Why do drug users make their whole life about drugs and base their identity around the substance?

Why do drug users make their whole life about drugs and base their identity around the substance?
Like cannabis users usually have nicknames online that are 420 related. They also preach about it like it was a religion.

The most ridiculous thing about druggies is how they act like they're into chemistry and know shit about science.
I study biochemistry and I can say googling things about your drug isn't science.

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because hippy and drug culture was once a thing, however what those underage retards do nowdays is just a faint shadow of what drug culture used to be, its to get attention mostly since weed is considered cool or something with today's kids

user, you're painting everybody with the same brush due to a vocal minority.

The drug users who don't preach about their substance usage you are unaware of because they never make it known. You see the issue here?

People who are hollow use whatever they can to create a character/persona, people do it with status, looks, wealth, "coolness" or whatever is popular today, etc. Then there are the rest of the people who are completely in the background who cross over on some of these interests but you never hear about them.

Using drugs is dumb, and dumb people are usually hollow and make some random thing their entire identity.

Therefore, all drug users do this.

Ok why do you care so much about it lmao ?

>Using drugs is dumb

Can you elaborate on why you have this opinion, user?

Never reply some idiot with this:

>blank line
>blank line

a lot of celebrities, artists and even people in upper places of the society do drugs and you don't hear them talking about it like ever nor is the main focus of their personality, stop lumping everyone together

>a lot of celebrities, artists and even people in upper places of the society do drugs

I'm a doctor and I laugh at people who think someone's smart or an authority figure if they're an "artist".
Creating art does not require higher intellect or objective thinking. Quite the opposite really, art is subjective as fuck.
Scientists, however, rarely use drugs. We need to go to work and actually perform in life, not sleep through the day, wake up in my own shit and think I know stuff even when I don't.

Because as your ignorant self wouldn't know, the use of drugs isolates you from straight edge normies who find out about your drug use. So drug users need some way of finding others who use and can understand why they might feel a certain way about the use of a substance. I agree with you that searching for information about a drug isn't scientific, but it can certainly be useful in getting vital information (i.e, safety tips) or explaining certain aspects of a drug experience.

No matter what your biased and drug-friendly mind thinks now that you're 19 years old or so, drugs fuck up your life.
You've been told this since you were a kid and only an idiot does something they know to be dangerous.
You will
>waste your money
>get to know some very bad friends who like to remove your fingers one by one
>get huge debt
>fuck your health (don't even start on the health benefits of crack)
>seriously stagnate your life since your studies will probably fail

Some of my good friends started using drugs. Had to dump them, since eventually we had nothing in common. Different sleep cycles, nothing to talk about since I didn't do drugs...
Eventually they just started hanging out with other addicts and dealers. What a friend list.

It's less rare than you think. You think Silicon Valley's CS workers are fueled by the Grace of God or something?

its true that you don't need to be smart to create art, however you need the mental capacity to imagine something other than it is and recreate it back in words/imagery while making it look beautiful and appealing, that also takes a certain ammount of skill/training and drugs help in some ammount with both of those things
also any artists who thinks he is some authority figure is a fucking loser, art should never be about chaning society or some other bullshit like that, as you said, art is subjective as fuck, if someone wants to base his worldview around something he understand the way he wants, he is in a for a ride

Ok bro. One more question:
Do you REALLY think you discover truths about quantum mechanics when you're high or is it maybe just your mind thinking it realizes something when it actually doesn't?
Like I said I'm a science guy and I take offense in the idea that some uneducated punk smokes weed and believes in his rotted brain that he knows things I don't.

Silicon Valley's CS workers are slaves that work 80 hours a week because it's cool and geek.
Dying from overdose would be an improvement.

Because you only notice the obnoxious drug addicts. If someone doesn't base their entire identity around drugs, then you won't know that they do drugs and you'll lump them in with non drug users. I use a couple different drugs from time to time but since I'm not a normie I don't talk about it with anyone else.
>dying from an overdose
The only drug that has a significant risk of accidental overdose is opioids, which I doubt any of them would be using because it would hurt their efficiency.

Honestly I could sit here and write at length about what I think the psychedelic experience in particular actually is, having tried to create a model with which I could understand what the hell it was about. But I want to eat my food and it is surely more tasty than talking on an online forum.

To answer your question in a condensed form, there is something about psychedelics in particular that can alter the way one's mind checks if something is true or not, which can explain all the strange odds and ends people find themselves concluding while high. This is why I personally think psychedelic insight needs to be continually reexamined - something will feel true at the time, but once sobriety hits the truth can start to be searched for.

>The only drug that has a significant risk of accidental overdose is opioids
A shame, death would free them from their shit lives in SV

Druggies in general, or just weed fags? I imagine it's pretty hard not to base your entire identity around drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, and Meth considering they're so addictive that they make people base their entire lives around them. Supposedly weed isn't as bad, but I do think it could be a similar thing.

But in the end it's just a subjective feeling, right?

However I do believe that you can accidentally invent new science in your dreams when all the info in your mind is being freely mixed together.
I don't see why this same effect wouldn't happen with drugs since they definitely remove some boundaries, but it's not like your IQ rises or anything. It's still you, just less composed. I wouldn't even use the term 'unhinged'. Just not composed.

if it works for technical parts in art why wouldn't it work for science too assuming you already know a lot in the field are capable of research

A subjective feeling of what, feeling like you found the truth while high? Yeah, sure, that can happen. Sometimes it can actually be the truth, it is just not well examined because the person is under the influence. I don't think people stop thinking completely while high, I just think they get to unrefined conclusions that they could look backwards at and not understand how they derived it. And to believe something is true with no foundation for why, that I think is dangerous.

I think that psychedelics don't necessarily raise your IQ, but the cyclical loops people find themselves trapped in by them can sometimes slip people into an intellectual (although admittedly, inebriated) dialogue with themselves. They start with one question, and then jump to more questions, until they get to something that is so emotionally compelling or convincing in some way that they embrace it as the truth. But the truth of a matter isn't always that easy to get to. I can kind of expand on this but I still want to eat more food.

drugs are more than just the substance itself, its a way to connect to other people. By basing everything you do about drugs you invite other drug users to come and talk. Its kinda lame when people do it with weed but i find the cokehead aesthetic to be pretty apealing, despite hating coke

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