Heyy pals can I get some stuff related to this 9/11 incident...... This pic put me in deep thinking

Heyy pals can I get some stuff related to this 9/11 incident...... This pic put me in deep thinking

Attached: Screenshot_20190331-113906.jpg (1080x1053, 258K)

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well it wasn't a damn hologram.
Its actually pretty easy to 'deconstruct' a building at freefall using thermite shape charges.
Honestly if the government had said these so called 'islamic terrorists' used shape charges while disguised as elevator repair men I might've believed the official story.

two buildings made a 3rd fall by falling into it and starting fires that were never put out, there is, the tower planes pretty much vaporised as well, it doesnt need to melt only heat enough to make it spaghetti, they did but not quickly enough, because they're all friends, unfinished business from GW snr and people wanted arab blood, because fire weakened it enough to cause collapse

I think the event was so traumatic that human nature took over. It's easier to think the event was this big, controlled conspiracy instead of what it really was: an act intended to strike terror into everyone's hearts. Thinking it's a big conspiracy is a sign of trauma.

How can melt jet steel fuel when the earth is a hollow flat cicada 420 69


>muh steel beams
The structural properties of steel plummet when exposed to fire, they don't melt and creep brings down the roof.
I don't know American building standards but exposed steel members in Pooeurope have to be protected by 2-4 hour minimum rated paint or concrete and these standards only take into account NORMAL building fires. Higherise +~20m buildings have different codes but I can guarantee that aeroplane collisions and aviation fuel fires were not in those documents in 1973 and the building eas certianly not designed to accomodate that

allowing the government to restrict rights even more than they already have been was the point of it. Its really not that complicated. A powerful family who has deep ties with the US military and intelligence community wanted to stay in power and make more war because war == big money. Its so painfully simple.

Why would the US blow up its own trading towers when it could invade other nations with or without reason. The US literally deploys troops whenever it wants to. I don't see why the government needs to invent a big bloodshed reason.

I will go over this one by one.
Debris, fires, and the much larger buildings collapsing easily could have knocked down several smaller buildings.
There is footage of the plane that hit the pentagon. youtube.com/watch?v=AzFqXbfv_yg
The planes did not vaporize.
The steel did not melt, it was weakened from the enormous heat which in turn caused the collapse.
The air force did respond they just did not make it in time. If your idea is that none of the planes were shot down then this is contradicted by the fact that one of the planes was indeed brought down regardless.
Asking questions with presuppositions wastes everybodies time. "Why did God make the bible if it's not true!".
You could ask lots of questions about foreign policy of the United States. This is also another stupid question, what is your point? That the insider jobers decided to use a different but somewhat similar scapegoat?
Read the NIST report if you want to know, doubt that it was the first time too.
You are considered a conspiracy theorist because you are already assuming so much that is ridiculous with your questions.

Contractors buy weapons whether there's war or there isn't. The use spends 350 billion plus every year regardless if we're fighting. You still need to have contractors build new weapons so the US maintains an advantage

i get that you're trying to be nice to OP, but this is an insult to real trauma victims baka

people who believe in conspiracy theories do so because they are insecure little shittards who want to believe they're special and know things the rest of us don't.

>How did 2 planes make 3 buldings fall?
The fire spread and took the third building burned down
>Why is there no footage of the plane that hit the pentagon?
Because it's not a public space
>don't know/don't care
>Why didn't norad or the airforce respond?
Taking down a plane above a very populated city??? Are you retarded?
>don't know/don't care
>Why did the U.S. invade iraq
Totally diffrent reasons and unrelated to 911
>don't know/don't care

>building 7 "burnt down" because "fires spread"
it fucking imploded exactly like a controlled demo
debris did not "fall and hit the building" enough to even begin to cause that. There was no damage to the facade. How did the structural foundation just implode.
nice sidestepping the harder questions. Pentagon not a "public space"? It's probably one of the most surveilled places on the planet, from every imaginable angle. Still. no airplane.
>burnt down
none of those buildings "burned down" dude, hundreds of people reported hearing explosions in rapid succession, particularly Emergency response personnel and those who had served in military in a combat capacity. There is video documentation of the explosions going off directly before the collapse of each tower.
>The gov't couldn't/wouldn't need to pull it off
They can and have and do, and they think we're retards and also poison the well with way more retarded conspiritard theories, i.e.flat earth.

I'm not being ironic, trolling, or shilling for fuckall, unironically Wake the fuck up anons. One way or another, we were had.

How can all this arguing be relevant when we don't even exist?

this. we don't exist and everything is a hoax. prove me wrong.

Hahaha u r fucking close to reality congratulations

>exactly like a controlled demo
Was there anyone to see the typical flashes that usually appear at the critical joists of the structure? No, the only "evidence" is a small series of explosions in one corner of the building where fires caused windows to pop out. If that was where the explosives were, then it would've collapsed in that direction. Besides, even buildings with all the explosives done correctly, buildings collapse in slightly different ways, each pulling different directions.
>pentagon footage
They didn't have cameras everywhere until after 9/11, and probably none pointing to the sky, at least in DC. Is there ANY camera (not helicopter) footage from pre-9/11 you can use as a comparison?

I know it's not a popular opinion online, but I don't think anything other than the official narrative happened that day.
As to who funded the attacks, and who allowed them to happen... that's a different story.

Also yeah, Rumsfeld had wanted to take out Hussein for a while, WMDs and claims that Iraq had funded the terrorists was just an excuse.

WTC was built with far less structural steel than other buildings, and the weight was just on the edges and the center rather than distributed evenly through the building. A slight melting of the beams (as caused by a plane hitting it) was enough to bring the towers down.

Every single fucking time I see these white trash retards clinging onto conspiracy theories as a cope to convince themselves they're intelligent I lose a little more faith in humanity. You'd believe the shit you took last morning was faked if someone threw enough phrases at you that were a facsimile of critical thinking.

>Can you PROVE that it was real feces? Where is it now? How can tiny little pipes suck down something so big?


Attached: D8B875DD-ACE7-4743-A46F-0652B4FE8B3F.jpg (616x475, 69K)

>reddit spacing faggot starts spouting shit about race for no reason
You have to go back

found the whitey

There's nothing wrong about asking questions, friend

Attached: HeftyUnnaturalGazelle-max-1mb.gif (360x216, 725K)

Wait. What happened to Pentagon?

It WAS hit with a missile larping as another airplane.

Pretty interesting. First time hearing that

Seriously? It's true btw. not shillposting or bulshitting.

do people not realize how easy it was to hijack planes? terrorists have been doing it since like the 70s

Do you seriously think you're smarter than the government? Do you think they made a stupid mistake that you caught? You're a gay retard on the internet. If the government wanted to fake something you would never know about it.

Let me guess, you're not gonna reply to this post because you just got absolutely BTFO. And if you do reply, it won't be with a counterargument (since this point cannot be refuted), it's gonna be some shitty meme that only serves to admit defeat. What you should do is reply with this statement:

>I am sorry, user. You are right, and I am wrong. I'll try not to be so stupid next time.

Go on, i'm waiting

youtube search "9/11 missing links"

it's a good documentary proving israel had pre knowledge



>made a 3rd fall by falling into it and starting fires that were never put out
you ever seen any other cases where a building collapsed like that from a fire?

>Do you seriously think you're smarter than the government? Do you think they made a stupid mistake that you caught?

That's their protection, and it works. They don't need to hide shit.

And you think that you, some retard on Jow Forums, saw through it, and that you detected their scheme? That you outsmarted them and didn't fall for their tricks?

Get off my board

You honestly don't see the effect of poisoned well on normalfags in real life?
besides that, people are too "muh great country" to even entertain the thought of there being ANY other explanation. They don't even accept the possibility that Israel knew or was involved.
They angrily reject ANY level of false-flag theory whatsoever, even though it's proven fact that it's been done countless times throughout history.
For the record, I'm not claiming Bush and Cheney or "deep-state" or whoever thefuck ever knocked down the towers. All I'm saying is the official story, you'd have to willingly wish to be lied to in order to buy it at face value. Something fucky happened that day, I remember it well. I was living in greenpoint brooklyn, I basically saw it happening