This girl's practically naked. Girls really be dressing like this at festivals/events?

This girl's practically naked. Girls really be dressing like this at festivals/events?

Attached: Coachella.png (612x766, 1.08M)

It gets hot. Especially under the influence of MDMA, which makes dehydration a significant risk at music festivals.



yes, some shit in my mouth

Not surprising someone would recognize her, I wonder if she's got any dark secrets someone could drop, someone that attractive's definitely been around.

>Girls really be dressing like this at festivals/events

thots will go around in bikinis and flip flops in the city sometimes in july/august

Yes. In fact I saw a girl dressed like that at a Zedd concert just with furry boots when it was negative 20 degrees Fahrenheit. They do it because MDMA heats you up internally to a dangerous degree and you can die from overheating

Has anyone taken MDMA in this thread? Since I've got my doubts for all 6 posters here

I have done it a few times. Its an incredible high but the hangover is utter shit. Personally not worth it.

I'm also on MDMA in clubs at festivals and I dont feel the need to undress

Well you might be in for an overheating death any time now son

Isn't she the streamer chick that lived with angelskimi?

Attached: yvpc8ng4skp21.jpg (640x960, 62K)

I have and I agree. Done it three times, each time upping the dose. It's an interesting one. When it hits, its amazing, but the high dips pretty quick, and you'll want to redose, which isn't great for your brain. It makes me talk non fucking stop though. I prefer to do a low dose of LSD. Lasts way longer and isn't neurotoxic.

Yes. More than a few times, but I don't so it anymore cause it fucks with my head and my jaw always hurts like shit the next day.
But I never experienced overheating. Mdma is not that heavy

Attached: rd9c6ecfqdp21.jpg (736x414, 71K)

>I have and I agree. Done it three times, each time upping the dose. It's an interesting one. When it hits, its amazing, but the high dips pretty quick, and you'll want to redose, which isn't great for your brain. It makes me talk non fucking stop though. I prefer to do a low dose of LSD. Lasts way longer and isn't neurotoxic.

lmao no, nigger.

they do it for attention, retard. you don't overheat you just sweat like a beast. which is why you drink water.

>implying attention is bad
they aren't wearing bikinis in the cold rain too often.

I did it by myself once before because I'm a loser. It felt good and I think it might make me normie enough to function at a festival but I still think I'd be too nervous to show up in the first place

DAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUM! Lilypichu looks like that now?!

Not worth it imo. Just stick to weed ayy lmao.

That's not lilypichu

Looks pretty damn slutty

Girls are all sluts. They don't even care about music, they just want to be naked.

Attached: jordyn slutty.jpg (4448x3321, 1.1M)

It's interesting how she can't look at the camera

It's okay.
Like with all the party drugs (ketamine, methamphetamine and MDMA) I've had, I reached the conclusion that you're better of just having a few beers, smoking some cigarettes and taking a small drag off any spliff that might come your way. And they will.

When I was at that zedd concert I wore Bantu knots and a leather jacket and no makeup and boots and basically looked like a butch dyke. It was too humiliating for me to be out like that so I decided not to ever go to a concert looking like that again

Ketamine is actually based when not used as a party drug though. I'm not a normalfag so I don't have anyone else to do drugs with so I just do them alone in my room and ketamine is one of my favorites.

It does make much more sense as a dissociative hallucinogenic than as a party drug, yes.


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I'd rather have a low dose of MDMA than alcohol

You gotta get all 3 of them at just the right dose.
It's a bit more maintenance than just having a pill or half, but the results are better.

what are you? some kinda feeg?.