Be me

>be me
>meet grill online
>we live in the same city and we've been chatting for a couple months
>we finally agree to meet at a bar tonight
>changes plans suddenly and now she wants me to hang out with her and group of her friends

What happened bros? What do now?

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She's nervous. Try again in a couple of weeks

She's playing it safe because she wants to know if you're dangerous. Don't act dangerous and threatening.

You've acquired a harem.

Go meet her and her friends you fucking faggot.

She was the one that first suggested hanging out 1 on 1 at bar. I don't get roasties.
I'm anxious to hang out with a bigger group of people. I was neet for 5 years and haven't had social relations in that time.
What if it's other dudes in there too.
Fuck (You)
I'm scared.

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gonna have to fit in with a group of strangers now, good luck OP. don't get too drunk out of nervousness and try not to cling too much to your target. her friends are basically interviewing you

Go meet with her and her friends. Have a few drinks first to calm your nerves. Be calm, cordial and polite. Laugh at jokes, relax, have a good time.
>.t 35yr old with some life experience

>I'm scared
Don't be, that's the fucking problem. Go out there and shitpost irl, it'll work.

I'm 23 and they're like 25-30. I work at mcwagies and live with my parents. What if they're all really cool and successful and they just laugh at me.
I got social anxiety. I was thinking about taking klonapin or etizolam or maybe just bailing out.

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No, don't do that. You have nothing to lose in meeting her and her friends.

It would be better for you to go out, get shit faced, and make an ass out of your self, than to sit alone at home....

You really have nothing to lose. Those fuckers are no different from anons.

>I'm 23 and they're like 25-30. I work at mcwagies and live with my parents.
Well, for one don't fucking introduce yourself with "I'm user McVirgin, I work at WagieCuck burgerflip and my mother still washes my clothes!"

Which doesn't mean you should lie if someone ask, just don't disclose the information for no reason.

>"I'm user McVirgin, I work at WagieCuck burgerflip and my mother still washes my clothes!"

I'm just gonna go buy better work shoes and nightwalk while high instead I think. Thanks for the advice though user.

I feel like they will could my robotness and see my a fraud.

Shit literally all true. At least I'm no longer neet.

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Don't be the centre of attention at first.
Try to make some people laugh and find a guy/girl who seems to like you. Switch between them and your girl.
Then you will try to speak more in group discussion but don't be the centre of attention for too long.
Then chit chat with other people.
Don't cling too much on the girl you want, just cling on her at the end of the night when you feel a good connection between you.
In the meantime try to get a contact info of people which seem to like you.

If they are all shit just claim that you had already made plans with a friend of yours so you have to go.
If they want to come just claim that he is antisocial.

Also remember this is an UwU thread now

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You fucking faggot, get your ass up, go get lit, then go meet these fuckers. You have nothing to lose...say anything you want and then leave. Fuck them, once you learn to shitpost irl the world is yours.

This is a one time chance to actually meet people user. I don't know about you but Lord knows how much i'd like that, the only problem really is the age of those people, you said they are between 25 and 30, from personal experience i find that most people from that age are absolute cunts and boring normalfags.

get out of your comfort zone.

I wish i was meeting some new friends tonight

Who cares how old or successful they are? In my job I meet lawyers, doctors, and every other mother fucker, doesn't matter. I'll probably never see them again irl, so I say any stupid thing I want to them.

OP here could show up, say fuck you to every person there, and it would have zero impact on the rest or his life.

Get high and give meet them.

go for some bevvies with some potentially cool strangers

>we've been chatting for a couple months
Now I'm an autist but this seems ridiculously long for an online matchup.

We met on reddit and we shared a lot niche interests in common.

>meetup with her friends
>possible redditors
uh oh

Get ready to be judged, interrogated and entertain a group of shallow women, no pressure tho, it's not like if her friends don't like you that she'll ghost you.

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She is shit testing you user. After a few months she defo knows you are antisocial and such situation would be extremal for you. She does it to mock you and see if you notice it. Expect to be the laughing stock during the meeting (although ost likely they will be doing this under the radar). She most likely told her friends that this is going to be the case, some loser will join them and that loser is you. Tell her to fuck off. Have some self respect.


user I'm going be straight with you: the fact that she wants you to hang out with her friends means she no longer sees you as a potential romantic interest. You've been friend zoned. Of course, you're probably too autistic to realize this and will ignore my and this other anons advice and bumble along to the bar and will turn into a mumbling mess all the while this roastie and her toastie friend will giggle at your autism and string you along for a ride. Take my advice and cut your losses while you can.

look user, i want you to be happy and i want this to work out for you. i know it's hard. she's probably nervous or just seeing how well you act around her friends or just people in general. i highly doubt there's anything particularly malicious behind this, just try your absolute best to act normal as you possibly can, goof and gaff a little and just have a good time. if she doesn't end up wanting to date you, which may happen, just try your best to move on. look, i've read the thread and you say you have niche interests in common but how well do your personalities mesh? i mean, there's a million other people who like marvel movies but that doesn't mean i'm compatible with any of them, you feel me? anyway, i wish you the best user and good luck out there, you're going to be fine.

Listen user I could lie to you like the rest of the anons in this thread by telling you to just go and try but this exact situation happened to me.

>Meet girl
>start chatting
>she starts using her defunct instagram and whatsapp just to talk to me because i dont use anything else
>asks me what i'm into, is always making conversation
>this goes on for a week and I ask her out
>she says ok, a day before she says her 2 friends are coming
>scared shitless decide it's too late to back down
>go and its a girl and another guy
>the 3 of them talk for most of the night
>say goodbye awkwardly and stopped texting her and she hasn't texted me since that day anyways

With women you can be 100% sure they're into you and then it turns out they aren't the only winning move is not to play

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when i met my gf online she invited me to a show with a bunch of her friends and i pussied out like you are doing, and i still kick myself over it (though mostly just because it was a band i really wanted to see). we laugh about it now. but i had already met her 1-1 before that so my situation is a little different than yours i guess

i mean... you could have probably just started talking to her and the group would have splintered naturally into 2 pairs as groups tend to do...

Maybe it would help to rephrase the options:
1. Stay in comfort zone, don't challenge your fears, nothing good happens to you but nothing bad happens to you for sure
2. Roll the dice, start rebuilding your character and self confidence, maybe enjoy the experience and if not learn from it. Something good may happen, something bad may also happen

It was a two couples date you dolt

She probably wants to make sure you're not a mega rapist. Or she wants to make fun of you with her friends. Has she seen your face? Does she know how tall you are? Do you feel like you have a chance? Because if not, then it probably isn't gonna go in your favor.

She said we will hang out together first, and then later in the night I can tag along when she joins her friends for late night karaoke.I'm going bros.

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I know how hard it is to get out of the comfy zone. Good luck OP!

They weren't a couple they were siblings that happened to be friends with this girl and all they talked about was their past relationships and how all 3 of them go to parties all the time

Godspeed man i'll have you in my thoughts and prayers

escape this place

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Thank you bros. I'm on 1 mg klonopin and 700 phenibut, don't judge me please. Hopefully updating with a green text later tonight.

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Update: She backed out last minute because she's been drugged and rapped before said she feels vulnerable and got a rush of anxiety. Think I'm still going to that bar by myself.

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What are the odds that she's actually lying?

dont worry man. chicks are weird and they'll do this shit.
say something nice, like "hey, i totally get it. i'm still going to checkout the bar though :)"

user tonight is your night, go to that fuckin bar anyway. if it sucks then go home looking forward to your bed and vidya knowing you did the hard thing and slayed it, and feel good about yourself