Do / DID you have LIBERAL GF ?

if you had liberal or feminist gf but educate her with your penis to be right person.
please share your story.

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No, but at least he is not american

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Korens are superficial and plastic. They are bizarre and self hating. Truely the trash of Asia.


Yes i did, we had differing opinions but we kept politics out of the relationship, shed get annoyed when i went “WE WUZ” or “OY VEY”. However she started hanging around her friends who are a colorful cast of feminist, queer, and slut who were jealous of her finding love so they drove us apart. I miss her but im afraid shes lost, should i try to contact her?

If only they could be as authentic as you are

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I lost my virginity to a blonde liberal girl. She would just sit there and bash conservative shit and go "yas queen!" to all niggers. It was torturous but once I fucked I was good.

Just got out of a LTR with a "libertarian" girl who, as the relationship grew, was actually very liberal. Once she started smoking weed she was all aboard the hedonism train. Her initial beliefs were "yeah, being gay is whack" to "Oh, I forgot to tell you I fucked a couple girls before you". It sounds like a shitty girl, but she was very kind and compassionate and would have been a wonderful girl. She didn't like he saying nigger though. Facts meant shit to her.

About to meet a new girl who hasn't even tasted alcohol, has 70 friends on facebook, and never had a real boyfriend. Please send me all of your spirit energy bois.

No, she'll infect your future children with Marxist poison

My gf broke up with me because she was getting into drugs and was jealous of her single friends being able to party all the time. If you really meant something to her, she'll probably hit you up in the future. But of course you don't want that shit then.

how do i get a gf in the first place?

no you have to find another liberal and educate them.
she is failed
if you are succeed she have to say WE WUZ, OY VEY with you during she is riding your penis.

This was something we actually constantly fought about, she might be sterile/unable to conceive children, and she didnt like sex/anything sexual. She said if we did have kids, shed let them be them and teach them to love and i stated that id disown them if they wanted to gender swap/fuck the same sex, because i want to be a grandparent some day. she didnt even like the idea of having kids either, but for some reason i really miss her and cant help to want her back for some reason

>have far right gf
>even she tells me i talk about niggers and jews too much
Have I overdose on red pills?
>inb4 larper

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How common are such women in Korea?

Redpilled my girl into hating blacks and Chinese, still waiting for her to hate the Jews and deny the hall of costs

Partying. that right there was a contributor to why we broke up. i found out she was going behind my back to smoke weed with a group of “completly gay” guys. She had a taste for the party and she liked it too much i guess. as for contacting me back she already tried but i told her that she had her chances and didnt take them

my wife and i met working in liberal politics. i'd been on Jow Forums for years, and always been against big banks and the jewish conspiracy, but i thought there were some good things about the left. but 2016 changed things.

we both quit our jobs. we work back of house in restaurants. she still doesn't agree with me about everything...but she's never disgusted or appalled by any of my opinions either.

She looks like an elf from lord of the rings

I dated this girl for a year but as she opened up to me about all her crazy feminist shit i realized how shitty of a person she was and how her daddy issues and retardo ideology weren't going to change, and even if they did I wouldn't be able to look at her knowing how much of an idiot she was. Honestly OP it's not worth it, get over your oneitis and find someone better for you.

btw she graduated with some dumb liberal arts degree and now works at a movie theatre while i have a nice paying job and have surrounded myself with people that don't make me want to kms

I wish people here cared as much about their looks as Koreans do.

Confidence and putting yourself out there. dont be afraid to try and fail kraut friend. if you see a woman you like strike a convo then after awhile ask for her number and ask her to go get coffee/food around that time you can figure uf shes into you or not. if she agrees more than likely.

Yeah, as soon as mine broke up with me she was at the club letting dudes buy her drinks and dance on her. She told me she was jealous that girls could meet interesting guys and she couldnt in a relationship. But also she resented me because I hate weed lol.

I have liberal feminist gf and I don't know what to do to make the relationship last. If she ever starts defending abortion that would probably be the end of it

i do have a liberal gf
i just disregard most of the shit she says when she goes full sjw
she just disregards most of the shit i say when i go full nazi
then we have sex
we found out not giving a shit about eachother spergs solves a lot of problems by itself

gib hapa gf

Don't fall for the nasty yellow meme.

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Yes, it was a white tumblr bitch. She was aggrevated at first when I told her to shut her trap about feminism, but she submitted and turned full 14/88 in under a month.
Women are easy, guys, just don't let up and they'll follow in your footsteps.

>having a gf

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Nope both liberals and feminists are rare here.Plus most of the existing are in for the money.
It is kind of confusing when i watch and read about such people,i have troble beliving they are real.

Well, not to be that guy on the internet, but in all honesty she was a 4 or a 5 on a good day im a soldi 8. so after the break up i got sort of a wake up call/confidence boost and started making/getting back alot of friends, as she restricted who i could hang out with. this lead to of course parties and pulling in the pussy, and it felt great to bang someone who could actually orgasm. but for the past two days ive just kinda been missing her like crazy. I dont even know why either.

I did

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Where can I buy this sex doll?

ha.... it was my fault sorry

not ever drinked alcohol?

You just do. I miss my gf like crazy a lot of the time. Its just because you were with her for so long and feel more connected I guess. I had sex last night and all it did was remind me of her lol

Tell me 2nd nip man how common are girls like you posted here?

>About to meet a new girl who hasn't even tasted alcohol, has 70 friends on facebook, and never had a real boyfriend

Been there, and it was a fucking nightmare. Girls like this have serious jealousy/insecurity issues. Either way good luck.

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We were together for two years, the first year and a half she was the sweetest girl, we fucked regularly, and were in seperable. then she started partying and going around undesirables and we would maybe see eachother once a week, no sex/sexual activities at all, and she started calling me by my real name (we used bdsm names 90% of the time). i guess im just clinging onto the good in her. Thanks fren, i needed this

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i dont know she looks like mixed or white
she is not korean

I realized myself she is a hapa my question was if its pretty common.

>we used bdsm names 90% of the time

that kind of girls are from centural asia or russia.
i know girl who look like that girl

>not wanting to come home to a woman in a maids outfit cooking tendies and calling you master

its like you dont want a good life

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I'd rather not eat tendies t bh the rest sounds fucking gay but that's just my opinion.

My girlfriend is pretty neutral on politics. Makes shit easy and she does like guns.

To each his own i suppose, im just a degenerate kinky bastard, but atleast unlike most i keep it to the house and dont run around shoving dog collars in peoples faces.

Yes, but she probably knows you have an unhealthy obsession of watching BLACKED videos, because apparently that is all you can talk about

I have a girlfriend that's a good goy kosher conversative. Got her to vote for Patrick Little tho, because she doeant follow the news much or research anything.

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>moving a good thread to this shithole

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mor Кoт

((Someone)) got jealous back on the home board

Kinda related

Current gf has always been rather moderate, but more to the left. She went by "he" pronouns, cut, and dressed/appeared completely boyish back before we started dating. But when we got together, all of that went out the window. No self harm since the day we got together. Her hair is now pretty long. She even likes to put on makeup and dresses now.

We just have a lot of deep talks in our relationship. Basically, be a decent person and try to talk to your potential waifo about their opinions. Don't try to change them-- just live by example. I learned a lot myself