Your mother and I have been wondering: When are ya gonna give us grandchildren, Champ? Everyone has kids, Champ. Having kids gives you a sense of achievement, makes you more responsible, continues the family legacy, and ensures that someone who'll take care of you when you get old. Why the glum face? Oh, I know: Girl trouble. Champ, that Lacey girl wasn't laughing at you; she was laughing with you. Girls like a confident guy with a winning smile. And introducing yourself is as simple as walking up to her, handing her a bouquet of flowers, giving her a firm handshake, and telling her that you're not letting go until she comes with you to the school dance.
Don't gimme any of this mularkey about your looks or height. Girls will practically be chasing a handsome fella like you when you crawl outta your shell, Champ.
Fuck you for creating a subhuman by fucking a 40 year old, not my fault all my shit is fucked
Jack Harris
Don't beat yourself up, Champ. Only quitters make excuses, and I didn't raise a quitter; I raised a Champ! See, you've gotta take it slow and play it cool, Champ. Who knows? That special someone might be just around the corner. And when you see her, it's as easy as giving her a firm handshake and telling her you're not letting go until she accompanies you to dinner.
WHEN you have kids of your own, you'll be giving them this exact same pep talk.
"Champ, back in my day, statements like that were just another way of saying that you needed a kick in the keyster to get you back on the right track to being a genuine God-fearing man. And a productive member of society, too. There are plenty of girls for someone like you out there if you're just willing to look. Speaking of which: When are ya gonna give your mother and me grandchildren, Champ? Having kids is important because it gives you direction, a sense of achievement, and someone who'll take care of you when you get old. Why the glum face? Oh, I know: Girl trouble. Champ, that Lacey girl wasn't laughing at you; she was laughing with you. Girls like a confident guy who can sweep her off her feet with a winning smile. A handsome guy like you ought to have no problem finding the right girl. And introducing yourself to one is as simple as walking up to her, smiling, giving her a firm handshake, and telling her that you're not letting go until she accepts your invitation to American Bandstand. I'll even buy you tickets so you two can sit together in the front row.
"Heh. Girls will practically be chasing you when you crawl outta your shell, Champ. Hell, you'll practically have to fend them off with a broom."
My father never tried to motivate me he only put me down when i tried new things
John Thompson
Meeting girls, Champ? That's easy. You've gotta walk up to them, give 'em a firm handshake, and tell 'em you're not letting go until she accompanies you to American Bandstand. Worked for me back in '74 when I got home from 'Nam. WHEN you have kids of your own, you'll be giving them this exact same pep talk.