If we pay a thousand dollars every month to every citizen, and a year is 12 months, then every citizen will cost 12...

If we pay a thousand dollars every month to every citizen, and a year is 12 months, then every citizen will cost 12.000 USD for the state. Multiply that for 300 million (total US population) and that will reach trillions. How can he ever expect us to believe that the state can pay the UBI ?

Attached: images (85).jpg (220x316, 12K)

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But not spending so much on military

Only when you realized that the us doesn't have 300 million people over 18 retard.

Literally why can't you just read the site?

Anybody on any other program gets reduced funds.

They won't receive it if they're already receiving benefits over 1000$ a month(things like social security, welfare, etc.) meaning it's about 2 trillion a year. Cutting things like military spending, foreign aid, and raising taxes on the rich and corporations is the plan

Not spending the money on Israel

finally you understand. dems are liars

dems are liars
dem voters are greedy, gullible, and dont care about the future of the US.
dems will say anything without remorse, just to try to get their way.

honestly i just found out illegal immigrants collect welfare on top of getting paid in cash and not paying any tax. we should just get rid of a bunch of people. literally hitler 2.0 needs to happen in our life time. also can someone find me sauce for this girl from trueamatuers i really want to fap to her but i cant find her vids

Attached: sauceeeee2.png (297x230, 123K)

Well for starts you're only eligible for UBI if you're over 18 years of age and Yang's supposedly gonna bring cuts to welfare like bringing down the costs of administration and whatnot. Basically he's trying to streamline everything into a semi-automatic, self sufficient program of sorts. That and cutting down on donations to Israel and military spending is never a bad thing.

>dem voters are greedy, gullible, and dont care about the future of the US.
as if rep voters are any different

>reduce standard deductible by $12,000
>pay every working person $1,000 every month
it's literally that easy

abolish the billionaire class
tax economic rents, capital gains, inheritance, etc. into oblivion

Literally how can you collect welfare without paying taxes? Kinda doubt that would work.

This is the most pathetic reply i have seen in my entire life

>Jesus Fucking Christ

the 1000 dollars a month is nothing you fucking poor retards. i don't like yang for his immigration stance but if we have to have a place holder for the second coming of hitler I'm voting for the one who will put cash in my pocket.

Cut existing military waste spending.
Increased taxes on the mega rich
Delete existing welfare programs
Replace with UBI for all

It's not just gonna be an extra few trillions a month but rather cutting other wasteful government programs beforehand then handing people the basics for self expression and determination. Once people have money to spend again I can see the economy picking up, once people have their basic needs met then they have no excuse to be anti-government and I can see a reunified america possibly in our lifetime.
It's a big stretch but I can see this as the only way to save this country before we have to go to war again to fix our economy.

Attached: Machine_guns.png (514x448, 464K)

Military spending is whats important, rich comes second(inb4 screeching), and fuck everything else including foreign aid

Man this is like a 5 iq /b/ post from 2005 or something. NYPA, faggot.

Uhmm....that money needs to go to Israel and the military, Commie

In a way I kind of want the UBI and in other ways, I don't what would happen if Yang backs out on his promise then what?
What happens if taxing Bezos and his kind isn't enough?
What happens if it bankrupts the US?
Too many what if's for me to fully endorse.
A good pipe dream though.

Wangs a fucking retard

what a joke of a program.
>3. some bureaucrat, which is payed by your taxes, get's your money only to give it back to you. Nevermind, his salary totaly well spend

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You would know since most of you get "off the books" employment while trying to scheme the system as much as possible

Babbies first tribalism

yes, whatever will we do if we dont spend hundreds of billions on remote-controlled flying robots that shoots rockets at middle-eastern grandmas

Simple. He is going to do the smart thing and raise taxes on middle and poorfags as well as the rich. Second he will remove most welfare programs and that will be replaced with the $1000/month monthly stipend. It works out pretty well actually and takes a lot of the welfare burden off States.

UBI not counting any sort of administrative cost will be about 2.8 trillion dollars. We only spend 600 billion on military as of now. What did you mean by this?

We already spend 2/3 of our 3.8 trillion dollar budget on welfare. This would just make things even more ridiculous

We need as much military as we can get now that China and Russia are trying to take over the world

Not really. Yang's proposition would actually eliminate most of these programs and replace it with that $1000/month stipend.

Free stuff is bad for you. This is literally the devil tempting you with gibs. Do you not understand?

Have you never listened to Patrice O'Neals prison story? On day one you're hungry and a guy offers you a snickers bar. Don't ever take it. Go hungry.

You think the government is gonna give you something and you aren't going to pay for it? You think they would pay you x dollars and expect less than x back in return? Boy have you idiots got a lot to learn. Luckily yang polls at about 2% and isn't a threat at all. He knows he can't win and like Bernie is obviously in this to have a fundraising scam.

I'd be ok with it if it cut all welfare spending and dropped all taxes except for VAT.

If we replace all the current entitlements with yang gang id probably be fine with it but I dont think that will happen

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He said he will give a choice to people to get bennies or $1000/month. The issue is poorfags are fucking retarded and will take that cash. But eventually to save money the long term goal would to move everyone to the $1000/month stipend.


poorfags would literally just buy gucci bags and iphones with that shit and then get evicted from not paying rent and going hungry at the end of the month. they're poorfags for a reason you know, they don't know how to handle money

>But not spending so much on military

The US military is the only reason the dollar has any value numb nuts. Ever heard of the petro-dollar?

>give $1000 a month
>taxes increase to $2000 a month

Yang is a distraction. The scam-artists at the top who outsourced all of your jobs to other countries 30 years ago are trying to weasel their way out of having to accept any blame. UBI/automation is the perfect scapegoat for this.

In reality most of the goods you buy at the department store, clothes, cars, equipment still involve a large amount of human labor. That labor is just in Bangladesh. I work near the "fashion district" in my city. It used to have warehouses, textile/clothing manufacturing plants, trains passing by delivering shipments, etc. Now it's just a bunch of hipster bars and restaurants.

>Now it's just a bunch of hipster bars and restaurants.

Required viewing


>" how can he ever expect us to believe that the state could pay the UBI?"
>Implying the government has a sense of fiscal responsibility.

Our national debt is over 105% of the GDP, during WWII it was 122% and that is just the icing on the cake.

Our entire financial system requires keeping people in debt to support the cancer that is the federal reserve and fractional reserve lending. Without debt our economy would literally collapse

So can the government afford it? The government can't rightful afford anything, but the system could help people if they are smart enough to invest the money (fat chance) but it might also drive up inflation (which would be very bad given the state of the economy)

at this point, i don't think it matters. people are in love with technology and ways of life that they can't even sustain by themselves, including eating themselves into obesity.

any extra money you give to people is transformed directly into fat deposits on their body, that's how bad shit has become.

the only way for shit to be normal again is for an EMP to hit the entire planet and permanently destroy all the power grids.

Can you be any more delusional?

Attached: IMG_20190420_153157.jpg (1080x891, 199K)

yep, and that's just government debt. If you include personal/corporate debt it's even higher.

Attached: debt-to-gdp-chart-wrong-us-debt-levels-fine.jpg (616x475, 55K)

>Can you be any more delusional?

Look at this point you have to let the system crash and then only when that happens we can start talking about a UBI. Right now the money (which are really fictitious numbers in a database) distributed by the ubi is going to go directly back towards the large corporations who run everything.

Yeah fucking this. Did you niggers really thing he didn't think of this? Hate these boomers that have no rational opposition to UBI and just say "uhhh inflation! ummmm socialism! hmmm Lazy millennials wanting free money!". I can't think of any rational argument against UBI that isn't "I hate poor people and want my money to go to jewish (((((job creators))))) instead". Even hard line capitalists support UBI.

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>Even hard line capitalists support UBI.

Yeah they are because where do you think that gibs are going to end up other than at walmart. Capitalists are using the money created by the government to enrich themselves.

If the UBI happens take the money and use it wisely but don't think this is something which is going to fix most of the problems in western society.

Also that money has a price tag to it. We had to bomb Iraq/Lybia and kill millions of people to keep the petrodollar going.

>OP posts criticism of leftist policy after 30 seconds of critical thinking
>OP gets disproved in the first 3 posts
>fucktarded right wingers still join the yes chorus because they vote with their feelings instead of their brains

Holy fuck. He explains this countless times. Are you retarded?

A VAT tax. No more sales taxes.

>Not really. Yang's proposition would actually eliminate most of these programs and replace it with that $1000/month stipend.

Can I ask how "eliminating programs" is going to solve anything?

If you eliminate the jobs government employees (who run foodstamp/welfare/pension programs) have and instead just hand everyone 1k/month, have we made things better? Is our economy/society better or are we just shuffling chairs around on a sinking Titanic?

You guys need to stop putting your faith into these political fixes.