to put up with that rancid stench.

she's probably getting high constantly, spending a bunch of money (and or sucking tyrones dick) on weed and will smell like skunk and ash 95% of the time. chances are she's got a high school stoner "weed is just part of my personality" mindset. if that's your thing, coolio senpai.
you sound p. desperate, mr. reddit.

Fucking pothead

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>weed is my entire personality
why not just date a cheech and chong VHS?

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>First impression of my online gf, Jow Forums?


I will bite, how did you actually meet her?

>all these triggered anti-pot normalfags ITT

How did you get her? Do you have a less blurry pic?

I was obsessed with her for a while and tried to talk to her a few times on Instagram but she never really replied.

Then I tried one last time and whatever I said to her seemed to work and she started talking to me and it went from there.

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What do you mean by "get" her?
No all the photos I have of her are blurry because I had to take them really fast so she wouldn't notice

>this thread: 1 hour and 20 minutes ago
>that thread: 11 hours and 30 minutes ago
anything to say about this scumbag larper op

until dawn wendigo face

I made both threads.

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