>have presentation due for class in college
>hook my laptop up classroom project via HDMI
>type in the password

fuck. The teacher told me not to do my presentation and to wait outside the classroom. She called the dean of the department and I might be getting suspended or put on probation.

What the fuck do I do?

Attached: retard_now.jpg (327x344, 15K)

Tell them you were arguing against trolls. Tell them that, and say it indignantly. You had every goddamn right in the world to argue with those “trolls”

Wait, is this real since you’re still on Jow Forums


Attached: kek11.jpg (251x251, 52K)

Show them your ShariaBlue paycheck.

>year of our lord 2018
>not having a cover story
Tell them you were doing research into the modern neonazi movement and it’s roots in online communities you dingbat

Just say that you were doing this to combat racism and that the entire experience made you depressed

man i wish it was real. lmao

every time i send an email with an image, I always check twice to make sure i dont send pol shit by accident

Embrace it. This is your destiny.

Rape that whore, beat her to death and then eat her.

it's ogre

Attached: 1524962752364.jpg (768x768, 121K)

>not being a mobile fag
You deserve it, desktop nigger.

g-g-g-game ova' jr!

Attached: 234234234234.jpg (1280x720, 91K)


>not allowed to entertain wrongthink

Tell her the truth, you're racist because kikes, niggers, spics, sand-niggers, gooks etc. When she talks shit tell her you don't give a fuck about her opinion on anything because she's a dumb liberal whore and has no idea how the real world works.

I fucking hate women.

And men, and children, and animals, and everything.

I'm not being egalitarian i really do fucking hate you all.

Isnt this a copypasta

But women specially.

ITT poltard getting btfo

Jow Forums stabs you in your brain with a sadistic look on his face.


Fuck me Jow Forums sucks dick.

its pol's toilet so you find exactly what you could expect, shit threads and retards

No wonder i'm here then.