Why are azn women like this?

why are azn women like this?

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Because Asian men are low test.

They can act smug about it, but everyone knows that Asian women get shat on too, just not as badly. Chads treat them like literal sex dolls, and they have to settle for beta bob.

she has nice legs and feet

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Noodle whores, like all roasties, have no loyalty to their people.

This, it's a shame, women are all the same all around the globe. Only black queens are worth it

Esthur Ku is an honorary white/black queen

I've dated plenty of Asian women. The kind that don't and go for White guys are usually lower tier and not worth the time to begin with.

KARA INEK is the definition of female beauty. Lets start by looking at her body. Her body is curvy and well portioned, her wide hips and large butt sways but once and attracts a mate. Her skin is resistant to the sun, offering a degree of protection against certain cancers that lesser races of women lack (oriental bitches). KARA INEK is also more sexually assertive, she finds a suitable mate and locks them in place with her charms and terrorizing prescence. Her very demeanor cows the lesser, beta races of women (Wh*toid bitches), who submit their mates to KARA INEK.
This is why KARA INEK is the pinnacle of female development.

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Because they hate themselves.

Someone call storm ranger.

>They can act smug about it, but everyone knows that Asian women get shat on too, just not as badly. Chads treat them like literal sex dolls, and they have to settle for beta bob.
What you just said is absolutely true.

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Women want big dicks. More at 11.

Can confirm. Beta white guy and the Asian girls who have gone for me were absolutely bottom of the barrel tier. Usually ugly/average at best, but what was worse was their personalities.

And they will try to doormat you and doormat you fast, if you show the slightest hint of pride or self respect, she's gone off to the next orbiter or backup.

>browsing this thread and see (You)

can you blame them? since the dawn of time asian "men" have abused their women. of course our women are jumping off the asian mini dick and straddling a REAL man.

and there isnt a thing we can do about it.

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blame asian "men", a whole group of sissies and beta doormats.

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Where are they abusing them exactly? I've seen asian men treat women very nicely.

what creepy advertising

Because beauty standards, as with most other values and dogmas, are generally inherited from the predominant culture/environment a person is raised in. If a Vietnamese girl is born in Berkeley, raised on Pop Tarts and Gatorade, grows up watching Recess and Dawson's Creek, and so on and so forth, then she'll be indistinguishable from any other American save superficial appearance. As America is still a predominantly white country, with white media, with white media stars, and white standards of beauty, then of course a boy or girl, black, white, red, yellow, or brown, will accept those same things despite not being white themselves. Then again, Americans have always been really weird about race, so maybe everyone really does just want to BLANDA UPP and hate their own race or whatever.
t. asian khhv

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idk. thats because asian are just compensating for having little rice dicks and bad tempers.

asian women and White men choose to be together, thats pretty ironclad.

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You are asian too you fucking idiot
Goddamn I hate Storm Cuck

I largely do. The expectations Asian women/girls seem to have going into relationships with a white guy are absolutely hysterical, so they start going for the Chadbro, and slowly descend the ladder as they get laughed at and tossed aside after being used for a few days/weeks, slowly they work their way down the greasy white pole to the absolute bottom tier whites, the Reddit browsers and game developers and male feminists.

But even they fall apart because all white soys are just LARPing retards trying to feel superior due to moraliizing, they are still white at the end of the day and have pride and self respect and a natural desire to control and dominate everyone around them.

A lot end up settling for a white cuck that will let them fuck Chad whties from time to time OR they just go back to Asian guys after being used and abused by top to bottom tier whites for their early years.

Asian women are literally disgusting creatures, they are apex femininity and they are truly rancid. Hot as fuck, great for sex and doing whatever fantasy you want (they tend to have no limits or very few, extremely degenerate) and easier to keep and control than a white girl since you don't need a personality or even to talk much or be interesting or have great status, seeing as you're already white.

But they are rancid, truly. Despicable creatures.

>"if we had more representation in Hollywood...!"

hold up. theres tons of asian actors in asia, how come asian women in asia are especially gooey over White men hmm?

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yup. thats why i said "we" instead of "they", try to keep up.

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dam bro, seems like you are jellus asf. yew mad?

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>why are azn women like this?
>why do women have a natural derision for ugly men
Men arent as valuable as women. An ugly woman can have kids still, and is There for valuable to a man.
Ugly men dont have sex though, they have no value as mates. That's why women don't like them. Women are designed to be turned on by favorable traits, when you dont have a favorable trait, you turn them off.

Please don't misconstrue my words to fit your agenda, it's not conducive to serious discussions and only lowers board quality. As far as I could tell from the occasional trips I used to make to Busan, they're not any more attracted to white guys any more than they are red, black, or brown. Of course there's always that allure of the novel, but that's just about the same for men and women everywhere.

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No I just genuinely hate women, literally vioolently detest them, of all races, and the more feminine a race is the worse their women are, generally speaking.

The best waifu tier women ironically happen to be Middle Eastern and nigger women, as they are the most masculine, sadly they are ugliest generally too.

thank you.

>red, brown, black


>Everybody but Asian guys

So that's a fucking lie, 90% of asian females racemixing is with white guys with the rest dating hispanics or randoms

you barely ever see azn grils with pajeets or blacks

i dont. i understand them. because the thing is, if asian men could date White women like White men date asian women, asian men wouldnt look back.

i only see asian women with White men or asian men, desu.

>you barely ever see azn grils with pajeets or blacks

at USC i saw plenty of azn girls with blacks

Asian guys can't go extinct because if a white man procreates with an Asian woman then the child won't be considered white. It'll be another mix breed with strong Asiatic features.


black men cannot give asian women babies with White features.

Asian guy here. I find some white women attractive, but I still find Asian women more attractive. And most White women are too vapid to deal with. Not that there aren't lots of vapid Asian women. Too, but at least they're usually more intelligent.

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thats true. really theres nothing to worry about.

This just in, girls are whores who want big dick.

A fellow USC student!

so the degeneracy has advanced in the few years since i left school huh

>asian guy

asian gay more like it. also get better taste. turns out i dont have many shirtless men saved on my phone, huh.

and no, White women are way more attractive.

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All Asian men should just kill themselves and reincarnate as a beautiful white woman.

this skinnyfat, patchy beard, almost incel tier guy is the best you can come up with.

meanwhile this Half Chad easily mogs your guy. makes him look like a wandering hipster in comparison.

its not a mystery as to why asian women are legitimately attracted to White men.

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no, i think ill live to the end of my days doing what i do.

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I think this is only true for like western Asian women. What traditional Asian culture represents is the exact opposite of what is cool in the mainstream media now a days so they try to get away from it.

Fresh off the boat Asians on the other hand hang date and hang out with exclusively other Asian people.

But then again I could understand westernized asian men dating westernized asian women but it seems like even asian men who grew up outside asia date outside of their race.

How's Asian women personality wise?

you are actually retarded if you think what you posted is what women want as opposed to go outside dipshit

He's just another white incel with no understanding of facial aesthetic.

Yeah, you just have fictional game characters instead. lmao. Enjoy your white roasties.

White women pretty much founded computer science, but yeah the dumb ones are really dumb. Or at least intellectually lazy since they can just get by on good looks.

This guy could easily kick this faggot's ass

Smart white women that are also pretty are much rarer than smart and attractive Asian women.

Based posts right here.

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i promise you im the toughest, baddest asian guy around these parts, kid.

you know what. call me a cuck, but im the guy who refuses to keep my head buried in the sand.

maybe the rest of you will join me up here someday.

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very warm and physical when theyre around you. hard asf to get ahold of sometimes, but thats just my personal experience

only because asians have billions more people

Oh, you know, [insert generalization here].

They're actually individuals

but theyre all asian women?

>at USC i saw plenty of azn girls with blacks

The whole "Asian girls don't like black guys" meme has been pretty thoroughly debunked by now. Asian girls don't DATE black guys, don't enter RELATIONSHIPS with black guys, at least East Asians, SEAs will marry niggers.

But Asians, especially East Asians, absolutely will fuck black guys and do find them really hot, as hot if not more so than white guys. Asian students are constantly fucking black guys here in UK as well as Chad white guys. I think they PROBABLY still prefer white guys even for casual sex, but many are definitely willing to dip their toes in the mud from time to time.

They will only have relationships with Asian guys or beta white guys, but they absolutely will get their fill of Chad white and black cock at clubs/parties/in uni dorms/on Tinder etc. I absolutely guarantee you that.

I love how happy this shit makes Jow Forums browsers.

a bold claim requires bolder evidence

i'm pajeet and i have an asian gf

actually i've only been with three girls in my life and they were all asian

how did you find this place, master Rahjeet?

it's so funny how you guys have such an authoritative tone, as if you're doctorates in the subject or something, when it's really just all bullshit lol

I mean just search for amateur Asian BBC porn on PornHub dude, go to sites like blacktowhite and search for Asian girls/stories/media.

This is just ones willing to actually film/be filmed and uploaded to the Internet, which is a very, very small percentage of the ones actually doing it, and believe me there is a SHITTON of said material. I would say there's honestly as much if not more Asian girl with BBC amateur (and I mean proper amateur, shaky phone cam/snapchat etc. etc.) as there is Asian girl with white guy amateur (and again I mean proper amateur, not paid).

I used to work nights security and I would see it all the time at the club across the street too, Asian girls stumbling out of the bar on the arm of a black or Arab guy walking up a dark alley with them, these were respectable looking Asian girls, clearly students or professionals, and I'd place good money on them having white or Asian boyfriends either here or back home. The kicker is I live in the far north of the UK, there's barely any Asian or black people here, it's 96% white in my region and my city is like 92% white, most of the nonwhites being Pakistanis.

My ex, who was Asian, also told me many times Asian girls (the younger ones) were really into black guys and it was growing in popularity. This was especially the case in Japan and Korea (where she worked teaching English for 2 years) but also among the Asian community here in the UK.

She apparently hated black guys and had zero attraction, but who really knows. I don't really think she was lying, she was always pretty open about what kind of guys she found hot and wasn't afraid to say she did find guys totally different to me hot.

oh gosh, i was hoping you had something more than porn searches. yes i know BMAF porn is a thing, but do you have anything else?

BQ why do people spell it azn

i've been coming here (Jow Forums, not r9k) since i was in high school

glad i didn't go on here before i got laid, it probably would have fucked me up and i'd never have gotten any

ok. club girls going home with nice gentlemen, doesnt seem so terrible.

cool. congrats on the fine gfs!

They are like white girls. Except this is incorrect. Like 75-80% of Asian girls love white guys
maybe 20-25% like black, Indian guys etc

Yeah dude it;s because we've actually been out in the real world and seen it with our own eyes instead of holed up in rooms on message boards only entering echo chamber threads where people post retarded dating site stats. Dating site stats are utter bullshit, only utter rejects IRL where I live use Tinder or dating apps for anything other than irony/jokes. Most women guys just go to clubs and parties and fug there.

I worked in a nightclub and I worked in retail security. Believe me, women absolutely do love black and Middle Eastern guys even if they're not willing to date them or openly admit they like them/are interested in casual flings with them.

Doesn't mean they don't love white guys as much/more. Women are literally like you in the sense they will fuck anything hot, regardless of race.

fair enough. so you agree that asian girls like White men the most? but your addendum is that asian women are wanting to date other races too.

doesnt seem all that bad.

>fair enough. so you agree that asian girls like White men the most? but your addendum is that asian women are wanting to date other races too.

Yes, the point was made in contention to the dude claiming Asian girls hate blacks and never touch them, this is grossly inaccurate. It's laughably inaccurate based on what I've seen and experienced (and there's barely any fucking Asians or blacks in my region).

I would say Asian girls prefer white guys the most, then black guys/middle east guys (but only for casual sex with black/middle east, they will rarely date black/me unless they are SEA) then Pajeet and Asian guys.

well theres a Rahjeet ITT thats had 3 asian gfs. ill take your word for it m8, keep these generals updated with future on-site sightings.

no fuckin way. asian girls would never touch a nigger or paki. the reality is if they cant find a chad white guy or a successful asian they will settle for a beta bux white or beta bux asian. there are tons of asian girls who would never date outside their race

Yeah go talk to some black dudes too about girls (of all stripes, Asians included) and what they do/want to do with them when they think they're safe to do so.

I don't work in security anymore and never intend to again. It's a garbage job and the sights I witnessed in nightclubs thoroughly sickened me and filled me with a genuine pathological hatred for women.

It's not like I want this to be the case. I'd fucking love if women of all races worshipped white men exclusively and shunned men of all other races, but it's not reality and being white is not some golden ticket to sexual bounty.

lol. no need for that bro, desu White men still have a sweet deal when dating out.


>there are tons of asian girls who would never date outside their race

Yes, I explicitly said I am NOT talking about dating with niggers/ME men. They will have casual sex with them, they will rarely date them or admit they had casual sex with them.

For actual dating/relationship the preference is white >> Pajeet/Asian >>> black/middle eastern.

But I guarantee you they will fug niggers and ME men. And will sext with them and cam with them. Try making a fake Tyrone Tinder and superliking Asian girls in your area or if there aren't many in your area set it to California (particularly SF/SD) or Washington.

Seriously give it a shot.

well shit, once upon a time, dating and having sex were mutually inclusive.

That's the biggest load of crap and would result in family exclusion.

To Asian cultures lineage is very important and even one of the richest white guys would get sniffed at a bit by the family.

so it seems like an Asian guy in the West should really focus on himself and his own self-improvement, right? sounds like they're pretty fucked in terms of getting into relationships.

no they wouldnt? sounds like some you-know-what

ya. and find hobbies and books to read.

Yeah that's your problem bro. This is a different world and a different breed/generation of females.

The older/more men, the worse they are. But since most girls here start around 14 with teen boyfriends they end up on around 10 by the time they're 20, so already by 20 they're gigawhores absolutely cold and calculating and ruthless.

And the more whore females there are going around, the more they taint the few decent females that actually are remaining by validating their lifestyle when they coalesce in groups (GUUURL DON'T LET HIM CONTROL YOU! YOU'RE YOUNG AND FREE! IF HE CAN'T PLEASURE YOU IT'S HIS OWN FAULT! WHOOOO! MORE COCKTAILS!).

Degeneracy is literally a plague, a virus, especially among women.

Why is every female comic exactly the same? Never anything funny to say and the entire act is about her dating people or having sex and it's completely void of jokes.

yeah i saw a nig and a blonde girl fucking at midnight out in the open a couple weeks back
it never ends

i wouldnt say that. its not even degeneracy, its freedom. but yeah this brain is going to a painful adjustment.

He's right that this is how it goes once the disillusionment takes place.

>Guys asian girl love niggers, I saw it on pornhub!
Damn, so there really are horny housewives in my area who want to fuck me...

could be. that comment was more leaning towards his blatant misogyny. does he get mad at a dog that wants to bark?

It's the fear of that this person may not carry the same values or take care of the parents.

do you get mad at a woman that wants to fuck big dicks? and handsome men?


asian parents dont even want to live with their adult children though. thats just in asia where housing is extremely limited and expensive.

There was a video on some cuckold Reddit sub of a nigger getting out his car at a traffic lights, surrounded by other cars and people, runs over to this blonde, white girls car and she literally sucks him off for like 5 seconds or so before he pulls out and runs back, with her smiling with glee and winking as he runs back. Not even porn stars, just random people, filmed by someone else at the lights.

It was in Florida, I believe. This shit has literally spiralled out of control. Young UK girls are literally obsessed with niggers.

It is fucking degeneracy, and this shit just gets worse and worse. They only get deeper and deeper until only the most extreme, disgusting sex acts can get anything out of them.

Try telling any girl 25 and under you just like missionary vanilla sex that is loving and intimate. You will literally be laughed at or cheated on within weeks.

fuck off cuck and take ritaroasty with you we don't feel bad for women here.

sex isnt degeneracy. idk, dont you want sex too? and do all the kinky stuff pornstars do?

i like ritalinbot though, he has good taste in women.

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Sucked him off through the open car window by the way as he stood in the road, by the car. He didn;t get in her car, he literally just stood there and slotted his dick through the car window.

honestly, that sounds really intimate and fun. dont you want that too?

Cultural disparity can matter more if longterm plans factor in. Unless you've found someone on the fringe of that collective mindset it can be difficult to bridge and find acceptance in Asian culture.

Speaking of the very stereotypical type though. I suppose it's that feeling of responsibility for a family line, and I admit to me that's a big deal.

So by the time someone's worn off on enjoying themselves and time comes down to playing by the family rules the criteria massively change.

While it still results in the same "alpha fucks, beta bucks" it at least has some weight behind it more than self satisfaction.

>sex isnt degeneracy.

Depends on the sex.

>idk, dont you want sex too? and do all the kinky stuff pornstars do?

No. I actually just want a girl into normal, intimate and loving sex. I'm sickened now by porn and weird fetishes and out of the box bullshit. Yeah it's hot in the moment but it's fucking cancer and it just eats away at you. That's why I nofap and noporn now, even though I'm sexless NEET that never socializes, makes it 1000x as hard.

I did this (kinky pornstar sex) with an ex before who was open as fuck and it was horrible in reality and ended up utterly ruining the relationship.

You cannot respect a woman you have treated like a pornstar. Girls these days just don't seem to understand this or don't care, they're so paranoid of their bf cheating they reduce themselves to a sexual object, thus rendering them incapable of having any love or respect for them and leaving them/cheating anyway as they view her as a slut now that's probably did this for 1000 other guys in the past.