Got pregnant

>Got pregnant
>Cant afford abortion

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just get married to him

nhs ftw noob

pics of creampied pussy or it didn't happen

Nigga it's probably like $800, tops. Literally just work at a grocery store for a week...

Haha oh yeah sometimes I forget that people have to pay for their healthcare in less civilized parts of the world haha

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Just threaten him with 18 years of child support so he'll pay for it

Not sure how any non-cuck robot could be against single payer healthcare. Imagine actually wanting to create more single mothers and school shooters.

>worried one of the fembots I ghosted in the past might have kept my baby

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>Imagine not wanting more meme material!
This shit is gold user.
Also, single payer sucks. We need anarchy.

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>Not sure how any non-cuck robot could be against single payer healthcare. Imagine actually wanting to create more single mothers and school shooters.
The most common objection I hear is "minorities/illegals sucking up all healthcare"

which IS valid.
That's why you cannot have "socialism" in a perennially invaded shithole..
Sweden and Finland are moving away from socialized shit too.. in addition to other eurocukc countries

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Yeah, let's just fund women's lifestyle where they can whore around with Chad all they want and suffer no consequences or repocussions.

Women suck up all the healthcare. Women use substantially more tax dollars than men, yet return a net negative amount.
>pic related

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Women are going to suck and fuck Chad all they want until they hit the wall, weather they have kids or not. Most women who get abortions aren't fit to be mothers anyway. We might as not create more single moms.

I don't care, I don't want my tax money being spent on whores

I'd rather pay for a whore's abortion than pay for her food stamps/housing for the next 18 years.

That's because of childbirth you absolute retard. And guess what gender gets women pregnant?

you are not that cute



Not my problem. If women can't afford to get pregnant, then maybe they shouldn't get pregnant?

>I'd rather pay for a whore's abortion than pay for her food stamps/housing for the next 18 years.

The answer to this quandary is to not pay for the food stamps or housing either.

Yeah because about the only thing the NHS is good at is killing babies.

RIP anglofags

>That's because of childbirth
really? how much is shitting out 2-3 kids per lifetime gonna cost
it's what? 30-50 hours in a lifetime


Fast Times says it just costs $75 and a ride

that movie was made like 30 years ago, I would think the price has gone up?

Have fun with the baby you fucking whore

what color is the baby going to be? white - keep it. everything else - kill it

Fast for some days and exercise a lot. I hear about someone doing that and working. Also fasting lowers progesterone wich is needed to keep the pregnancy
Heard about Misoprostol btw?

How old are you and did he stay? It might be fun to raise a kid.

>Implying cathlyn mcbait aka op effs white guys

29 replies and not one person has mentioned either that perhaps if she's having enough sex to get pregnant then she needs to get the fuck off this board or that this is most likely a larp.
I'm very disappointed.

>just work at a grocery store for a week

I can tell you're a neet because you obviously have no concept how much money grocery store workers get

I knew how to avoid pregnancy when i was15 and i'm male. Why are people so stupid?

You are irresponsible. Anyway, can't he pay for it?

move to canada free health care.
jokes aside kill yourself "fembot" you are the reason r9k is dying

>Cant afford abortion

You can always afford an abortion

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