Are you HIGH TEST enough to carry your girl over your shoulder and thwart any incoming attackers?
Are you HIGH TEST enough to carry your girl over your shoulder and thwart any incoming attackers?
Jayden Perez
Owen Scott
Based and COLONIZEDpilled
Adrian Hernandez
>being in a heterosexual relationship
Tyler Foster
Seething, blackboi?
Cooper Wright
>more underage porn posting
Go be a thirsty beta somewhere else
Chase Bailey
In all scenarios I would be the attacker
Juan Bennett
>when you don't Jow Forums in as neither a man nor a woman
Wyatt Garcia
>black males
buh muh big bbc, every woman wants bbc.
Yeah, well then why 90% of good looking black girls fuck only whites?
Nathaniel Collins
I'm high test, my girl is just fat as fuck
Ayden Moore
Imagine having a black gf haha