The fuck did you just say about my cutting?

The fuck did you just say about my cutting?

Attached: 1565043717284.jpg (768x768, 111K)

Dang, Haley Joe Osmond looks like that!?!

>Did you spill my sóy milk on my reddit mac user?

Attached: 1562393341452.jpg (526x514, 41K)

remove glasses bulk up to built-fat, take the neck pill

Looks like he cut through his height as well lol. No gains for his height

why is his head still the same size?

>take the neck pill
Back to your containment site, lookismfag

Attached: 1555965004976.png (378x379, 220K)

Your face can get bloated with gear

You know it's kind of funny;
>But this literal midget is probably fitter than 75% of Jow Forums and probably more happy and self confident than 90% of us.

lads I might just say fat. I don’t want my head-body proportion to be fucked up like that

You'll be fine as long as you don't use roids. There's another pic of the guy where he looks fine btw

fuckin lol

he needs to get a haircut, and remove the gay glasses and would mog 80% of fit

Attached: 1561107934394.jpg (1024x1024, 65K)

It's like a comic book nerd blatantly self-inserted into a super hero comic.

Why tf does he look like a bobblehead?

>Yes I bash the fash and just finished my onions-shake, how did you know?

>reddit mac

Not me I'd mog him

I kind of want to see him off cycle

On the left his shoulder width vs head width is 3.2, on the right it's 3. Re-scaled it looks like this.

He just needs to get 7% wider.

Attached: bighead.jpg (768x768, 145K)

Since when are prescription glasses not okay? I'm not wearing contacts fuck that.

bold of you to assume hes fit, happy, or confident based on some bullshit tabloid article. it even says hes 5'7" which is obviously a lie.

You need glases that work well with your face.

Honestly the biggest problem with those pictures is mostly that the camera angle isn't the same, and it probably plays a big part in how weird this looks. Like, take the picture from a low angle like on the left and it wouldn't look nearly as jarring.

still looks weird

Glasses are okey, but those rims do not fit him what so ever

Lol no. He is going to have serious chronic health problems like hydrocephaly and organ failure from his midgetism.

Its much like the fat cows that have these puff pieces telling us about how happy and confident they are when in reality their bodies are breaking down and they are depressed.

user, I...

and he's using gear to compensate for his narrow shoulders
look how his delts pop

he just needs glasses with a wider frame
right now his glasses are narrower than his head that makes him look weird

He's 5'7 in heels. This guy would be comically tiny in person. He is probably 145 lbs.


Phonefag so excuse the inability to draw my point, but he only comes up to the door hinge.

The problem is that he has a normal sized head on an itty bitty body. It's like putting a 30 year olds skull on a 10 year old, giving him some muscle, and then sending him out into the world.

Attached: 20190818_114702.jpg (768x768, 274K)

nice edit ya 5'8 manlet

Attached: 1552484899661.jpg (640x619, 96K)

The problem is that he looks much better on the left and the redpill that fat sometimes looks better is too hard for some to swallow

It makes him look more proportionate at least


Does anyone have the shopped one with ideal proportions?

did he put his phone/camera on the floor in the first photo to make him look tall?

is there any particular LP that compliments cutting moreso than a typical hypertrophy program?

Man, he is going to mog everyone in line for the next nu-Wars movie

When will they ever learn?

is that a rack of katanas on the wall to the left in the second image?

I like this because the joke edit is funny and the guy is doing the best he can. heartwarming.