Hi pol black guy here


Attached: Steak.jpg (799x800, 244K)

Tastes good
Why do black people shoot each other so much? Like you can be walking down the street in Detroit and someone will pop your head for wearing a red shirt.

Attached: F9240BB1-B654-48AF-940F-5EEABC8D2745.jpg (900x616, 123K)

Attached: EA7D2DA9-D80A-49CC-BE8C-B7E828C20EB8.png (976x734, 214K)

Because I enjoy acquiring as many parasites in my digestive system as possible

That's not a picture of raw meat, it's clearly just cooked rare.

Attached: loadofthis.jpg (600x657, 36K)

Your ancestors lived in a lush land where pretty much every plant was edible. Ours live through the glaciation and could spend months with nothing to eat but reindeer and rhino, to the point where they had to break the bones open for the marrow.

I mean, the Jow Forumsacks who think we're different subspecies are fucking idiotic, but there is truth to the statement that we evolved separately for a few tens of thousands of years. It's why we got pale skin to absorb as much sunlight as possible to make our vitamin D during the winter months, as an example.

OP btfo

this looks delicious and not even close to raw

it tastes good. I also enjoy a thin well done sirloin on occasion and l love a Pittsburg style porterhouse every once in a while. dont be prejudicial and give it a try user, its good!

that`s medium rare

>I like the taste of raw meat
Why are wh*toids like this?

>low iq
>smell weird
>retarded speech
Why are blacks like this?

Attached: A9EAFE36-617B-4DE0-B3DA-7F9B4E055E92.jpg (624x351, 30K)

I don't like the taste as it is too mushy but there isn't anything wrong with it.

Why do black people suck chicken bones?

Why do you eat dirt cookies?

Thats how sub-species work you retard

Fellow black guy here.

Fuck you, medium rare steak is the only steak a real man would eat, or rarer. Take your burnt bitch steak somewhere else

I'm white and I eat raw liver, it squishes in my mouth and is juicy.

based quadroon

Not really. As an example, different dog breeds aren't considered subspecies

try a Pittsburg once. black on the outside and cold blue in the middle. with a red eye sauce. put hair on your hairs on your chest

based boomer