When do the chinese take over the world?

When do the chinese take over the world?
I don't care if they see me as a subhuman monkey, kikes already do that and they have shady interests, at least the chinese seem to be interested in our advancement as a species not just greed and power.

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>wanting the chinese to take over because of [grossly exaggerated and unsubstantiated opinion]


>I don't care if they see me as a subhuman monkey, kikes already do that
Dude, everyone does.

I want to fuck and impregnate a Chinese woman

lol no there are people that see us as gods, sadly
I like them better than whoever is at charge right now that just wants to progress sideways amounting to nothing

>no there are people that see us as gods, sadly
In your fucking dreams, nigger.

If the Chinese conquer the world Earth will become like it is in Bladerunner only worse because there will be no sex robots, Chinks don't give a shit about the environment

you like them better, solid reasoning.

>at least the chinese seem to be interested in our advancement as a species not just greed and power
Lol. Yeah fucking right. I think the rise of China will be incredibly beneficial, but more for the reason of giving competition to America and because they're obsessed with greed and power instead of being obsessed with seeking vengeance against the whites and Goys like the current rulers of the West are.

modern black americans have benefitted tremendously in America. i dont think they realize that they have more privilege than any other minority group.

cant blame Whites for "racism" when most of the time its made-up. jessie smellit wasnt the first one, he was just caught. maybe he wanted to be caught

how true is it that people in China are race realist

idk, i cant speak for the chinese. if i had to guess, theyre probably pro-china when asked, but will date Whites first and foremost if given the chance.

How the fuck do people even come up with these retarded ideas? How are the Chinese any more focused on advancing our species than the West? If anything they're the ones who don't want us to advance. What, like where the fuck do you get this info? Are you actually autistic enough to spout this bullshit based on some anecdotal evidence only you are aware of?

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Maybe he just doesnt lioe having jews in power. They have been kicked out of many of the countries they have been to and they are so disgusting that people had to make laws so no kormal persom would hurt them. They are an enemy to mankind.

Chinese still rely on leaching tech from the West, they aren't creating any new advancements. At least the Japanese are capable of creativity and innovation. We should have let the Japanese take over China to be honest.

>possibly black user blaming Jews of all people

ffs. yeah black activism is funded by Soros, and he may be some kind of whackjob, but its undeniable that its been incredibly effective at destabilizing conservatism in the last decade.

isnt that what you want? to get "back at the White man"?

not understanding that White men went to war with each other to free black slaves, and have generously helped blacks over the centuries. and before you bring up Jim Crow and lynchings, you have to weigh this with the good liberals in the past have done for blacks as a group. with Jews being prominent amongst liberals.

It's hard to describe exactly. In the US we're forced to interact and coexist with other races, so the philosophy of equality and non-discrimination prevails. We're more familiar with other races, but we're also biased by forced tolerance towards them. Insular cultures like China or Japan have little experience with other races. People living in the countryside there may never have seen a white or black person before, so all they have to go on is hearsay. In general I would say that they're less biased and more likely to take an objective, realistic approach. However due to a lack of familiarity their opinions are typically not informed by real life experiences.

They actually have some really interesting tech advancements over the US. Wechat for example is hugely prolific. It's like facebook, google maps, yelp, paypal etc etc all rolled into one app. You can book a reservation, order your meal and pay in under a minute for example, then arrive later to immediately be seated and served. As big as cell phones are in the west they're even bigger in China, it's the cell phone capital of the world right now. Very few businesses accept credit cards there since credit culture never really took off, most places DO accept payment via wechat though. Some stores have already adopted the same model as the new amazon test stores. Just walk in, grab what you want and walk out. You'll pay via wechat automatically. China may have had a slow start in the modern eta relative to the US, but they're aggressively gaining ground. There's no doubt that the 21st century will be an age of Chinese supremacy.

im not black you lunatic.
I just dont like the way the current leaders excercise their power, and China looks like its on the rise.
I apologize for my ignorance

You are grasping at straws that dont even exist. Why do you assume he is black?

Hopefully soon
Then I might have a chance to get a chinese gf

im allowed to be wrong. np

Sure, that's convenient, but it isn't a revolutionary advancement. If they could do something like make graphene really cheap, or some equivalent discovery/innovation, then I would start respecting them.

What if they sterilised all non-chinese? Would you be fine to be the final generation of your kind, as long as there was a 100% assured guarantee that the chinese would carry humanity to the stars?
The jews won't do it. Whites won't do it. Arabs won't do it. The idea of blacks doing it is absolutely hilarious.

>not believing in Black Space Marines


That's just an example. They've more or less caught up technologically and are beginning to surpass the west in some areas. It's a little haphazard in parts because it was done in a rush, but when the older generation of backwards illiterate Chinese boomers dies off they're going to be a fully developed and truly modern nation. It's going to happen within this century, and with their tremendous population they're bound to surpass the west at that time. They're already approaching the US GDP and that's with a huge underclass of peasants. Once the middle class is properly up and running they'll tear past us no problem.

>In the year 2030...

>Humph. So I've heard that you want to rent one of my father's apartments? You know, If I talk with my dad about it, he might allow you to rent one of his smallest units. However...
>M...miss Xiao please. I am desperately in need of this apartment, Me and my wife just had a baby and we need a place to live. I will take anything, even a shoebox. I..If you could just try to convince your father...
>Oh really? If you want me to do that, then you are going to do exactly what I tell you now.
>Y..Yes of course. I will do anything.
>Lie down on the floor, right at my feet.
>Miss Xiao...
>What was that? Are you talking back to me, white dog? Apologize now, or I will make sure you will not be able to rent any apartment in the whole country for the rest of your life.
>I apologize Miss Xiao, It will not happen again, I swear.
>You will make up for your insolence. My feet are very tired and sweaty. I want you to lick them clean. Very throughly. Between toes too. Tell me you will be delighted to do that.
>...Of course Miss Xiao. I will gladly lick your feet clean.
>Such a good white doggie! You better get used to it, you are going to do that regularly, every day from now on. Do I make myself clear?

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They have no equivalent of white guilt their media LOVES playing up SJW (they call them "baizuo") antics in the west and laughing at them. But they don't really hate any other races except for the Japanese.

white people created industrialization and pollution in first place. america and europe were polluted as fuck 100 years ago

>advancing our species than the West
the government isnt run by corporations trying to figure how best to extract money and labor from the population

the fuck is wrong with this website

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yeah the issue in the us is that we already have adopted tech. it is easier for developing markets to adopt the latest tech than to force developed consumers to move forward

foot fetishes should undergo genocide

>seem to be interested in our advancement as a species not just greed and power.

That is genuinely the worst take I've ever seen of the Chinese Communist Party Why do they have mass surveillance? Why do they have no free speech? Why do they limit foreign companies from entering the country? Literally all the CCP cares about is power. I genuinely think you know absolutely nothing about China if you think that the world would be in a better place with China as a global power.

In a way that sort of authoritarian semi-fascist government can be a huge boon to the nation's development. It's bad for the individual people but great for the country as a whole. Singapore for example of the poster child for this. By virtually every relevant metric it's fucking fantastic. But, chewing gum is banned. China is taking a similar approach towards building up the nation as a whole. A few human rights abuses are fine in the eyes of the communist party, as long as it grows the GDP. Fall in line Hong Kongers, you can have your rights back after we've firmly cemented our place as the primary world power.

At least until India starts catching up...

Degenerate foot fetishist. You are the lowest of the low, less than omega.

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>Why do they have mass surveillance? Why do they have no free speech? Why do they limit foreign companies from entering the country?
These are good things. They ensure stability and prevent degeneracy. Also allows for national sovereignty
this, but India will be slower due to the fact that is a liberal democracy.

>see me as a subhuman monkey
I guess an ant like yet human shaped superorganism would perceive me as such. I say kill 'em all.

Seethe all you want wh*toids, the future is yellow and your place in it is beneath her superior feet.

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these are not even good feet they could use a pedicure

Okay I can't be bothered arguing with you, but it's still proof that CCP cares a LOT about power.

>Okay I can't be bothered arguing with you
brainwashed american. this what democracy has brought you

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sorry mean this pic

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That guy on the left has lovely little round titties.

Not in our lifetime. I guess it depends on what you mean by take over though. Even if China overtakes the US in total GDP, the average person will still be living a much better life in the US. In terms of culture, China doesnt even have as much influence as South Korea at the moment. For example, everyone has heard of jrock, kpop, anime, samsung, etc. What culturally relevant thing has come out of China in the last 15 years? Huawei?

This is exactly what I was looking for in this discussion topic thank you.

China has zero soft power. They will never have any soft power for as long as their current government stays in power. Their entire country and economy is a sham, built on pollution and debt and fraud.

yeah the us will control soft power globally for as long as i can forsee. the use of english and money as well as free speech allow them to do this. as much as they hate niggers they should thank them for hip hop and sports

1) I'm not American
2) I wasn't arguing with you on surviellance and free speech because you changed the subject, exactly like you've done now. I was simply talking about the CCP liking power.

US will have the majority of soft power for a long time but Europe and Japan also have a good amount. China has none.

>CCP liking power
they like power so they can advance their interests which is better for society than jewish interests

>Europe and Japan
Euro and Japan soft power is a meme and is controlled by the US

You're clearly a newfag, but your post made me lol irl regardless.

If you actually would be ok with the Chinese becoming the global super power then you really have no idea what the chinese interests are or what they want for the world.

I'd suggest doing some research, but seeing your logic in action it would probably consist of a google search of "hot chinese women".

The Chinese are basically just planning on doing what the European powers did, which is plain old Imperialism.
The only things keeping them from going full force is the U.S., but even then they still got away with taking Tibet, and are currently colonizing Africa.
They're just as motivated by Greed and Power as the Jews.

>chinese interests
well tell us what are they

>supporting the chinese while being black
Biggest cuck on the board Jesus. Kikes see us as monkeys, the chinese see us as what, fuel? Don't be stupid.
Jews are shit too. Jews only support themselves for profit. Don't fall for their tricks.

all this empire talk just reminds me that the kushites were the least evil empire builders the world will ever know

Just be white
Chinks love the BWC



>Many expressed their glee at finding themselves the object of Hiddleston's affections, with one fan posting a quote which said: "I'm not his fan. I'm his wife."

>"Look at the money I spent because of you, husband," another posted

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>Just be rich famous marvel superstar
fixed that for you

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>at least the chinese seem to be interested in our advancement as a species not just greed and power.
I don't believe that anyone is dumb enough to believe this honestly.
Chinese are very much power and greed driven just like every other cunt. They would be very bad in control of the world, ordinary citizens in china do not have a good life. They're totalitarian fuckwits who you're just a cheap slave to.
It'd probably be really bad if any one country was in control of the world


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