How old were you when you realized that it was too late? Everyone you went to school with or known have started a family, graduated college. Became self sufficient. Everyone has their circle of friends established. Meanwhile, I'm a neet, 25, and still don't leave the house without my mother. Getting my disability bux soon. I have no one and no accomplishments. It took me till 25. It's absolutely soul crushing. I often look at their social medias and just look at how much of a loser I am. I don't know anymore. I apologize if I'm ranting.
How old were you when you realized that it was too late...
well then get the fuck up and do something about it, fucking loser.
That's why you have to stop thinking vertically, and start thinking horizontally
You're never gonna climb the ladder now
You were never meant to
You gotta s i d e s t e p
How? If I knew, I wouldn't be here
But I'm very sure that for people like you and me, it is the key.
That has to be the dumbest nothing of substance response I think I've seen.
I understand this feel but don't worry so much user
You're deep into doomerhood but that just means bloomerhood is right around the corner
We're all gonna make it just not all at the same time
the way I see user, I'm in your same shoes too, I have a wagie job but that doesn't count.
the way I see it is that, it's still possible to make something out of yourself, just start doing things differently, Start eating healthier/exercise if you can, that's a game changer, health is wealth
find jobs that suck, save up money etc, you have to stop comparing yourself to others
true. OP should just continue doing what he has always done and not try anything new. Im sure things will get better
Are we sadly the absolute dregs of society?
I believe so. We were left behind. In my case, mental illness and school fucked my psych up to the point where I'm unfixable. The only feelings I have left are anger and jealousy. I fantasize about people under my boot, begging me to spare them.
I, personally, hope that I get hit by a car or something.
Why not go into the military? You can literally be retarded and at least it's something to do and get paid
this is what I'm doing. Imagine everyone is a sperm cell trying to swim towards an egg. Well me, I'm a bit different you see. I just swim sideways. I like exploring. Im wondering what's down this deep dark cavern... maybe I will find another egg, a new egg nobody has spotted yet, and it's in this dark abyss
>I'm a neet, 25, and still don't leave the house without my mother.
Why? Also what are you getting disability bucks for?
I used to think that response was the dumbest advice you could ever receive until I fucking did it. Lost 100 pounds in 8 months, overcame 3 years of crippling bilateral carpal/cubital tunnel syndrome after two botched surgeries on my left arm (which were unnecessary, i actually had bracchial plexus compression; thank God I only got one arm fucked) through sheer will power. Tripled my upper body strength in three months. Still working on the autism, but it gets better every day. You can't change if you don't try. I want to finish with a "fuck you, you're fucking retarded", but I know where you're coming from. Get yourself somewhere different and think for a while. Maybe a park, at night. If you feel you need it, carry a knife or gun if you can/live in a shitty place. If you smoke, have a cigarette. Think about how much time you waste in a day, accept it, and then make small incremental steps towards whatever goals you have that you can measure your progress towards. Baby steps Anons, baby steps. I did all of that and more while my uncle was dying of brain cancer, and because his daughter is a cunt, I ended up being his primary caretaker for the last 8 months. I wear his hat every day to remind me to keep becoming the man that he saw in me, that I see in myself, and that I hope others will one day wish to emulate themselves.
So in short, he's right.
Tbh probably good advice for some robots. If respect of society is what concerns you, you can be dumb as shit and still be in the army and get respect from people.
I don't drive, she takes me places I need to go to. A variety of things. Gad, panic disorder, shzoid personality disorder, major depressive disorder, unspecified psychotic schizophrenia.
None of this drivel pertains to me. I do eat healthy, I do exercise at home. Have for years. How would going for a night walk help me with all my disabilities? What does your uncle have to do wit anything?
I'm not even allowed to own weapons because of my disorders. Military? Normie shit meme.
>and then make small incremental steps towards whatever goals you have that you can measure your progress towards.
Yeah user, but if you've never had anything in your life that made you think "there's a chance" (e.g.: never had any girl interested in you, little to no friends, etc.) how the fuck do you motivate yourself after months of self improvement and nothing really changing?
Just do it as a routine faggot.
One man's drivel is another man's formative experience. I also have bipolar II. It's like never-ending MDD+GAD that bounces between the two, and anti-depressants/anxiolytics will make the condition worse.
A night walk is just one example of something you could do to break your routine. You absolutely need to break it up if you want to have even a second's worth of a different mindset.
My personal struggles were included to provide an example of someone who forced himself to better his pathetic state, rather than wallow in self-pity and learned helplessness. Text makes this message impossible to resonate as fully as I would like, so I hope you can now glean what I'm attempting to get at with this now.
^That guy isn't me, but that's like the moonshine distillation of the point I was trying to make. You aren't offered chances for free unless you have a pussy or money , so you have to make those situations that give you the sense of "a chance" happen in the first place. When I lost all that weight, the first two weeks were hard, and I was doing it explicitly for myself. I didn't care about the girls at my school, I was just sick of being a fat fuck. After two weeks using a calorie counter app that gradually tapers down so that you lose weight as quickly as possible without damaging yourself, I didn't even have to continue thinking about whether or not I wanted to/needed to count those fucking calories; I just fucking did it. You need to learn how capable you are.
I never had a "I have a chance now!" moment. I just got sick of waiting for one. Now I'm fairly content with myself and have planned my next undertaking. Seriously, this falls into the "just bee urself :^)" zone of advice, but cliches are indicators of reliability and/or truth.
Wow, it's getting kind of difficult to differentiate between video games and movies. Or maybe it's just me because I rarely view either.
>that's like the moonshine distillation of the point I was trying to make.
Yeah...I'm doomed to be a loser.
Losing some weight (for example) only makes me go "You've done that what?"
I just can't seem to justify the "sacrifice" if I see nothing new coming up. If I see no indication I'm closer to my life's end goals I just lose interest.
But still, user, if it works for you, hope you keep up and don't fucking falter.
>everyone is married and/or finished college
>with 25
Kek. The majority of 25 year olds are neither married, nor rich or even graduated in college. In my friend circle alone are 7/10 college droputd and 4 of those 7 started studying again. All males ofc, we don't count women since you need to be legitimately retarded (like, not be able to wipe your ass retarded) to not graduate from college, regardless the subject, or be married as a female. If you struggle in college, out of nowhere a research team of betas stands around you an explain complex math to you so that everyone with down syndrome could pass the exam, meanwhile if men struggle they get left alone and most need to be near 30 to be able to not give up after dozen of tries.
It's only too late if you're a faggot cuck.
What are you getting disability for? Being a faggot cuck?
Having friends. Why even post on this thread? Go back to Facebook or whatever you retarded mutants use.
Somebody is upset they have to wage slave. It's okay, you projecting little mutt. We all know you secretly have a cuckold fetish.
Great input fren
My exact same situation. Good God what I wouldn't do to be a conformist normie that actually gets something out of life.
What's your day usually consist of? Mine is video games, lurking, and music\podcasts.
We're all figuring it out as we go along. This user has the right idea. It's nice to have prestigious career options, but maybe being a NEET gives you the flexibility to figure out/invent/create something really cool. Just keep developing yourself. You have free time and an internet connection.