Reminder that you already l lost if you are 5'9" or smaller

Reminder that you already l lost if you are 5'9" or smaller

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Didn't need reminding but thanks anyway.

If you're posting on Jow Forums you've already lost, no need to go looking for other reasons lad.

>hahaha i didnt realize how bad i was man
Why are we still here

It's always some big white bitch named Lorna

But I'm black and short. No matter what I can't win.

at least you have big pee pee

Newsflash that I'm 5'8" and have a beautiful wife. Fuck you and your ignorant and arbitrary standards of manhood. Bring a man is about handling responsibility and uplifting ithers, which is hard. Thay's why you dipshits like to make believe that your immutable characteristics that you didn't have to work for make you a "real man" because you're actually insecure little pussies at heart and run away from the real challenges in life.

All this I say for the benefit of any young men that might be reading. Don't buy into this horseshit.

well ya aren't whites the tallest race really? Make sense their women are taller too

well 5'8" is still salvageable though

if you're 5'4" like me then you're really fucked

no it's normal sized, bbc is a myth most blacks are barely bigger at all and most nonblack women are expecting some huge dick cause of porn

i want to strangle whoever made this bbc myth so badly

6'2 here
you are all fucked by genetics and need to kill yourselves

If you wear your insecurities on your sleeves you'll never be desiranle. You need to figure out how to forgive yourself and get over your height. I know it's anything but simple but I just want you to see the way forward.

Any woman ready to nest values 3 things
>Financial security
>Physical security
>a strong and entertaining mate

Nail those and any woman worth the effort doesn't really care how tall you are. You are right that it will be much harder for you, but your chances are much better if you figure these things out. It's not oger, user. It's never oger.

yeah i already know and have already been reminded a lot this week.
also >white women

yeah you're right. I mean I don't show my insecurities in public, and I act pretty confident most of the time. I just bring it up here because you guys are really the only ones I feel comfortable talking to about it, since you don't sugarcoat. Right now I'm still pretty young, so I'm just trying to focus on my career and put myself in the best position to succeed before I do anything. It's not like I've ever tried anything because I've been so focused on my career, so I haven't been putting in my best effort or even close to it, but I can't help but feel very discouraged from even starting.

> White
> 5'6
> 4 inches penis
It was over a long time ago

at least you're white lmao

Let's be real. Here in Dallas I see tons of Latino manlets with Latina chicks 4 inches taller than them. I don't know know how or why, they just do

I've never seen the same phenomenon with whites. White girls don't date manlets

>tfw 5'4"
it was over before it began

hungarian origoulash

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Post dick or gtfo dicklet

white girls have shit taste don't worry about it too much dude

I had a Jow Forums phase and now I'm only attracted to Aryan women. It's the absolute fucking worst

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You can break that condition user

It's too late for me I'm afraid. These days I just try to treat people nicely regardless of skin color. Jow Forums has ruined me

Bitchs nipples are crooked

But 5'0 is cute on a gril :(

5 ft 7 here. Your ass is mine, boy

>he's so oblivious
>obvious upset look
Poor guy.

I-i'm not a manlet, r-right?

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you're what most people would call average, don't be concerned but dont expect "wow user you're so tall!"

>assuming women are capable of empathising with or even being remotely aware of a man's feelings.

>mfw have none of these

lol k

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>i want to strangle whoever made this bbc myth so badly
woah, cool it with the anti-semitism bro

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