The reddit shit is finally gone. It's safe to come out now

The reddit shit is finally gone. It's safe to come out now.

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Everybody call OP a faggot.

Op you're a niggers fag
>Someone gib me good boi points


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score slut detected

Thank fuck. I hope all the attention whores who actually liked that cancer proceed to piss off to Reddit to go stroke themselves off over their karma.

How long did the oreo flavor thing last from last year. Was that just one day as well.

Points are gone, but at least we still have our emojis.🥥

scorelet detected🐶

No it just shows you how many of you literal faggots want to suck reddits cock and only shitpost for likes all it did was prove what a shit place this is

what how
is this true🐱

This year was absolutely dogshit

please walk the dinosaur

better than the board mergers and team cream shit last two years🐸

rainbow test🌈

dice test

butthole test👌

suit test

I smashed the like button

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check test✔️

x test❌

open up your puppy mouth you sweet little whore

food test🥚

more food test🐃

Hmmm this is a test.

Dice rolling.

hey guys I don't have a girlfriend eughhhh🙁

Testing random things. Testing things but cannot remember what to type....✔️

no flag

crying emoji dot png😂

No flag? Why would ther ebe a flag?😃

RIP wflag and bflag

thats the tea


also RIP pickle

testing a thing

Jow Forums is dead🙁