Are we genetically predisposed to dislike ugly people?

Whether anyone likes to admit it we all have a small hidden disdain for ugly people, even if they are friendly, and when I say ugly I don’t mean, some bad traits, I mean your typical subhumans, the kind that obviously will never have kids or if they do it’ll probably their cousins

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Unironically yes. It has been studied in many forms. Babies only stare at good looking people for example.

>Babies always stare at me
Checkmate virgins

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>tfw just realized why everyone’s so mean to me
I didn’t ask for this

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actually yes, unironically
ugly people have it hard

What does it means when babies and little kids are quiet near you

Yes, being averted to ugliness is hardwired to a significant degree. "Beauty" is analogous to having average, balanced features.

We have evolved to find non-symmetry displeasing because they are literally showcasing their outlier genes and have a higher probability of carrying other unwanted traits.

I've the most empathy for ugly people desu (like really ugly unsaveable conventionally repulsive humans), This and height (mostly for a guy) is something society doesn't want to address, but with fat acceptance which is inherently UNHEALTHY thing that mostly depend on your will they do.

We find symmetry aesthetic because it's easier to recognize the thing.