Bulking Thread

How’s the bulk going boys?

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it's going great, every time i fuck your mom up her shit hole with my big dick she makes me a sandwich so i'm already chowing down on my 5th one of the night LMFAO

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Terrible, have been drinking lots of milk to substitute cals and protein, gains have been decent tho
T. Just above ottermode now

Holy SHIT lol, this is why I come to Jow Forums

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! (it wasnt funny but the guy who replied to you was laughing so im going with flow)


Good I guess, reverse dieted from a cut and gained 2kg since june, think I finally found the calories that give me good gains but don't make me a fat shitter

im growing tits, please dont ask for pics

Post that shit you sexy boy

Lads, how do we fight through the pain of knowing we’re getting less attractive? It’ll be worth it in the end right?