Tfw cut dick

>tfw cut dick
can any anons comfort me please? i didn't think much of it before but for the past few days i have been reading about it and i can't get it out of my head that i have an inferior dick.

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Would still succ

I like cut dicks but imo uncut ones are better.

Same boat. Nice picture, though. I have heard that somebody is researching how to fix that.

Yeah cut dicks are dry af

Know how you feel, user. I wish my fucking parents would have left my penis alone. :(

>actually have a pretty sizeable and nice penis
>like the shape and the coloration, and the way it looks
>Gotten compliments on the shape of it
>can only imagine how glorious it would have been if it were left in tact
>Mom even once told me that the doctor tried to talk them out of circumcision

In a world where penis mass is so important, why would you cut ANY of it off?

A reminder that people have literally committed suicide over this, that's how traumatic and destructive this practice is (and should be banned)

I would sue my parents over it, but that's the problem! Only poor people are stupid enough to circumcise their kids.

I don't get the whole "uncut is not clean" argument.
Like just have basic hygiene and take shower.

Honestly? It's just a ploy so that parents don't have to have the awkward conversation with their kids.They did it because "Muh tradition" and it's "What everyone else does", and then when they realize that's retarded, they stumble back on the "hygiene" excuse.
Luckily, I think people are starting to know better.

There is a cure that'll make you 100% the same as being uncut
Spread the word, this is our only hope:

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Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with circumcision. PROVIDED THAT IT WAS VOLUNTARY ON THE PART OF THE ADULT WHOSE BODY IT IS ATTACHED TO.

Completely agree. Nothing wrong with circumcision but it shouldn't be done to infants.

Time to start restoring OP. I've been doing it for 7 years and I'm still not even halfway done.
Get angry and get proactive about the situation.

Also the hygiene arguments originates from when jews brought over the practice, in order to convince goy parents that it was sanitary

The only REAL problem with being uncut is that there's 10% chance to have phimosis (the number might be less but I think it was 10%).
Phimosis means foreskin is tight and you cannot completely retract it/pull it down.
I had it and fixed it by doing stretching exercises for couple months.

circumcision is so uncommon in europe that you actually have a bonus here with a cut dick

There are more nerve endings in the anus, OP. Surely that still works for you?

>there's 10% chance to have phimosis
not even 1% mate

If you develop phimosis your parents were just too retarded to tell you to wash your dick

My dick is cut, I dont resent it too much and still think its pretty aesthetic.

My kids wont be cut tho

Good god, the glans is so smooth and shiny looking. I have no particular preference since I've never been with either, but if I planned on breeding I wouldn't want to circumcise my son at birth. I feel the same on this as I do with piercing the ears of babies/young children. Wait 'til they're old enough to make their own decision.

Gr8 b9 m0

>tfw psimosis

These threads are always started by anteater dick faggots.

Fact is the overwhelming majority of women would rather suck and fuck a cut guy. Unless you're showering before sex EVERY TIME, your dick will have a nasty dickcheese smell to it. That's why uncut guys barely get blowjobs from their girlfriends.

Maybe in America and some third world countries, cut dicks are in.minority in the world.

Doesn't change the fact that girls don't like the smell or taste of dick cheese

You have a mutilated Jew cock.
Blame your parents and let them know how badly they fucked up.

I would suck it while wearing my cute highschool uniform user

Obviously no one does. But luckily there's an easy way to avoid it - it's called having basic hygiene.
Happens to work.

Dick cheese builds up throughout the day. Unless you're only having sex immediately after a shower, your point is meaningless. And how fucking boring is your life that you only bang after showering?

Ikr I am contemplating suicide because I was jewed for no reason by doctors

Not op but I did and they either ignore or mock me or think that I am insane

Even in america its 50 50

That's not how uncut dicks work. It takes far more time for stuff to accumulate down there.

How do you think he would know? He had never had a uncut dick and neither did he do research

I don't think I'm doing anything unique to avoid stuff from building up down there, never in my life I've had it. Maybe because I know how to properly take care of myself.

I had adult circumcision.

I dunno why you incels have to lie to yourselves. Not like you're gonna get laid in this lifetime anyway lmao

Yes, time as in throughout the day and your physical activities. Dipshit

Yeah you would know alot about what dick smells like right mushroom cock?

All you're telling us is that you lack any basic hygiene and don't know how to take care of yourself. A normal person doesn't have the problems you're describing.

Since you lack more than 3 braincells I'm only going to repeat this for your dumb ass one more time:

8 hours after you shower your dick sleeve is going have sweat buildup as a result of moving about throughout your day.

Don't fuckin' take my word for it. Talk to women. They prefer blowing cut guys because there's no smell and it's a million times cleaner. Objective truth. Sorry it hurts.

I've got a question. I'm circumcised and my penis is about 6.75 inches erect, but only about 2 inches flacid. If I wasn't circumcised, how would this be different? Would my foreskin grow along with my penis, or would my penis stay at its erect length all the time?

The American medical establishment has a very strong Jewish contingent and they are allowing their cultural bias to dominate the discussion over circumcision. The US is really an international pariah on this issue. It's very rare for this procedure to be performed for "aesthetic" reasons. Outside the US it's only done for religious reasons.

Your foreskin would grow proportionally with the rest of your dick during puberty. Your length and girth aren't affected by being circumcised.

If you manage to get such a dirty dick in just 8 hours, then a circumcision isn't going to help you.

This might come as a shock to you, but some people actually have jobs and social lives and don't just rot in their computer chair all day.

is the skin really tight when you're erect? if so then yes, your flaccid dick would most likely be bigger if you were intact
not the same as your erect length but probably around 4 inches

You still smell after 8 hours whether you're circumcised or not. Why the hell can't you simply "freshen" up after those eight hours before sexy time? Girls do that. They wash their assholes, pussies, and brush their teeth before sex. Why can't guys do the same?

My peenur is like something in the middle of being cut and uncut and it's sad. When it's hard there is no foreskin for her to play and when it's soft there is not enough to preserve sensitivity. I literally cannot cum sometimes because of it. At least I don't cum that fast when we have ffm threesomes with my wife.

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I always wondered what it would feel like to be uncut.

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