Alright robots, time for a poll

Alright robots, time for a poll.

How was your relationship with your father? Was he present? Did you have a good relationship with him?

Let's get down to the cause of robothood once and for all.

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dad was absent and when he was here he yelled and threatened to hit me

here's an original strawpoll

fuck i forgot to paste the link

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my old man is the best man I've ever known
I owe everything to him, and it made me so happy that he told me I made him proud last week
he even shook my hand

if you had a good relationship with your parents, why are you a robot?

I don't talk to my dad anymore. We never had similar interests. I didn't realize it at the time growing up, but my dad was and still is an alcoholic. He wasn't abusive or anything, but I figure he doesn't like me much. Finally moved out of my parents house at 24 about a month ago and he didn't even get out of bed to say goodbye to me. Oh well. If he ever does stop drinking I'm sure he'll reach out again and I'm sure then we can have a decent relationship.

I have a good relationship with my father
never said anything about my mother

I never had a good relationship with him. He yelled at me and my siblings all the time for the tiniest shit and said he would beat us like his parents did if it was still legal. he and my mom were unofficially divorced and lived in different houses a few miles apart my whole life and he just came over to drive us to school and drop off groceries and stuff. he was a military vet chad born in 1950 and doesnt know how to use email, I'm a 2000+ born friendless autist who's online 24/7 so we cant really relate to each other. I guess i respect him but i dont love him it doesnt really feel like hes my father

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Wish I was raised by him rather than my mother

He died and I had to grow up with my irresponsible, borderline clinically retarded mother instead.

Maybe my upbringing fucked me over, but what's worse is the lack of opportunities, connections, and social mobility that being practically trailer trash entails.

Its good relationship and he's more or less present in my life. However, he never been my role model as in person who i'd want to emulate

My dad died of cancer while i was only a kid. I remember wanting to find out where he was because i missed him. Dont remember to much more than that i loved him.

My dad has a pretty high position at his job so hes been working constantly since I was 10. He went on a lot of business trips and when he was home he spent most of the time working because my mom and him have a bad relationship so he didnt like being at home. I know that he loves me, but he doesnt know anything about what I'm interested in or who I even am as a person really. I'm thankful that he worked so hard for us, so its confusing to have a father but not a father figure. Also I genuinely think he might be mildly autistic, which would also explain a lot.

dude I feel you so hard

He was present, strictly speaking, but he often worked long hours, so I usually only saw him about 3 or 4 days out of the week. I tried to get into sports when I was younger, but never took to it. Ended up dropping it in middle school on.

It's not that I don't like him or he doesn't like me, he managed to not go to college, and work his way up to a 6 fig salary to support his family. I have an immense amount of respect for him, and I think he's proud of where I am, but we're just such different people with different interests that it's hard to find common ground. I wish I could've been closer with him growing up.

My father and I are currently renting a house together while he and my mother finish a divorce which has been going on since 2016. This guy is the only reason I try my hardest. Whore of a mother cheated on him so many times and has fucked him financially and with his possessions its disgusting how much shit she sold of his when he first moved out while I stayed with that fucking bitch. SHE SOLD HIS NEW GOD DAMN HOT TUB AND MY GOD DAMN WEIGHTS AND WORKOUT SHIT. Guys been scraping by with his lil boy and the last three years have been so important to me because I feel like my dad actually got to know his son for who he is and what interests him and what his goals are :,) My dad has never let me down ever. He reminds me of my grandpa so much it's like looking at a younger version, maybe not as successful as him but its as close as it could get. When my grandpa died in 2008 it was how my dad reacted to it that was the most important thing in life I've seen. The creator of my creator dying of liver cancer, laying in silence with tears rolling down his eyes. My dad acted like a statue next to his dying father. So much respect.

what is a father?

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I didn't have a father and haven't talked to my mom in 10 years.

>what is a father?
baby dont hurt, dont hurt me no more

My father was present and my parents never divorced, however he never really involved himself that much in my own or my brothers upbringing. I don't remember one memory that you'd call a father-son moment. Something simple like changing a tire together or something. When my mother egged him on to involve me or my brother in something we usually just stood around not knowing what to do because he didn't give us a task. Hard to say whether he didn't realize that you have to teach kids things or if he just didn't want to bother. I also don't remember ever being scolded by him for something. Whenever I did something bad in school my mother did that. He did however shit on my brother a whole lot for some reason. Ever since my mother died he's been an alcoholic and now that he's found a replacement woman we rarely talk. I don't think my father ever wanted kids. He had to grow up pretty fast. He went from living with his parents to a married man and father in the span of 3 years so I don't think he was ever really prepared for all that entails

He was really rare. He acted like an autistic person sometimes, other times he would find girls to fuck (my parents divorced when I was 6, pretty common in my country). He only saw me 2 days (sundays and mondays) but sometimes he would prefer his paid girlfriend to staying with me. When I went there, he would sometimes cook something I like or pay a happy meal on McDonalds, and then he would let me turn on the PC and I will start playing CS ALL the fucking day. Other times he would let me with my uncle in another home, probably to fuck his girl hard without I bothering him.

On summers we went to a summer house (his family is pretty rich, all of them except him and one of his brothers. From my mom side we are poor to lower middle class, 3rd country tho) and I mostly played with my cousins. Saw him very few times, I think I remember more one of his brothers. But I dont remember if he stayed all the month, cuz he had a shitty work. He would sleep with me tho, i was a lil baby when it comed to sleepin alone at the time.

In 2009 i think a girl died in his house (he lived with his mom and his brother, who was single and fucked a lot of whores too). The kid died cuz the bitch wanted to kill herself or cuz he was too stupid to turn the gas off. We didnt die cuz magic, we could had been fried.

When I was ten I was going to get bautized (a waste of time desu) and in that day he come to my house and started ringing the bell. Dont know why, maybe it was one of those autistic days. I only went to his house to play really, and I think i had finally gotten a modem on my house, so i really didnt want to go to my dads. I think he never called or when to my home since a month (he somedays never come, and other days he would let me in my moms home like really late, and i would be tired on school at the next day. My mom says that he sometimes didnt even make dinner for me, i dont remember that but whatever) and suddenly he appears. I wanted to do a homework, I couldnt cuz the ringing, and his screams. I was going to cry so I shout "Please Dad, stop".

He did stop, for 15 seconds, then he started again to ring the bell. I think it was his autistic mind when he fell that I was being restrained, I wasnt, I just wanted to do my homework. My mother called the police. He couldnt communicate with me for 30 days and some shit, really didnt give a fuck at the time.

Fast forward to 2013, I had a trip to Dominicana, a caribean country. I didnt want to go but whatever. My dad didnt sing a pettition to let me out of the country. We needed a judge. I saw him after 3 years, he hugs me. I dont feel anything, besides he is fucking short. I told the judge that my mother isnt doing jackshit so I cant see my dad, and that she wants to send me to a trip with my aunt and I will come back. Dad was shocked I suppose. Havent seen him since.

He would talk me sometimes on facebook. Poor lil shit. One day he went on full autistic mode and I needed to block him. I dont know anything of him since that. I dont regreat it tho, I like being left alone, less judgement.

>datamining thread
fuck off

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Gonna fix the death part.

A kid died in his mother house (where he and his brother were living). This kid was the child of one of the whores of my uncle. He tried to kill herself. That was what they told me at first. Then minutes later they told me that she just didnt turn off the gas and the kid died bcuz of that. Pretty shitty. I saw the girl on a bed with tubes and shit. Didnt got traumatized tho, I could had.

dad was awesome, i have alot of good memories
but he passed away when i was in high school

i am a failed normie, my teenage years were pretty normal, had friends, went to parties, lost virginity when i was 15.

my downward spiral began in college.