I want to make a suicide attempt to gain attention from my friends/family who have forgotten about me...

I want to make a suicide attempt to gain attention from my friends/family who have forgotten about me, but I'm scared of dying. What method would has the lowest mortality rate? I'm not really concerned about the pain/consequences after, but obviously the less suffering the better.

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honestly, just try killing yourself for real, you are likely going to fail. If you don't and you actually die, its not like you are going to complain since you will be dead

You're the kind of person who gives suicide a bad name.

Cut your whrist and have fun in psychward.
You will fuck yourself over for one day of attention.

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i think maybe instead of a suicide attempt, fall down a large set of stairs but not something large enough to die from. I don't reccomend what you're doing at all, as there are other ways to deal with this issue, but if you're going to do something along the lines of it, maybe just break a bone or something. Please be careful user.

suicide has a bad name either way...

There's nothing wrong with being done with life and ending your experience. Doing it as a call for help is just pathetic and makes people think all suicide survivors should be coddled instead of helped end their life.

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>fall down a large set of stairs but not something large enough to die from

how OP's family is going to feel pity that way
you dont understand this is about manipulating them into feeling sorry for OP
an accident like falling down the stairs is a different kind of sorry

Good point. What method would you suggest though?
I don't care.
I've thought about this but I think it might be a bit too obvious that I'm doing it for attention. Don't really want people to think I'm that pathetic, even though I am, obviously.
Again, I've thought about this but I don't think it's drastic enough. I need to communicate to people that I'm emotionally fragile so they feel bad for me.

man, someone put a bullet in him, that shit is nightmare fuel mode.

>Good point. What method would you suggest though?

go to the biggest shithole in town.
when you get there try to find the guy that is selling drugs.
buy whatever he is selling.

now put that in your pocket.
go to another shithole in your town.
locate the guy selling drugs over there.
approach him and ask him if he wants to buy drugs. show him the drugs you just bought from the first guy.
100% guarantee you are about to get fucked up real good

Have you thought about getting their attention through different means?


Yeah man, just imagine one day you decide you're done, release your grasp from this mortal coil, and then some asshole wakes you up and you're brain became too retarded to properly function. Then people ask if you still want to die, you give all your energy to answer them a yes in the only way you can, and then they just kind of ignore your plea and life goes on as a vegetable man.

Maybe overdose on something otc? especially at a time when you somebody might find you, since overdose has an extremely low success rate

What would you suggest? I can't think of another way, and this seems like it would net me a lot of attention, even if it is brief.
No thank you.







You should be ashamed of yourself.

I am, if that makes you feel any better.

At least that guy got to die after he signaled SOS.

So you've now publicly admit that you know better and knowingly do the wrong thing.

Cutting yourself is the safest way without dying or having harder consequences.
OD yourself and you might die, jump of something and you might become a cripple etc.
Not matter what you do, you will go to psychward anyway.

You could also just have a family meeting telling them that you made the decison to kill yourself

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Based forthcoming attentionwhore.

>What would you suggest? I can't think of another way, and this seems like it would net me a lot of attention, even if it is brief.

dont hide what you are feeling.
let your depression show

for instance, if you don't feel like getting out of bed, don't get out of bed.
if you don't feel like speaking, don't speak
if you dont feel like going to the bathroom to take a piss, piss in your pants.
what will show them

look OP, I have some experience with what you are trying to do.
Trust me in this.
The only that will change is that everyone is going to treat you like you are retarded and you will feel worse.

>Cutting yourself is the safest way without dying or having harder consequences.

now you have scars, and everyone is going to treat you accordingly.
Better not do that.

Its considerably better to just walk to a psychward and talk to the receptionist.

In some countries, if you call to those suicide hotlines, they call the police. This might be an option.

I hope you do this and no one cares. This is coming from someone who's actually considered suicide not for the point of attention but as a way out. I'm rooting for your success, in your "attempt" that is

That's fucking terrible man. OP just look at that image. Do not attempt

Oh, no... It's actually real.


I guess you could say that life is stranger than fiction.


now that you read all these replies what are you thinking OP

his mom probably gets a shit ton of disabilitybux on his behalf to care for him from .gov in addition to massive sympathy from all her friends, family, and coworkers

he clearly wants to be dead but he's more useful to her alive

Take a bunch of pills and immediately call 911
They'll get there in time to pump your stomach and you'll have your little pity party that you want so badly

Why do you need to actually take the pills to do this?

Probably was posted already but chug whatever pills you can find in your household.
You'll pass out and wake up at the hospital with your parents/whoever takes care of your sorry ass looking disappointed.
2 of my friends attempted this and the results wasn't fun for them, they lost every bit of privacy they had in their lives with their families constantly watching every move they make just to be sure they won't do anything stupid again.
Have fun, you retarded attentionwhore.

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Probably. Not to mention that if he had had a better childhood, he probably wouldn't have wanted to kill himself in the first place. Women are parasitic, man. I'm sure most of them would eat their own baby to avoid starvation

>sure they won't do anything stupid again.
>Have fun, you retarded attentionwhore.

or worse yet, OP finds out his family does not care

Try to drink yourself to death or provoke an officer into shooting you.

You are the reason why legitimately suicidal people are not taken seriously. If you really want attention, shit your pants in the middle of a family gathering while screaming the first chapter of Mein Kampf.

Now gtfo attention whore.

Thinking I might just take a bunch of pills. I don't feel any different about attempting it. Should I take any pills in particular? Like I don't want to take some pussy pills like tylenol but I really don't want to destroy my kidneys with something hardcore. Probably gonna drink a fuck ton of booze before to calm the nerves.
Cool, thanks for the advice.
I couldn't care less.

>Thinking I might just take a bunch of pills. I don't feel any different about attempting it. Should I take any pills in particular? Like I don't want to take some pussy pills like tylenol but I really don't want to destroy my kidneys with something hardcore. Probably gonna drink a fuck ton of booze before to calm the nerves.

can you just call those suicide hotlines and tell them you are about to kill yourself to elicit them to call the police so your family gives you the attention you want?
There are plenty of ways you can accomplish this, You just have to be a little creative. I don't think you should take any pills at all. You are just going to fuck yourself up. If you intend to live its better to not risk any kind of long term damage.

can you like, disappear for two days and let the police find you?
research before hand how to be safe, where you are going to sleep etcc

Or maybe whatever pills he take actually fuck up his brain and he becomes a vegetable.

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>can you like, disappear for two days and let the police find you?
>research before hand how to be safe, where you are going to sleep etcc

you can also cry a lot and call someone.
this seems pretty good and honest

First of all, you are a piece of shit and should kill yourself for real. Second, check out lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/statistics-most-lethal-methods
Really you should only consider cutting wrists or ODing. Definitely don't hang yourself, because it'll cause brain damage even if you don't die. Jumping may make you a cripple, so don't do that either.

Dissapearing for a few days isn't actually a bad idea, but I wouldn't really be sure where to go. Might be worth researching, thanks for the suggestion.
I don't think I can just call up a hotline and threaten to do something. It has to be an act. I don't think it would hold the same gravitas otherwise.
Thanks for the link. Who knows, maybe I'll be unlucky and die/become a vegetable. Keep your hopes up.

this op. fuck you. i fucking hate people liek you