What's the best monster ultra flavor?
What's the best monster ultra flavor?
Original, it's the one I always go for.
I like violet
i prefer rockstar xdurance
shut the fuck up niger kickstart mango is obviously the best here have a sip
this is the best one. fight me if u disagree
gift from garden eden
And hear we see the call of the boomer as it attracts its herd.......truly fascinating.......this had been Jerry cukum and me and my wife work hard for the BBC.
The undefeated GOAT
Red is my favourite. Why the fuck is it so rare?
da gween won
This brings me back to the good o'l days.
purple or orange
wtf how not original?
Is the yellow one a yorop only flavor? I see they added Green to the website in burger land I'm going to go look for one when I go out later.
Blue, Red, White Black in that order for me senpai.
I remember the can but not the flavour, which is it ?
pretty good
disgusting only pink is worse
its meh
pretty good but taste like a little worse og one
its okay
relentless sucks
pic related is the best monster flavour
The purple punch is my favorite followed by the red punch.
mah nigga
this post was not original
It obviously was Citron
>no one posted this one yet
tasteless fucks, all of you
Never had Baller's blend or The Doctor. But I can tell you the Paradise tastes exactly like Venom's red. I came out of abstinential hiding to try it. It's not worth it. I only drink the Dragonfruit now.
Just imagine it, my brothers--- Ultra Paradise!
that shit tastes like mango yogurt water
>doctor said I have to cut back to 1 can of Monster a week
Can anyone tell really what is the rarest Monsters energy drink
pipeline punch nonny ^_^
The best way to find a feminine penis is by using Grindr, slam a monster then get slammed by a sissyboi
I don't understand why he drinks that flavor exclusively
I use to stick a monster in my boipussy got it stretched for cock
>South Australia has entered the chat
I dunno about the US but they're all filled with sweetener here in the UK, the only energy drink you can get in a supermarket that doesn't have sweetener is pic related.
Zero Ultra is a flavor tailored to women. Its poor sales left Monster to experiment with guerrilla marketing via memes. The first 30 year old boomer meme didn't have Monster in it.