Domestic life with a bf edition
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Domestic life with a bf edition
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>straight porn does nothing for me anymore
>still jerk off to hentai
Am I retarded?
>tfw no scandinavian boyfriend who's short
so tell me about your crushes please anons
>tfw no bf to cuddle while we play video games together
>tfw no bf to steal and wear my oversized hoodies
Hentai is uncompromising, raw, in-your-face. You want porn that get sexy-ay, hentai gets sex-ay. Consistently and thoroughly.
I guess you will not like me then :(
he is my classmate. we hold hands all the time, he hugs me a lot and he loves to give me neck kisses
but he is straight
Yeah but it's still titties and pussy, and admittedly dicks and balls too but still, why am I turned off by real pussy and tits but find myself able to blast a wad to animated pussy and tits?
Post cute stuff you would do with your bf!
Meeting irl edition.
Here's what I'd do to him
What did he meow by this
nice pederasty meme
What the fuck are these autists doing?
I'm the same way to some extent. I think it's just because of how over the top sexy hentai is. It's just pure potent SEX. Add that you can self-insert as one or the other party and it somehow works. Imagining the girl as a cute bottom and yourself as the top for example. Generic samey vanilla porn doesn't really work though, at least for me.
It also sorta comes from the fact that there's relatively little gay content out there, and a LOT of it is just badly drawn furry porn. Because apparently being furry makes it not as gay somehow?
>relatively little gay content
You aren't looking.
He's German, tired a lot, but very cute and we have fun talks. I could say more but he lurks here
that sounds so wholesome user, even if he is your straight friend. cherish him while you can
aw that's cute user. i won't tell him, whoever he is
he'sa very handsome guy and we spend as much time we can watching sci-fi stuff together when our work schedules allow it and we want to meet up irl so we can go on hikes and look at cool rocks and hold hands, i like him a lot!
There's some amount of trap content but it's nowhere near as prolific as the endless supply of high quality hetero hentai doujinshi. You've got a half dozen decent artists and that content runs out fast. You can only read the same old mario and asanagi books so many times before they start getting stale.
Why are you even here. Asanagi and Mario's only "yaoi" doujins are trap stuff. Gtfo prison gay.
i want my bf to wildly shout in enochian as he climaxes
tfw no theurgy bf
I'd like an older boyfriend who doesn't mind timid nerdy boys and is protective. Thank you.
Also has to like Seinfeld.
>tmw no vidya meow bf nyaa
>tfw no bf who looks exactly like this and is into black guys
>tfw no ps2 gunner/pilot bf
>tfw no robot bf to pIay hytale with aIl always
Why don't gaybots just date gaybots?
they never like me
that's a meme, mental problems don't cancel each other out when you combine them and date someone just as bad, you just get twice as many problems
>LITERALLY giving myself gray hairs over possibly being gay
>Making myself nauseous thinking about how dad would react when I inevitably have to tell him
>tfw im older and like seinfeld
how old were you looking for user?
Just dont be gay if it stresses you out that much lmao
Tell me your age and I will say if it's OK.
I am 28 years old user, is that OK?
Yes it is. What are you looking for?
>there are walking corpses in my thread
t. fatty
original post thank you janny
go ejaculate out some dust, grandpa
>Tfw no trans bf to get dominated by and cuddle
>there are walking meows in my thread
>people don't want a boy that weights less than 50kg
explains why I'm single
>user wants an ugly hairy girl with a hairy pussy to dominate him
user thats gross c'mon
why would you be that anxious/unsure about being gay? you either like men or you don't. is it that hard?
>implying there aren't feminine trans boys
user you homophobe!!
dominate you with what exactly? it's the equivalent of taking a dildo with half the effort
He is cute, has a good sense of humor, is bi and sometimes make me want to die (not his fault though).
>feminine trans boys
I never have and never will understand this, putting all the effort into transitioning into the "opposite" gender only to basically present yourself the same way you would have pre-transition. It's the biggest cry for attention and/or trauma cope I've ever heard of.
If you want a feminine transboy then why don't you just DATE A GIRL SRAIGHTFAG
he's been by best friend for 11 years(since I was 5) and i have liked him for a year and half. Am I doomed?
so just date a tomboy? this tranny shit is too confusing
You tell me what you're looking for first. Why an older boy?
Because I think they would understand me better.
Because my sexuality is weird
>first thing I jerked off to was futa
>think women are hot but hate vaginas, vaginal sex
>find out rubbing prostate feels good
>jerk off to crossdressers
>only jerk off to women if they're the dominant ones, it's not vaginal sex, some other fetishistic stuff or if I self insert as a submissive woman getting fucked
>Not into IRL women, figure it's from porn addiction
>occasionally fap to man on trap
>do noporn and nofap (15-18)
>nothing changes
>Assumed I still don't like women in real life yet because I'm not done puberty and it'll come later
>have almost no interest in straight stuff, even selfinserting
>fap exclusively to gay
>start noticing certain features of guys that I like, like G5 and some of the ripped ones
>but not into 90% of men
>hate some masculine traits e.g. hairlets or facial hair
>don't have a gayface
How old are you? What do you want? What about you makes you think an older boy would understand you better?
this looks quite comfy tbhhhh
I don't know, it's just a feeling. Do you think you would like talking to someone younger?
Should I start going places alone more?
How do you keep fait in a ldr?
I mean If there's an androgynous figure in front of me and acts easy like a girl I'm not complaining.
Cause i like boyish aesthetic more, and girls are whores most of the times.
I guess so but tomboy are i don't know, i need to think about it, thanks for the tip tho.
I don't think I'd mind. How much younger?
you talk to him, do stuff like games together, just keep talking and spending time with him, chances are if you're both bots he's not cheating on you.
>both bots= not cheating
Top Kek
>Send pic
>Immediatly ghosted
I just want a bf to spoon, is that too much to ask for?
>idk maybe it is, I don't know your life.
10 years younger, too young?
nothing about your sexuality is weird though, i mean your fetishes are weird by being niche but none of what you described can remotely be interpreted as straight. sure the way you started off was a bit ambiguous but you've never not liked penises, especially now since you exclusively fap to gay things i don't see how it's even a question in your mind.
Depends, are you really 18 years old or are you younger and just pretending? I don't want to fall into that trap again.
>tmw no bf who doesnt know how to use greentext
>girls are whores most of the times.
>I mean If there's an androgynous figure in front of me and acts easy like a girl I'm not complaining.
Alright user but just keep in mind that most trannies are mentally ill, and more often than not a "feminine trans boy" is going to end up being worse off than a masculine one
I'm not pretending, and that's illegal.
Do any of you want to play Portal 2 sometime with me and my autistic nasally voice?
You should've come to me like 1 month ago, i now master the art of greentex.
Yea but as i said women are easy to deal with in my experience, easy to manipulate etc.
But I like women and jerked off to straight stuff. And I like straight women fetishy stuff. Pic related.
I'd rather be her in the left and upper parts but worship her pits in the right.
How can I possibly be gay? If I was gay I'd be attracted to way more men. Most guys here who aren't prison gay aren't into only 10% of guys.
>someone starts trying to lewd chat with me
>don't know how to respond
>go offline
I'm never gonna make it
I know that's illegal, that's why I blocked him.
Only if we don't play Portal 2 and play what I want to play. Absolute nerd.
lewd chat is cringy as fuck desu, i wish people didn't always try to do that it just makes me uncomfortable
Can I e-mail you anywhere?
Tell him you are new to this and he will understand, hopefully, if he doesn't tell him you want to suck his cock and it will be alright for the time being.
Friendly reminder that the moment society collapses and there are no police to protect you, you faggots are getting the rope. You could have prevented this if you stopped shitposting on our board, but now you'll deserve it.
>I'm never gonna make it
Yes user, you can.
tfw powercut
you jerked off to straight stuff imagining yourself as the woman though, you were focused on the idea of a dick going inside you which is what you got hard for. you still like some aspects of femininity so you're what, bisexual to some degree? it's the fact that you're unable to fully like a woman as a whole that would make you not straight in my mind but it's all up to you really. try this. if you were going to be alone in the world with no one else besides you and another human would you rather they be male or female?
What do you want to play? I don't enjoy violence/coercion
You shouldn't lewd talk with people who aren't your bf. I don't get why people start with lewd before even befriending these days.
>if you were going to be alone in the world with no one else besides you and another human would you rather they be male or female?
I'm not even him and this question kind of rattled me
No one irl even knows that im gay
I wanna play The Game.
You're going to lose this one.
>if you were going to be alone in the world with no one else besides you and another human would you rather they be male or female?
That's a loaded question
>don't look at the chicken
>look at it
That depends user.
Are you the master of your domain?
assuming you're the user that's questioning i feel like your answer should give some insight to your sexuality, another thing to consider is that you're maybe trans? but i wouldn't put too much thought into that seeing as the only reason you'd want to be a woman is purely for the sexual aspect right? that same question, about it being just you in the world could apply to your gender.
I'm not lewd and can talk bunch.
Just be careful I don't become too talkative.
If society does collapse you won't even need the rope. The gay lifestyle spreads disease and takes a massive toll on the body. Without expensive medical interventions gays will quickly kill themselves off.