You are not entitled to sex

You are not entitled to sex.
You are not entitled to companionship.
You are not entitled to love.
You are not entitled to be a parent.

Get used to it, incels.

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Japs need to hurry up on the sexbots already.

>You are not entitled to sex.
>You are not entitled to companionship.
>You are not entitled to love.
>You are not entitled to be a parent.

This is the end result of capitalist culture. All you capcucks only have yourselves to blame if you're an incel.

You are not entitled to life.
You are not entitled to safety.
You are not entitled to dignity.

Rights are privileges, a fruit of men's constructs.

Nature is amoral and I am nature.

monogamy is the key to civilization and the only way to keep shit from becoming chaos but whatever you say

>You are not entitled to life.
I would love to have everyone who believes this lined up in front of a machine-gun

OP absolutely obliterated blown the fuck out by a supernova blackhole for eternity all of these things are social constructs

Entirely true, but then again many of the people who agree seem to think men who lop off their dicks are entitled to be called "maam" and a bunch of other horseshit.

sorry sweaty you arent entitled to have your shitty opinions happen

Rights are privileges conceded by the mighty.

you are not entitled to societal stability and functioning infrastructure then

you want barbarism? because barbarism is coming once we reach the critical mass of incels

you aren't entitled to a society

I mean yeah, no shit. The people that don't seem to understand that are the majority of normal people out there who think you absolutely must be with someone, you must have a family, that you'll regret your life if you don't. People of the mindset that there's 'someone for everyone' usually say it as a coping mechanism.

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give a little get a little. don't get a little don't give a little

Just saying that everyone I've seen who holds these type of opinions the moment that it suits their interest. If things are good its all "I got mine jack" but if things are bad then their entitled to something even if they made 1000+ posts on ancap defending death by starvation. I've never even seen a person who believes this stuff not change his mind the moment he falls on hard times.

Hitler was the exception when he said that the Germans deserved to be exterminated for losing WWII. Funny, how the people who espouse evolutionary fitness can never admit that the Jews actually are the master race. It's always lies and excuses used to rationalize failure.

*ancap youtube channels

sorry your gf is going to the top 20% and there is nothing you can do about it

>monogamy was enforced by men onto women through religion

My ex wasn't top 20% material, senpai

I don't even know what the fuck you meant by that. But sure.


you understand nothing.

Chad doesn't want a 200 lb+ 5'3 30 year old (even if she did have a nice ass)--even just for a one night stand.

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh nonononononono she will rather be passed around by a chad bro its over

I agree no one is "entitled" to anything and that rights really don't exist, but why should we want to live in a society where a massive portion of society doesn't get that love or companionship. There is no law in nature that people are entitled to food, but we should still try and ensure that no one is going to starve. I'm a neckbeard atheist, but one of the best things that religion gave us was monogamy.

So you need an alpha mate?? A real man?? Are you going to run to your beta boyfriend after he pummels your face with his fists ?? Cry while he fucks prettier girls in front of you?? Barking up the wrong tree slowpoke

it's so meaningless. you aren't entitled to oxygen. see? you can argue about oxygen consumption if you really want to

You are entitled to love.
You are entitled to a parent.

And God forbid who says otherwise.

>tfw human rights don't actually exist

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If that were true (it isn't) it wouldn't invalidate OP's argument.