Experimental RPG (Starting at 3 players) (Names Recommended)

(The simple idea is that I portray a story and the "Players" decide what to do with the given scenarios dictated by a Dice Roll, like a severely watered down D&D) Story: a phenomenon causes all plants to start multiplying and growing exponentially. the problem quickly gets out of hand as various parts of the city become damaged by the plant life penetrating soil, concrete and causing sections of wood to come undone. freshly paved streets become cracked with vines, within days they become green potholes, and within weeks grow trees block the once clean roads. The Earth quickly becomes the homes and graveyard of the dead pets of selfish owners and the broken fragile minded left to rot in a forest of green steel and breaking glass. You and three others wake up in a hospital room, you were just in a car accident with your friends and can't make out how long you were knocked out for as you look around the room you see vines creeping through the cracked walls, and powered off machines. What do?

Attached: Adventure23.jpg (537x296, 58K)


where do i spawn

hospital in what country

check if there are any doctor pepper in vending machine

>You and three others wake up in a hospital room, you were just in a car accident with your friends and can't make out how long you were knocked out for as you look around the room you see vines creeping through the cracked walls, and powered off machines. What do?

if its in lebanon then i doubt that i'll make it far since i cant speak lebanese and i wont be able to communicate with the locals

stand up

are there other people alive i'd like to call my mother so she could book me a flight back to poland

>epper in a vending machine
You get up from your hospital bed and go to a dark hallway at the end of it, there is a vending machine, one of the options is, in fact, Dr. Pepper! However, the machine seems to be turned off.

Attached: 1513009095975.png (645x729, 40K)

You remember you were visiting America when this all happened In a hurry you get out your cellphone but have no signal

i'll follow that south african guy in silence since im too scared to talk to other people especially when they are opposite sex to me

You follow "The king of Jow Forums in his search of Dr. Pepper you eventually reach him and see him staring at a powered off vending machine

stare at him in silence and repeat each move he makes

its there anything i can use to open it up we need some supplies ?

you continue staring

You see nothing in but abandoned hospital equipment but in the far corner you see a broken metal rod

i pick up metal rod i see polish guy behind me and ask him to help me open up vending machine

you grab the metal rod and turn to the polish man and ask "Care to help me open that machine?"

run away and crawl under my hospital bed until the bad black man goes away

the sheer idea of opening a vending machine to get Dr. pepper fills you with disgust you run back to your room and hide under your bed

roll for opening vending machine

(Rolled an 8/10)
With one swift motion, you swing the rod at the vending machine and the front of the machine flies open revealing all sorts of soft beverages left behind.

take all of its contents and give Poland some chips

The machine is more empty than you one thought, you acquired: 2 Snickers candy bars, 3 Coca-cola cans, 2 Dr. Pepper Cans, 1 Sprite Can, 3 Dorito bags, and 1 packet of Oreos

its there any bags around for me to use like medical bags or laundry bags to put everything in

Oh, you also can't find the polish guy, last you remember seeing him running into the room

You look around but nothing is immediately available

eat everything and cut myself with glass pieces from vending machine

you binge on everything at once and grab a piece of glass before cutting your arms.
>You are now Bleeding

hope i die

you die in a hospital hallway covered in crumbs and dr. pepper
>You died
