Why don't you guy use r9k omegle anymore? it used to be poppin

Why don't you guy use r9k omegle anymore? it used to be poppin


Attached: Untitled.png (3192x1200, 381K)

give me a code to find you user, girl btw

Who's the hacker known as omegle?

'r9k' tag

kys dude no body is on

i am. not kms

there's no people using the tag.
I only rolled across what appeared to be an Indian 9yro
Hope it's not you OP

i thought it was easy to be hacked on omegle though

i am on. maybe put the Jow Forums tag on as well

How to not get hacked 99% of the time:
>don't give out personal info
>don't click on links
>don't be a fucking idiot

LARPing as a girl over here.

Because if I wanted to see the penisses of stranger, I'd visit pornhub

i've seen no penises yet

you can get hacked through video But Okay

wanna smell ya poop.

On text chat if you meet the wrong user, he could do an XSS attack on you. Why else do "people" not respond?

On video, there is wireshark course.
I'm never going on omegle ever again. This comes from somebody who used to use text chat (r9k tag) for 12 hours a day.

>don't give out personal info
>don't click on links
>don't be a fucking idiot

You are probably hacked and don't even know it. Common sense is useless when there is an user doing XSS attacks thats putting keyloggers on your computers. This is some next level snake shit.

because omegle only works in america and a couple of european countries.

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An attack over omegle chat? How the dickens does that work

>How the dickens does that work
If you don't know anything about web security, there is no point in explaining it to you. You have to be really tech savvy to pull this off. I think its just one tech savvy person i met on the r9k text chat that did this too me. Luckily he failed and i caught on and threw away my laptop.

If he thinks he could put a keylogger on my laptop. Just imagine what the NSA can do on his computer.

Personally I would go there but I'm an ugly female and I'm scared of ending up on a screenshot

Explain it to me then. How do you go from Javascript to executing a payload? Can you explain the whole thing as closely as you can?