What are some fun things to do on 4/20?

What are some fun things to do on 4/20?

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jump off a 30-story building

animals are totally retarded and non sentient beings that should be slaughtered and crushed for our pleasure

smoke bud and hash

Haha le kys meme XD

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>Use weed daily
>Hate the dumb "DUDE WEED 4/20 LMAO" culture

Anyone else?

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Fucking hate it. I smoke often but I seclude myself and it's almost ritualistic with good music playing in the background.

The pop culture with weed is fucking cancerous and should be terminated.

imagine unironically celebrating 4/20 over the age of 18. Do a real drug like acid or ketamine baby

Fast over the weekend, and go for a nice nature walk!

imagine unironically dropping acid after 1969, be a real man and do iv h and meth !

imagine unironically shooting up. real men do adrenochrome freshly harvested from the brain of a white virgin !

go dissolve your ego on DMT, drug addicts

not over the age of 18 tho, i am 18

this kills the memee

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Fuck your weed and smoke your girlfriend

this, I like to get stoned by myself and work on projects, the lazy 4/20 culture is so stupid and I can't stand being around people who perpetuate it.

Careful with that shit, nigga

>he hasn't grown out of weed yet

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When I smoke weed it's usually when I am either watching a movie or on holiday. I wouldn't do it everyday, most of the time I like to be high energy and weed does the opposite. You should only smoke it to relax.

i smoke weed and browse Jow Forums and reddit nearly every day. i hate it

animals also keep earth healthy while we kill it but whatever mr giant ego man

Weed is fucking awful and I can't understand why would anyone keep using this shit after the first-time effects wear off

Alcohol feels like literally getting poisoned, a single night of drinking feels like it does more damage than decade of daily vaping weed

Interact with the egregore of the Schutzstaffel.

why the fuck?
there's no real discussion to be had there.

niche hobby/game communities
religion discussion
redpilling normies

Reddit has better anime discussion.