What are the benefits of working out drunk

What are the benefits of working out drunk

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Throwing up so you lose weight.

you're way stronger because you dont feel pain when you go too far
i wouldnt recommend it

>slightly drunk = better run times and easier sets
>really drunk= injury

Gaining the confidence to cold approach the cardio bunny

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This, I'm way stronger when drunk and can go twice as heavy for twice the reps. If alcohol didn't have all the shitty side effects I'd do every workout drunk

You won't feel serious injuries until much later.

It definitely helps for more reps. More weight makes me feel like chucking

I did drunk snatches recently and got a 10 lbs pr

Are you retarded ?

Not giving a shit about anyone or anything

>drunk snatches

you're lucky to be alive

>shitty form
>more reps cause of shitty form
>sweat more
>longer isometric holds

My best bench was done drunk. Also fucked up my shoulder.

Basically you get retard strength for one, maybe 2 good sets. After that you get nauseous and you're weaker than you regularly are.

Temporarily increased test
Increased confidence
Decreased pain sensation
Increased glucose availability

Possible dehydration
Decreased balance/motor control
Decreased pain perception
Possibly dangerous reduction of inhibition
Test plummets afterwards

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It's a horrible idea.

The possibility of discovering that you are, in fact, an alcoholic.
I've known dudes to lift with a little bit of a weed high but didn't enjoy it myself

The benefits are that you'll probably decapitate yourself with the bar, removing your dumb ass from the gene pool.

if you're suicidal you have a way higher chance of death