Be me

>be me
>move in with old HS friends since they needed a roommate, and my lease was ending.
>figure it won't be that bad
>they're fine at first, kind of autistic humor but I figure it'll stop
>it doesn't stop
>all they fucking do is play fortnite, go to class, and unironically "REEEEE" at the top of their lungs
>never clean the god damn kitchen
>after a month of bitching I get them to at least keep their trash in the trash can and dishes in the sink
> Tried to be friends with them despite this, I've known two out of the three of them since at least high school
>They slowly start talking to me less
>They didn't even show up for my birthday party, held at the apartment where we live, instead choosing to go and get drunk somewhere else for no reason
>at least my E Bros showed up, fuckin love you faggots
> The third one, let's call him skeletor, is especially retarded
>Skeletor doesn't even talk to me. Skeletor apparently has many problems with me and the "noise" I make when I talk to people on discord or play some music on my phone when I'm cooking in the kitchen
>Skeletor barely makes eye contact or talks to me, and hides in his room with his mop of a gf
>good for him for getting laid, I guess. Just don't forget to store it with the head up
>If you're being loud at night, he won't ask anyone to stop talking. he'll simply bang on his closed door loudly.


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Other urls found in this thread:


One day they all leave for spring break. I go to a different school and stayed at the apt.
>They leave the entire place a fucking pigsty, spend an hour cleaning and wiping down the surfaces.
>Perfect week of cleanliness
>They come home, within 36 hours there's 3 pizza boxes and 2 big bottles of coke on the kitchen counter.
>The next morning, I sleep in because saturday
>I go to the kitchen and begin cooking breakfast, turn on my speaker to listen to some music, maybe half volume max.
>Skeletor and GF come out, I say "Good morning!" and get no response. Go back to cooking.
>Later I sit in my room and talk to a friend on discord, when suddenly skeletor swings in, says nothing, looking at the ground, and slams my door shut
"Could you at least use your fucking words?" I asked him
>all he says is "shut the fuck up" through two closed doors
>open my door again, say bye to my discord friend after apologizing about the slamming.
>Next thing I know skeletor is blasting music and slamming pots together, autistically grunting screaming "AFturPARTY, I'm COOKING GUYS!"
>This 20 year old guy is throwing a full on tantrum over this shit
>Walk outside and wait for him to calm down
>Tell him to talk to me like an adult
>Proceeds to yell at me about how his girlfriend wasn't feeling well, and a few other things that I was completely unable to know about without being told of.
>since nobody talks to me here I don't know anything that's going on
>Tell him this, ask how could I know without communication
>skeletor.exe has frozen
>select "wait for a response" from windows
> skeletor says "I have nothing to say to you"
> Tell him just to talk to me so we can fix the issue
>Apparently I've reached the end of the dialogue tree and this is all he says.
>go back to my room


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They still make the place a constant mess, and I can't even cook anymore because the place is so disgusting all the time.

I'm looking for new places and I'm going to move out at the end of July when my lease is up. I don't think the other two roommates have any issue, and are just kind of lazy stoners, but the animosity from skeletor just makes home life completely unpleasant. How do I survive until then?

I can only spend so much time at work and school. I'm tired of being around this much weaponized autism.

please give advice, some of these days I feel like I'm gonna go insane between the filth and the screaming

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>please give advice, some of these days I feel like I'm gonna go insane between the filth and the screaming
you should go fuck yoursekf

lol, imagine how much more of this and wagecucking you will have to go through, loser

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Shut the fuck up skeletor

I would keep doing what you were already doing with the music and the discord. But put a camera maybe in the kitchen where you cook or in your bedroom facing your computer and the door. Wait for skellington to get so mad over time that he attempts a fight. Let him hit you, call the police, they arrest him, they see there is evidence of bruises. ba da bing you're free on the spook.

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>I'm looking for new places and I'm going to move out at the end of July when my lease is up
Seems like you are on the right track user! Your roommates suck mega dong and they're not going to get any better. Hopefully skeletor doesn't kill you in your sleep. Be glad that you are fairly well adjusted and will continue to grow into a respectable and productive ember of society :)

Unless skeletor gets a gun I'm not really worried

Even then I figure the recoil would be fatal to him so it's a lose/lose

Hahah! feeble wrists seem fitting for such an individual. In terms of advice more pertinent to your immediate situation, I would say just to keep it down to not trigger his autism. Of course this is not fair to you but is he really worth the trouble? Then again im just a beta that avoids conflict at all cost so what do I know?

awful stories like OP's are why I have no qualms about living at home with my parents although I am going on 27. I live rent free and don't have to police retards who were never taught how to pick up after themselves or even hold conversations with people they don't necessarily enjoy the company of.

also I have my own double sink bathroom and shower/tub. I couldn't have a better setup if I tried.

Sounds nice dude, I share your sentiment for the most part. Still live with my old folks, nice not paying rent, no unbearable roommates. But, I guess as I get older, I'm seeing my own family as roommates and the only thing I can think about is getting my own place. Can't wait to finish school. Will gladly give up 50% of my paycheck if it means being on my own.

I've still been using the music when I can cook, but I doubt he'll freak out again

Cool, I also tend to listen to music when vacuuming or doing dishes. I use headphones though, personally cause I hear the music louder. Don't prefer headphones?

not really when cooking, the cables get in the way of what I'm doing.
Airpods are too pricey to justify right now

Figured that would be the reason. What do you make anyway? Can't really cook myself but when I'm on my own I figure I'll adopt a bro meal schedule made up of chicken and rice along with some breakfast staples. Keep it simple and cheap af.

Combining the powers of /ck/ and Jow Forums are god tier.

I like making pretty basic meals, like sandwiches and fried rice. Soups too, those are underrated. You don't have to spend a lot of money to eat well. Just wish I could do it in peace

> move in with old HS friends
So you knew these guys in HS, huh? Were they always like this or do you feel like they changed, personality wise?

I figure living with someone you think you know, you learn about habits and shit you never noticed.

Two things
They're treating this like a frat house and you aren't. Move somewhere with people more mature. They legitimately don't understand why you care about cleanliness, and that's ok but you just aren't compatible with that lifestyle.

You're being a bit of a pussy trying to act friendly towards people that don't like you. Either goad the skeleton in to taking a swing at you or ignore him. Same as your "friends"

Basically, move out

Kek I remember when I moved in my current place my tranny roommate would steal my food all the time, stole my phone, and threatened me with a broom. Now I just avoid him and keep my food in my room and we're chill.

Always heard the best roommates are the ones that you barely see and hardly notice. These guys are noticeable, ninja around their bullshit until you move.

Someone suggested filming secretly with a camera, watch out. Search your state's (or country's if this is outside the US) law about filming consent since some of them require all parties to agree, otherwise, not a bad idea.

I'm not going to make the situation even more hostile by being a twat, especially when once I push the other two they're generally willing to cooperate. It's mostly skeletor who refuses to interact with me at all

Only time I got genuinely angry with them was when a handle of vodka I had from my birthday went empty, despite me having not drank any for a couple of weeks. Nobody confessed, all liqour is now in my closet.

yeah, I figured roomie 1 would be fine since I'm good friends with his brother too, who is a really clean guy around the same age. Oops on me.

Filming genuinely isn't worth the effort. If skeletor gets uppity again I'll just record the screeching and wait for him to calm the fuck down

Do whatever you want, but a beatdown or at least letting him know you'd square up would deflate him instantly. And you'd gain some dignity back after getting mogged by a toothpick

There's not even a mogging going down, I literally just watched him throw a tantrum like a child, and immediately shut down when I pointed out how he could have helped the situation.

Crush his skull bro

>walks around slamming your door, banging on your wall, making fun of you and screaming at you

And he probably drank your liquor cuz he knew you wouldn't do anything. You need to put him in his place my man, he probably won't even attempt to fight

OP, when is your lease up? If it is not far off then there is no point of engaging in violence the result of which may cause irreparable damage to you physically and legally.

Also, I think it is obvious OP is going to take the high road bois.

if you do video and he does another tantrum, watch it alone first and see if maybe it's you who's being a cunt. More likely it's not, and then you can show him the video of himself sperging out and he'll feel like a total fuckwit.

also you do need to stand up for yourself more firmly, but don't take a swing. If you hit him you can legally fuck yourself over, I'm a paralegal so I know. If he hits you, bring a civil action against him for battery. Then proceed to take away all his assets or recover cash damages from his parents.

Have you never been bullied? You never take the first swing, you just insult the other guy until he does. And this whole filming bullshit you guys are recommending is weird as fuck. OP needs to grow some balls, he's afraid of confrontation and this guy is training wheels

>people who need to listen to music when cooking/showering
Don't pretend you're not annoying too

If he has a problem he can come to me and say something like a damn adult. He doesn't get in my way, he just skeeves me out with this weird shit

the other two are more the autistic screamers

although there was one time when one of them confessed to pegging himself with a dildo using my olive oil

yelled at him for at least 10 minutes over that one

another time I accidentally left a pot on the stove with some pasta starch I didn't fully rinse out and I caught skeletor making a weird pile of pans and jars with a sticky note on top

naturally I asked him what he was doing and he just slunked and said "hey ,user, could you clean this?" and ran back to his room

there's nothing to confront. Skeletor is just a weird guy who acts like I'm the bad guy for behaviors that I have no idea are bothering him. I've been keeping my noise lower since the tantrum but it's not changed my behaviors.

The other two not cleaning bugs more more in the last month

and while I'm at it, skeletor is the only one I didn't know before this.

I'm moving into a studio apartment, hopefully in the nieghborhood I want. Just gotta make a few bucks more a month and I'll be good.

Whatever man, never would have had as much problems if you didn't put up with his shit in the first place. The fact you obsess over him mean you subconsciously want to beat his ass

I'm not saying beating his ass wouldn't be some of the most satisfying shit I can think of, but the fallout from doing something like that just isn't worth it

Dude, you don't even have to necessarily fight him. You just need to make sure he knows you would, and if he wants to then you beat his ass. The fallout would be you wouldn't get treated like a cuck

Fuck his gf.

Surprised nobody suggested this.

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the gf ain't worth it
>pic related

he never even makes eye contact with me, I'm only gonna get up on him if he tries more tantrum shit.

Last time he talked to me was if I ate his fucking brownie, which I didn't because I eat real food

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You almost fooled me fucker
>Reddit spacing

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>mops should be stored with the head up

Thanks OP, I learned something in this thread. Also thank you for making me grateful that not cleaning their dishes is the worst thing my housemates do.

>Just don't forget to store it with the head up
>select "wait for a response" from windows
>Even then I figure the recoil would be fatal to him so it's a lose/lose
>one of them confessed to pegging himself with a dildo using my olive oil

Laughed out loud at all of these. If it's any consolation, your suffering has brought me joy, and you're a good writer.

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glad I got a chuckle out of you user. Honestly, this place isn't the worst on earth, since it's independent leasing I can keep my bathroom and bedroom nice and orderly. The entire area just isn't good for me, even if these guys were cooler. It's too far from where I got to work and school, I'm probably going to move closer to the city.

What do you mean by mop of a gf