Why are millennial men such mama boys?

What went wrong?

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single mothers

I only love my mom and my bed, I'm sorry

Because Mom is the only girl that's nice to them. Add in the fact that Dad left and Mom is lonely, so they are effectively dating their mom.

this. Unlike women, men arent pandered by society, no one really cares about them

They're essentially raised being told to kill themselves every day

My mother sucked me off.

This is my life

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My dad left me, no one else in this world loves me. When she dies no one will love me in the world.

story please


double ew


>tfw my mother beat me all the time as a kid and was a total psycho to my father
>tfw my father is my best bro

Boomers and Gen X can't keep their marriages together

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I see a big difference between new world and old world

men rarely get custody


A summary of the book: The thesis is that their is a pattern in some men, linked to systemic abandonment at childhood, that makes a man a "nice guy" (and sometimes single mothers or agressive fathers). A nice guy would be someone who: has a strong shame (belief of being unlovable, defective, etc) -mainly a belief that being who they are is dangerous-, they believe they are "perfect" (extremely law-obedient, etc) or "terrible" (and try to hide the bad they are), they are life preserving but not life giving, they are not happy, lacking an internal energy, extremely dependent on validation from women, obsessed with their identity of being a "good lover" or "never offending anyone", liers when they mess up but in denial of their lying, in complete repression of their sexuality, without boundaries with respect to what other people want, with few men relations, and a rejection of other men, fear that taking care of their own interests is "selfish", trying to appear needless, extremely bad recievers, givers of oral sex but with erectyle dysfunction or such, doing things to be loved, resentful of giving and not being gived back/buying love (entitlement), difficulty with accepting difficulty of life, searcher of a "problem free" life, victimhood mentality, thinks that most men are jerks, lonely, they believe that his different from other men because he isn't controlling, rageful, violent, and he's a good lover and father, they lack sexual assertiveness, competiteveness, creativity, power, be in relationships with "damaged girls" to fix them, addiction to pornography or hookers in a compulsive and secret way, addiction to drug or alcohol, sexual dysfunction, absence of sex being within or out of a relationship, settlers for bad sex, an obsession to do everything perfect, procastinaters and impunctual, etc. There are also ways he suggests to change it.

>male children are responsible for single mothers
I wouldn't put it past SJWs desu

This boy is a chad

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So your lone single parent has used you for company rather than pursue someone else and consequently you have zero social skills with women. Bravo

big if true

My mother died when I was 7.
Best thing that ever happend to my family actually.
She was divorcing my father and being a degenerate whore
Good ole dad took over and childhood was great.
Let's be real no one needs a dirty old cunt fucking things up with their selfish bullshit.

I don't think my mom is cool, she's somewhat mental and can't focus when she needs to.

Oh wow, that sucks. Glad it worked out for you though. As a 7 year old that's got to be hard though, and I mean it's another thing that your mom was divorcing your dad too. Sorry, hope you catch yourself a pure one.

Raised by a single mother here. Feel I came out relatively okay but a lot of my time is spent trying to improve myself and not be such a faggot. Need some good reading material on OP’s subject.

It don't bother me.
My father drove for a liquid hydrogen company driving all over America. He was gone a lot bit we had plenty of money and everything we wanted.
She got selfish and started to fuck around with drugs and other dudes.
The pain it caused my dad was too much even a little kid could see that shit.
She walked her path in life to get where she ended up.

As for me I've already have a 10 year old son and am divorced as well.
Difference is I left her for being a sneaky bitch doing shit behind my back.
No cheating but I'm sure it would have led to it.
It's all good though because she didn't get shit from me in our divorce and I got 50% custody of my son I don't have to pay child support because he's with me most the time.
I took that bitch the the cleaners in court.
I know better and took a little advice from my pop.

Live long grow tall and don't let a women drag your dick through the dirt.

I feel that so much. My mother has borderline personality disorder and I'm counting down the days till she's gone. She has absolutely nothing positive to offer the world and she makes everyone live's miserable.

Mom's are hardly needed past the age of 3. If there's not a strong male figures to take the reins then the child grows up to be a lemming. Strong male role models are the only saving grace for kids growing up in today's society where jews destroyed the nuclear family and women have the femin virus.

My mother used to masturbate me before sleeping to ensure healthy growth and sexual development. I think it is important process for any boy into turning manhood.

>used you for company

My parents are still together but this sounds exactly like how they treated me

They lack strong father figures

I fuck my mom every night, stop being such a butthurt boomer

My parents are still together but I love my mom more than anything. People saying moms aren't needed had bad moms. Mine put me first and made sure I was smarter than the other children.

I see all sorts of guys among them.
Gen Z is where the true feminisation has started.

Now every make sense Japan

>t. Zigmund

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dude if she didnt offered herself as a sex toy she did her job pretty bad
you need to pass your seed dude

i don't think so nigga

>Being this close to your parents is bad.

I'm sorry to hear that.
Just don't let her bring you down.
Things will be get better
Just do what you know is right.
It may seem tough but you learn to appriciate things more.

It's a very similar story to ones I have heard before. I currently know one person in the same situation. It's bad out there a lot of guys getting screwed over because they got a garbage can woman. Anyways, I hope you got a good son out of the whole thing.

I unironically dislike talking to my mother because she has no real interest in anything beyond the Facebook entertainment salt-lick. Never got her anything for mothers day either, thank god my father is smart.

my father died of cancer

pretty much this, and told basically any sex that isn't explicitly consensual is rape


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This 100%

Because mom-son incest is the future for the White Race.

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My sister treats my parents like absolute shit and she has them wrapped round her finger. Doesn't help that my parents aren't very sociable either

Well the advice I took from my pop helped me out so much I honestly couldn't do it without him.
When I noticed her going down the shit pipe I started recording events and little things here and there.
late night phone calls.
Money missing.
Time with "friends"
If you don't have your shit straight before you go to court the system will bend you over.

As for my son he's an amazing kid.
Quick as a whip and sharp as a tac.
Into classic horror flicks
And likes to play golf.
I couldn't be anymore proud.

>Mother dearest taught me how to be a kind boy

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I'm not really close but they treated us like little children up until our mid twenties, laying all kinds of restrictions on us and limiting our growth by not allowing us some space and independence. That's how you raise girls, not boys.

If you didn't like it why would a girl like it any better?

figures... that's pretty common among blacks

Is this why I call my girlfriend mama in bed?

I'm female and was given lots of space and independence as a kid. I'll never allow myself to be restricted just because the tides are turning the other way. I can think for myself and I'm proud of it. If you want me to be brainless you have issues.

Because girls need a strict hand, first from their father and later from their husband. That keeps not only themselves but also our society together.

How many niggers have you fucked?

are you ashamed of having a mom that loves you and is not a total bitch to you?

Done a lot of research in that area?

I work in a zoo

My mother shoved me away whenever I started dry-humping her in bed as a little kid. I had a very sad childhood.

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