What is your opinion on reverse traps?

What is your opinion on reverse traps?

This is how my ideal woman body looks like. Its just perfect.

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A "reverse" trap would have to be flat.

that's just a woman with short hair you retard

Wouldn't that be a tomboy?

I don't know about this one scooby

Traps don't have boobs, so it makes sense that a reverse trap would.

No. It would be a boyish looking girl trying to look as feminine as possible. Tomboy is the other way around.

And since traps aren't gay that would make reverse traps gay

>a crossdressing gay man isn't gay because he wears a dress

I like double reverse traps better.

My fetish is to fuck a non-binary biological female.

>ideal woman body
from the neck down, yes. she hit the lottery with that body

but the face is the best thing about her. she looks like an effeminate dude with a woman body, it's like a trap that is not gay to fuck, a shame she's probably a dyke

the woman in the OP pic is clearly very much "binary". just look at the way she's posing.

>What is your opinion on girls with great bodies but busted faces?


not really. her face is literally above average. you have to keep in mind she's not doing any of the things other women do to cover up their facial flaws. those bags under her eyes could be hidden with makeup. her eye brows could be thinned out. she could (and should) wear her hair long. add mascara, a slight blush to her cheeks and some sort of lip gloss and she would look just as feminine as any other e-thot. god knows why she doesn't do all these things. too lazy maybe.

I'm soo confused??

I know but i like to think she isn't

>nobody has posted more pics
garbage thread

I want a gf with a body like this.

So sad, i'm a neet

Her name is Lacypet. I'm not in the mood to post more pics so here are some links

Now im in love

This ffs, they have to be flat and boyish
Too bad even pics of them are rare

Please, get tested for autism


>What is your opinion on reverse traps?
dated and married one. expected a lot more drama both from her and the world.
I'm basically living with a best bro that I fuck every other day and people can't tell we are a couple and assume we are brothers until we do something like kiss, then they assume we are from San Fransisco

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So you married a tomboy, not a reverse trap, you idiot.

I think you mean tomboys with lewd bodies. Absolutely patrician.

It just seems like homosexuality in denial. Or at the very least, the very definition of bisexual.

Just because you want to fuck a dude with a vagina doesn't excuse the fact that you want to fuck a dude. Sure, it strictly is less gay than fucking a trap, but at the same time you are attracted to male traits and want to fuck a male, just guilt-free.

>that pic
>calling feminine traits gay and faggy

It's this kinda mental gymnastics that makes people on this board hate fags to begin with, especially the predatory kind that are trying to suck people into their grooming discords.

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Girls like this make my penis rock hard.
I'd give anything to have an opportunity to force feminize and fuck one.

I dated one with gender identity issues but sadly us dating turned her "normal"

Damn im jealous.
What was it like watching her slowly go from dressing and acting like one of the guys to a submissive girly girl?

It was cute but also kind of sad because it seemed like she was who she was but being with me changed her as a person and it was kind of a guilty feeling as if I was making her change where she'd been comfortable as herself before.

She's obviously 100% female, just a with a boy-ish face.
This is what i have in mind when i hear "reverse-trap"

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How did you meet her? I need to know so I can do the same

I'm all about the pantsuit CEO look.

>pantsuit CEO look
Too bad this died in the 80s.

Attached: A1IMyZTWsGL[1].jpg (1724x2475, 1.61M)

The collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble truly ruined the world we live in today.

Honestly reverse traps are just as that as traps. Think about it.
Someone who loves traps wants to fuck a boy who looks almost exactly like a girl, but with a dick.
Someone who loves reverse traps wants a girl that looks exactly like a boy.
The original concept of traps is that you think it's a girl and are ATTRACTED TO IT... Until you see the dick.
With reverse traps, you think it's a boy... And are ATTRACTED TO IT... Until you see the vagina.
You're literally saying you're attracted to what you think is a boy, which is gay.

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>just as that as traps
Meant to say just as GAY

I find no flaw with your logic.

It's just that nowadays it seems like everything has to be about traps and about being a faggot.

"Reverse traps" are just tomboys.
Just like "traps" are twink guys.
What makes them traps or gay is your reaction to them.
They can't "trap" you if you like women and are attracted to a tomboyish girl.
Or if you're a fag and love twinks.

>What makes them traps or gay is your reaction to them.
>They can't "trap" you if you like women and are attracted to a tomboyish girl.
This is also great

Attached: BR.png (337x142, 3K)

formiate and red bar?

Active Jow Forums server, no normalfags allowed:

Attached: ahegao 4.jpg (225x225, 18K)

No, it's supposed to be based and redpilled.

but formiate is the salt of an acid?
And that's not a pill