Can have any virgin qt in the world

>can have any virgin qt in the world
>pick a divorcee slut who's had miles of dick inside her, including her pornstar ex-boyfriend

Attached: prince-harry-meghan-markle-honeymoon-1524427842.jpg (768x573, 55K)

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Probably had a Jewish dad

they just sacrificed him for the sake of diversity mate

what's worse, is that people defend this behavior. muh women's lib. they act like it has no bearing on how she acts, when it does. a woman will NEVER love another man like her first.

Attached: 1506494227960_meghan-and-trevor.jpg (600x500, 33K)

>he could have had this

Attached: F1E43898-5136-4144-BC44-F7156117E412.jpg (1024x768, 65K)

Her face literally says "This won't last."

Attached: download (40).jpg (474x266, 19K)

he's marrying into her bloodline, you stupid normie fuckers. crack a fuckin book every now and again.

It is a political wedding to cement ties between uk and usa.

Why does he have so many wrinkles around his eyes at only 33 years old?

Whomst is that?

The Jews did this.

Attached: 1526708150597.png (600x555, 281K)

Not the real Henry, likely a clone.

the bong gets it. no one else seems to grasp the simple reality that royals marry for political reasons.

>no I’ll marry a mutt instead

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If only you knew

"I'M A FUCKING PRINCESS NOW TREAT ME LIKE ONE!!!" is the impression i get

he's a mutt of anglo, german and french aristocracy. His inbreeding meter ust be off the charts

she'll probably get diana'd just for being brown

Attached: Queen-Elizabeth-Angry.3-450x384[1].jpg (450x384, 37K)

i'm sure he could've found much better women in usa

consequences of inbreeding

Just following in his family's footsteps

>P12 suppressed

based queen

Marrying old whore mutt with ugly feet and not a classic English virgin beauty with cute feet.

all of you are retards
he married her because he liked her
Jesus fucking christ, I can handle the collective autism of Jow Forums anymore

This is clearly a marriage of convenience, intended for 4 parties: Henry aka Harry, Meghan, the state, and the growing minority majority populace. He was probably told to marry a woman who was a little ethnic, someone who would be on boatd with lots of public duties and handle them profesionally, you know, kind of like an actress. Behind the scenes, they will have their own separate lives, and even other relationships. This is how it is done, how it's always been done. Sometimes, there is genuine love between the bride and groom, like William and Kate. But Harry and Megs are strictly a show for public consumption.

he's not even royal blood
son of Diana Spencer and James Hewitt

>I like that she’s dark but those tits are too big. I’ll stay with Meghan, thanks

Attached: 2A6D9D8A-7026-47B7-90C4-8E987DD3DA42.jpg (816x1024, 85K)

H&K USP Tactical

nah - you're just autistic

Lmfao she's like the daughter of Trump?

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Quasimodo is an English virgin beauty?

He parties very heartily. Shit, wouldn't you? And by the by, this marriage of convenience won't stop that.

>see, even a divorcee whore can become a princess!

just a coincidence

Living the jewish disney fantasy one day at a time

>I can handle the collective autism of Jow Forums anymore
It's good you CAN handle it.

> A beauty

For England

Couldn't he find a more attractive american? I know american women are whores but still...

do tell user

Of course he could, but the Kike fuckery meddling in his life Misha Nono introducing the pair.

Attached: mishNo.jpg (724x519, 92K)

>Disgusting. Totally unacceptable for the royal bloodline xDDD

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why would someone like trump care about this?

Probably not. They’re generally land whales.

what pisses me off the most is that she's very clearly a le plastic surgery % face

If she isn't barren the kids are gonna be monstrosities


Attached: Kang Hairy of England.jpg (491x458, 41K)

if that's the case they are so full of themselves. people don't really care about the royal family

8/10 in UK

Why can't you 4-channel incels appreciate true love between 2 humans?

you'll see why in a few years

Sham marriage to cover the fact that the royal family are all pedo cannibals.

she does looks disgusting

Is that the dude from final fantasy 9??

"Dad, what momy did before you meet her"
"Well son, you mother was a fucking whore and had a ton of black dick in her pussy. Just like you will now....JAMAL Cm'here lad!"
"Time to punish da royal baby!!!!"


Prince Charles probably said:

"Listen up, you little ginger cunt, your mum was a fucking slag and Major fucking Hewitt is ya Dad - not me! Now, If you wanna to continue being part of us Royals you need to take one for the team. Ive got that kike beaked nose Rothchild poking me in the chest and demanding interest on the loans we owe, hes saying if we dont pay it he will blow up the Windsor castle and blame muslims. Anyway he's given us abit longer to pay it back, but the deal is a high profile royal has to marry a nig-nog for the whole multicultural bollocks that kike Babara Spectre was talking about. Basically these kikes want to be the only homogenous race left. So Harry, if you agree to marry whoever the kike matchmaker Misha Nono puts your way, you get to stay a royal and castle doesnt get blown up. "

Attached: princeCharlesPoked.jpg (474x493, 36K)

Money stays with money, retard.

What will I see in a few years?

Harry married a mulatta slut singlemom feminist lol
Just how cucked can the modern white man be? "Hold my drink"-England

>Money stays with money, retard.
Implying Harry has money. He is in receipt of state gibs -a welfare prince. Maybe that's why she married him the state gibs?

Siga mh to katalabe

are you implying he married her because she's rich?
the royal divorce

>implying any of you would stay pure until marriage
dont shame women for not being virgins unless you are a virgin yourself (by choice, not an incel)

The entire cuckmedia lugenpresse: "marriage of american and british culture"
Because nigger culture IS American culture, goy, whites have no culture, goy.

I dont think you understand that in breeding after 3 or 4 removals is meaningless

>Pince Harry
Harry Prince
>He has no money
What the hell is going on around here?

How naive can a cuck get?
"Hold my drink" -you

So what? Divorce is pretty common. Are you implying that it would be less likely if he married a white girl?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Harry and Meghan. The wedding is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the meaning will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Harry's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ceremonies, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Harry & Meg truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Meghan's existential catchphrase "yo white boi your proper peng," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Misha Nonoo's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a detailed tattoo of Meghan Markles feet. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

You should marry a good woman not a goblin.

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Ok motherfucker I'm going to take your bait and shove it up your silly swedecuck asshole. Did you see me talk about white or black or any other races, you little cunt? I'm implying it would be less likely if that bitch wasn't a slut actress that pretends to be meek and cute.

who are they ?
and yeah.. i will not care or search :))))

>this butthurt but still offering to pleasure me
I actually thought you were making this a racial issue so I do apologise. Even if your latter statement is true I still don't understand why you're against love? If he truly loves her and wants to be with her, even if there is a risk for a divorce in a few years, why shouldn't he? Let him live his life, bro.

Gonna need the name or moar