What would be some fun places to take your 16 year old girlfriend to for a date?

What would be some fun places to take your 16 year old girlfriend to for a date?

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Jail so you can turn yourself in

Local police department.
Also one of those antique shops are nice. You find a bunch of cool stuff in there.

For what crime? Surely you aren't referring to age of consent, when any intelligent person knows it is 16 full stop in many US states. Or are you perhaps... not intelligent?

Not , but for protecting yourself from both her parents, friends, and that one nigger who likes your girl and plans to kill you.

What are her parents gonna do? Shoot me? Good luck I'm behind 45cal of stopping power.
>inb4 you wouldn't shoot a man getting defensive over his teenage daughter
I would and sleep lile a baby.

Now that's why you're going to die.
These are old boomer fags we are talking about.
They are gonna pop you with a fucking revolver.

Do you... not know what 45 cal is?

>he lives in Europe
sad for the rest of world since girls peak at 21

What's that to do with his caliber

*hit the wall at 21
And no, I live in the U.S. of A.

I'm saying these old fags have most likely on been shot at with .45 and above. Especially if he's a Vietnam fag.

You shouldn't date underages.

Why would American boomers have been shot with 45 ACP in 'nam

The only way your post makes sense is if you're joking that they can build up resistance to calibers. 45 cal to the chest or head is almost certain death.

I'm sure that 7.62 is worse than .45
Although if you throw stats out you might prove me wrong.

Good advice, thankfully my states age of consent is 16 so I'm all G.

Well obviously, 7.62 is a rifle caliber. I still don't really get what you're trying to say.

to the boomtown if you catch my drift

Attached: mines_even_bigger.jpg (195x258, 11K)

At close range? Uh, probably not. Anyways a boomer is gonna die either way if he gets hit by either one of those. Not really sure what your logic behind all this was. Slightly baffled.

Most guns to the head are pretty certain death, hopefully. And you're right, the boomers got some skill points put in caliber resistance. hehe

Yeah apparently you have a 5% survival rate with headshots.

I just hope i never die from some retarded .22

St. Peter would probably bully you for that

>Vietnam fag

You do realize all those old farts are in their 70s now, right? You don't know what you're talking about, at all.

fpbp go to hell opedo