If you didn't have to then go kill people in the name of satan for the elite, i would do every military training program from marine boot camp to BUDS, SERE school, ranger school, the list goes on and on. I mean can you imagine the training, the knowledge, the expertise and not to mention experience some of these veterans have? I would pay 10s of thousands to go to some of these schools, and obviously you'd have to, it costs the US millions to train these guys.
Are there any services in the civilian world that offer this kind of training? I need advanced training guys, not something you find in a Hollywood gym.
If you're talking about fitness then you're fucking stupid because all of those special forces guys are completely broken by the time they're done and mostly do their own type of training.
If you mean skillset there are a bunch of ex spec ops guys who give courses on sharpshooting and Bush craft shit
Thomas King
Yes but i'm talking about practical training, not necessarily 100's of thousands of push ups for social reasons which is the kind of thing that's blowing them out. I'm wondering if anyone know's of a company that does this kind of a thing. I'm willing to go anywhere in the US.
Cooper Scott
Nice try, Haji, but you can't get our kung-fu ninja secrets.
Mason Martin
I've done SERE, you learn a ton and part of it are fun but overall it fucking sucks.
Asher Rivera
Exactly, i would like to learn a ton and i don't think it has to involve breaking myself. At least not my body from to much exercise which is what is talking about.
Aaron Perry
You'll end broken whether you want to or not. There were some PJs and CROs at SERE with me and their training was brutal. People in incredible shape wash out from those courses every day.
SERE itself isn't hard in the same way, but my feet still hurt from SERE and it was 2 years ago.
Julian Carter
>ranger school There are few bigger gains goblins than this.
Joshua Thompson
I just got the sense he meant they're broken from the volume of pt. I'm aware this stuff breaks you, i'm aware breaking is how you get stronger... Yeah i guess i should have specified i'm looking for real world practical training, not vanity gains. Jow Forumss just the only place for this post.
Zachary Reyes
Breaking definitely isn't how you get stronger. Not in the way that happens to the kids in these programs - they tear ACLs, break legs, get concussions, etc.