corrrr bit warm today isn't it lads?
*nods at tiger*
yalright lad
well /britfeel/, what do you have to say for yourselves?
truly the fattest cat
pwoar abosolute unit
Pretty true statement, im working it out though, we're all gunna make it lads!
well we have no idea what death is like
Proper wish I didn't have autism desu
The current game is life on earth lad, its the most exciting simulation around.
If anything interesting happens with shippy and moni I want some credit lads. I was the only one reassuring shippy in the night thread telling him he should go. Wouldn't be happening without is
no we know what chapter of space marines tim has?
OP image getting a mite crowded these days, dont ya think?
So you confess to facilitating the rape of a mentally unbalanced asian woman?
Where's Amer this holy weekend?
London, he's on a date with shipanon. They're going to Hamilton and then going to bum each other in a hotel
Honestly nobody cares about this nonsense gossip
This is slander your honour!
moni was very eager for meet ups, i wonder if hes trying to become the thread serial killer
Clearly you weren't in the last thread.
I hate trips and personality mugs shitting up threads but I just want my fair dues if we get some good shit from it
not long until the show is finished, just around the corner ready to take their pic and walk behind poley with a registered offender sign with an arrow pointing to him
Seems more like the potent combination of loneliness and no self respect
Its a bit girly to be talking about stuff like that. We should be going on about manly things.
yeah I won't have to go to work when I'm dead
It's just a bit of fun at the trips expense user, sorry I'm not a big manly man like you
Anybody who gives trips attention is the cancer of britfeel
I agree
DESU LADS well chuffed they made a spinoff of barrys gf from the goldbergs
the only barry in ARE BRITFEEL is barry chuckle
Gym was quiet. Everywhere else packed. Sat on some grass till everyone fucks off and I can park near my flat. Had to flash some pricks on scooters for pulling out on me at a roundabout then travelling at 30mph with just the right amount of distance between them that I couldn't overtake
>He goes to the gym
yo lads I feel like SHIT
you look like it to
If I adopted that approach I'd be dead in a matter of months, weeks perhaps. The alternative is booze n drugs - the meaning of life.
I never went without, but I'm so thankful my parents never spoiled me
wish i had friends to go outside and smoke some weed with in this beautiful weather
Sorry to hear it, what's up lad?
Anyone got the coleslaw image?
Have you ever made a girl blush? Its so alpha, i dont think i have done since 15 , 23 now. My personality is almost against making women blush. I hate them, they're already so coddled they dont need an extra beta orbiter yes man.
Just ate three packets of pickled onion space invaders.
The indian Kurt Cobain
You're right. I was spoiled and I'm a lazy bastard.
No. Weed smoking is to be undertaken in private, alone.
Kury Cobain.
i've only ever smoked weed by myself and i'd like some friends to chill with for once
How were you spoiled lad?
Cat keeps trying to eat my pork scratchings lads and she wont leave me alone
this hot weather makes me genuinely want to cry
is it because you want to enjoy it but have no friends and no reason to leave your cave?
No beef or spicy bbq?
Mum always got me crisps and chocolate and bought expensive clothes
no it's not that, it just makes me feel physically uncomfortable, and i'd feel a lot worse if there were friends or a reason to be there, like working in it or some shit
a-just-a think-about!!!!!
Got 100 bongs to my name lads, need a quick job ASAP. Is the Warehouse still the go-to scene for quick jobs?
I've appleid for a few council jobs but holy shit, these cunts take ages
I keep saying it but healthcare
They literally employ people who hardly speak english so you will get the job
mental health is better to avoid doing as much physical care
She cute
Do one, tranny.
based lonely stoners but I do miss the days of sitting in a football field smoking weed and getting some sun
Go to a temp agency. Just give you random basic jobs that can last from a couple months or weeks
Car needed a clearout
Don't sound that bad live
I go on Jow Forums far less often and it has greatly improved my life, I don't even look at the rest of r9k, I go straight to britfeel
h-he doesn't drive a 600GBP Mondeo that is a fundamentally superior vehicle.
why is there so much talk about trannies everywhere I go on the internet, like who gives a shit, I like shagging them not gonna lie
Been drinking too much and havent changed my sheets or washed in awhile. Just had a shower though feel better
>ywn shack up with a lovely conservative Muslim lass
What setting do I put it on? Help please. Shorter cycle the better
liar liar danny dyer
get him in a headlock
cottons, time saver, 40c
oh and spin cycle.
for drying, cottons, 60 mins,
>Been drinking too much
No such thing lad
my mate is making me get into the 30k horus heresy game, so I've started reading the books
Watching the Peterson vs Zizek debate
Think im a marxist now *schniff*
what u listening to lads
If McDonald's wasn't 3 miles away I'd be a right fat bastard
Ty famalam. Helped out man child.
The lore is based and crazy. Good way to spend time
i also find the lore interesting, mostly because theres not really anything else like it
have no interest in the game though
Last 4 songs listened to. Roast me.
I played the game a bit when I was a young lad but I'm just not autist enough for it
the game just seems like lining up all your guys, roll 10000 dice and knock the shit out of each other
would rather play something like dawn of war
oh oh lads think I left this yought out of the fridge too long
Pooing out room for this
Few years ago I was staunchly anti left wing. Now I am a Marxist
not going to lie family, the consistency of that mash looks perfect
>Few years ago I was staunchly anti left wing. Now I am a Marxist
now this is epic
phwor looks lovely
why is it served on your mums bedsheets
>two different types of potato
what is the memeing of this?
cos I just fucked ur mum lol
>H-he's eating MEAT.
>A-and two different types of cooked potatoes - mashed and roasted!
Absolutely vile.
It is epic. But capitalism is the very opposite of epic
>parents are arguing again
dont get why they just dont get a divorce tbqh lads, fucking woke me up from my nap
my mum would never shag the kind of low class pleb who mixes peas into the mash
a dab of milk, a curl of butter and some black pepper
it was going to have my post din dins fag then draw for a bit
eating in bed on my I don't give a fuck if I spill anything on it it sheet
>dont get why they just dont get a divorce tbqh lads
You know you could always move out
based choice indeed lad
>Not having a seperate pile for your peas
Dirty bastard
I have lad, just back home for the easter holidays init