Be me

>Be me
>600 pounds, 33-year old good boy
>went to the doctor today
>doctor says I need to start losing weight now
> He asks my mom how I got to this point
> "I have no idea" she says, holding back tears.

Flashback to my childhood

> No exercise
> Mom wouldn't let me stay out past 5, spent the night playing vidya or sitting in front of tv
> Had my first Pepsi when I was 3
> Mom couldn't cook, fast food every night.
> Mom was dependant on me, never taught me to be emotionally independent.
> Mom taught me to eat my stress away.


> "yup, no idea how I got here"

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>it's everyone's fault but mine!
yep, typical r9k post.

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>it's no ones fault but yours!
yep, typical just world fallacy post

if you're 600 lbs how did you get to the doctor?

Go do exercises at a pool and eat normal quantities of food. Walking will be bad for your extremities at this point. You can lose weight user, but you have to be willing to.

Nigga force her to bring you out to a private pool and don't eat more than 1500 calories a day. Drink lots of water too.

just fucking eat less and move your ass a little, it is not that hard. I literally lost 40 pounds in a couple months just by not eating like a pig and exerciseing a little.

>phew ill just blame my parents
Youve got no one to blame but yourself, Bucko. And the fact you somehow know your situation so well shows it. You spun that yarn in your mind to avoid responsibility. And even if that insight is true. You wont use it to help fix yourself because you are useless just like how you were then.

Its one thing to be a victim. But to embrace victim hood is so disengenious and morally cowardly.

Holy fuck. I can fit almost five times inside of you. How do you even get there. Like sure I'm skinny and short but still. You could make like 4 whole mes out of your fat. Four entire fully developed, healthy adults. Out of sheer fat. How do you even get there.

ewww i want to see. post a pic?

You have no idea how
> Mom wouldn't let me stay out past 5, spent the night playing vidya or sitting in front of tv
Fucks you up. At least im not fat like OP, well not that fat

OPs obviously inclined to being fat. There may even be a genetic component to it but a few hours of lost play isnt going to get you up to 600 pounds. I hardly ever played, I eat like shit and I chug dews all day and im just chubby, 185 to 195 pounds. OP is supposed to play the genetics card not the parents one. The only acceptable time to play the parents card is when they are highly abusive or if your existentially suffering.

you're 33 years old and went with your mom?? why?

even if you eat like a fatty all your life 300lbs is the norm

your just a lazy glutton OP

damn dude if this is really you I feel bad for ya user

nigger* ftfy

Literally everyone blames it on their parents oh I am too poor for healthy food oh my mom only bought shit food

Guess what I buy my own canned vegetables from the store it is fucking 60 cents a can and i put light salt on it

Can you sit on me so I can die peacefully

Im only 190 lbs and 6 feet tall and Im still a morbidly obese fat fuck. I cant even imagine 600 lbs. Holy shit.

>morbidly obese
>190 at 6ft
Nigger im 5 11 and weigh 195 and i just look out of shape.

>healthier foods are actually cheaper than shitty fast food and whatever the fuck else you're eating to get that heavy
>you can buy 9 bellpeppers for 3 dollars and eat fajitas for days
>access to youtube for quick, cheap and easy recipes
fucking retard. evolution at it again, cutting out the fat. you won't be missed.

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>muh genetics
Hypothyroidism will not even give you 50 lbs. It's all your disgusting gluttony.

fuck man, I hit 500 pounds and realized I needed to do something about it
350 now, still a fat fuck but working to improve

>assigning blame
lol what a fag

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70% of the variation in weight between individuals is heritable.

Whatever your mom did or did not do, you are 33 man. You have been an adult for 15 years. She provably had to take care of you by the age of 20 or 25, yet you can't even take care of yourself at the age of 33.

Go out. Have one last meal. And get on loosing it.

but you can get on a scale, hear your number called, and go "holy shit, fuck this noise"
it's the hardest thing of your life, but you can bite the bullet and do it

based classicbigboiposter

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Man I got to 100kg and felt like such a fat fuck, I'm down to 68kgs but my body feels like shit and I still haven't gotten laid. I could have been you but circumstances kicked my ass and now I'm just a poor skinny white boy who can't afford any new vidya.

ahhhh hello depression my old friend, even losing weight I can't escape you.

user is this real, are you actually 600 lbs?

i'm genuinely concerned about you

I used to be obese, and was treated very poorly by friends and family, bullied, etc.

It is possible to lose weight, but please, you must do it for yourself and not for someone whose opinion means nothing and who has given you nothing but abuse.

You are worthy of love and care, and if it is your wish to become healthy and fit, you will find the will and the courage to do so.

I believe in you, user, and I wish you good health and long life.

user, I want you to try an exercise.

Look inside yourself, to who you are essentially as a person. Imagine that person is a physical body. What does it look like?

That's what you will become.

Go to Jow Forums or another fitness community website and make it your home. Educate yourself on what proper healthy nutrition is, and what an exercise plan looks like.

Then, it is up to you to make the decision of if you want to lose weight and be healthy or not.

I'm 27, 210 pounds. The result of being a NEET for the last year and a half. fucking sucks.

Fast food doesn't make you fat, copious amounts of sugar does.

Also Super Size Me was a hoax, even if the dude supersized every meal, and always got the fattiest food with the most sugary drinks, he still wouldn't have gained weight like he did. he was eating an additional ~1200 calories a day outside of McDonald's.

I was obese for the same reason too. Not 600 pounds, but 200 lbs when I should be 140.

>mom burns the dinner again
>"it's ok mom we'll eat something else, like bread with butter"
>*forced to eat half burned dinner*
>*feel full*
>"I'm full mom I want to.."
>*forced to eat more until I feel nauseated*

God fucking damn it mom. Why did you have to be such a bitch?

Kek your moms just coping with being a bad chef.

>Fast food doesn't make you fat,
correct, but if you check caloric value on fast food items, it's generally quite high
>copious amounts of sugar does.

>Also Super Size Me was a hoax
it wasn't a hoax per se, it was just retarded because he would have gaiend just as much with any food eating that much per day

>he was eating an additional ~1200 calories a day outside of McDonald's.
this is the first I hear of this, do you have a source?

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There's a movie called "Fat Head" who has a whole section of the movie dedicated to debunking Super Size Me. In fact, pretty much the whole movie is a debunking.

Also calories don't matter as much as the mass of your food does, and the whole reason we have a problem with obesity is the frequency and volume with which we eat. I lost 40 pounds in about 2 months by just fasting.

>33 years old
>couldnt make the fucking decision by 20 to start healthy habits
>this is a whole 13 years he had free will to make a change

More like 13 years he was distracted by everything his mother gave him.

Women are thrash, including your mom (and mine).

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