Attractive robot guys

Do they exist or are they all ugly? I want a tired robot bf like this guy

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I'm right here
Cute sad shy boi.

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ye me.

For being a board full of incels, virgins, outcasts etc there sure are a lot of men claiming to be attractive. It doesn't add up. Men always think they're hotter than they are.

Look I'm right here.


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or women think men are uglier than they actually are?

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I'm like a 7/10 and I've met other robots who were above average as well.

Most men weren't meant to reproduce, those stats make perfect sense.

I'm literally that guy but a little bit uglier

Same, I've never seen a timestamped selfie of an attractive guy from here. Sad because I'd like to date one

Yeah I've been told I'm attractive.

Because it is against the board rules to do that, are you baiting or just an /soc/ nigger?

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Nah, talking about offshot discords+guys who add me on steam and shit like that

Im handsome yet akward af .
Wont be your bf since im not intrested in dumb bitches choosing men based on looks tho .

Look up the virgin wall of shame. Plenty of attractive Jow Forums users who claim to be virgins in there. Its old but doubt demographics have changed since.

>most men weren't meant to reproduce
what do you mean by this
who decides that

I can't believe women this beautiful exist.

It's one in seven billion though.

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damn i almost look exactly like that guy in the pic but still never had sex in my life

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Post face.


A girl said I was an 8.5/10. where do I find girls to talk to?

Twitter mostly, plenty of non-normalfag girls there
I follow one that's a shut in lifetime NEET ruski who only tweets about vidya

We do and there's a lot more than you'd expect, the defining features of an Jow Forums user are social awkwardness and isolation which are traits independent of looks despite what the memes would have you believe. Unfortunately this means that you're even less likely to get one of us than a normalchad, most of us are here despite our aesthetic advantage because we've stopped trying. I'd like to think there's still hope, had a really nice talk with a femoid last night after throwing out my disc but I'm already worried she's ghosting me

Multiple random people from work or school call me Clark Kent and multiple roasties said I have a nice jawline. Unfortunately for them, I don't thump vagina, I thump my bible. Honestly considering not even marrying, maybe even go into Monasticism.

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>most of us are here despite our aesthetic advantage because we've stopped trying
i can agree there may be a few attractive people on this board but its not the majority. hope you make it out though bro

Im just bored by so many women that I became a robot. I was never chad or alpha and I had drunk sex with a stranger, but on/off seadonal depression and autistic hobbies makes it hard to get girls and I find the girls in autistic hobbies are opportunistic and queen bee kinds of women looking to prey upon horny lonely men. I guess Im too jaded.

It's definitely not, but I think if you graphed it out you'd find this board's attractiveness distribution to be only slightly below average. But thank you user, hope you make it too

I looked very much like this in my youth, and I was a HHKV. But if you had wanted me as a bf you would have had to make the first, second, and third moves because I would have been too stupid to know what you were trying to do.

women decide

women aren't that into men, just get over it.
they will still date a guy they don't think is hot and even love him, but women are only capable of emotional connection, not physical.

Sure do exist, but not 4 u

I know most people will think I'm larping, but yes, I'm attractive and still a depressed kv. I've had girls tell me I'm attractive, they often stare at me or try and flirt. But they quickly realize that something is wrong with me and lose interest. I'm a first year uni student, and this really cute girl asked for my number literally the first day I was here. She ghosted me after like a week though, because my autism turned her off.


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I regularly have been told by women through friends and women themselves that I am attractive yet I am still on here and have been since a young age. I'm tall, above average intelligence, white, strong jaw-line, nice eyes, physically fit and I am able to hold conversations with people and be interested. It would probably solve some of my problems to have my first relationship, but the real world is soul-crushing for me and most of the time I just want to go home. Most women put me outside of my comfort zone and the way I think/idealize/the hobbies I have put me outside of social situations with normies.

A single man can have 1000 babies at the same time, but a single woman can only have 1. This means that biologically, competition is only necessary between males because females can just all fuck the same dude if they want.

I've been told by a hell of a lot of people, none of whom had any reason or established inclination to lie, that yeah, I'd be a solid 8/10 if I just took off my glasses.

My problem is that I'm an introvert, completely incapable of picking up on hints, and completely incapable of making any kind of first moves, and the few women who've actually expressed a direct interest in me (as opposed to women already in a relationship or something) have all been unattractive to me or nuts. Also, I don't drink, sports, church, or enjoy recreational hearing damage, and although I have plenty of hobbies that get me out of the house, none of them are actually social. And my job is pretty exhausting.

I doubt I'm particularly unusual. There are plenty of us who are robots strictly due to our personalities.

No, I'm not posting a picture; this isn't /soc/, and I don't give a shit if you disbelieve me because I can all but guarantee you don't live anywhere near me anyway.

what kind of autistic hobbies?
