is being short in 21th century literally a curse in real life?
>Not curable, Not compensatable forever.
>No any empathy or compassion following. treated as literal inferiority. People grant it as failure just by the fact you're short.
is being short in 21th century literally a curse in real life?
>Not curable, Not compensatable forever.
>No any empathy or compassion following. treated as literal inferiority. People grant it as failure just by the fact you're short.
manlets when will they learn
the cases of short people i've seen in real life don't have it half as bad as Jow Forums makes it. Stop being a fucking retard
t. inferior manlet/
> be 5'6
> never worry about my height that much assume it'll sort itself out
> start going on Jow Forums
> turn 20
> realize I'm this height forever
> think about killing myself because of it as I don't want to pass it on to my kids
> realize that regardless of what you look like money and power are more important
> makes lots of money and stop giving a fuck
Nigga stfu I got 3 dates this week with some 8/10 hunnies
No because you can still get a VR headset + fleshlight and experience what it's like to fuck 10/10 porn stars.
if you went to japan you would be considered tall
>janny deletes hobby thread and /sig/ because "they're not Jow Forums related"
>this shit and r9k stuff stays up
I wonder what kinds of subhumans are those janitors
there will be another great war soon and all men will be made equal again
>be 5'7"
>get 5'7" GF
What's 5'7" for a female, like 6'2" for males?
No such thing. If all men on Earth were 6 feet high or taller, the new manlets would be 6'0".
Women select for the top 20% of men. If all men improved, it just means that women select the updated top 20%.
However you still have to keep in mind that height isn't the only thing that matters. Social status is more important.
Hoping to claim a warwaifu if the war comes.
I might be a fag but damn if polish gals ain't aesthetic
Take male height subtract 5 inches and you have roughly the equivalent female height interms of distribution
M6'3 -> F5'10
M6'0 -> F5ยด7
>tfw 6'4 and broad but autistic and depressed so never had a GF at 26
Fuck lanklets
No, and no one on this website knows otherwise because they don't go outside.
They only know from other incels.
Height has never or rarely been an issue for a well balanced manlet with a personality and a decent level of charisma. I see it all the time, manlets getting with taller chicks, both in the long term and for flings.
The only thing that really fucks you over is a shit face. Height you can compensate for, a face you can't.
t. angry dwarf
Nah its nothing like the real thing. Theres nothing like kissing her and holding her while she begs you to cum
No 170cm is manlet cut off in japan
Lmao at your're life.
I love how delusional manlets ALL are.
and thats a good thing
Average height for men in Anglo countries is about 5'9.
Average height for women in Anglo countries is about 5'4.5.
That means the difference between the two is about 4.5 which you could extend to be what the difference between partners should be.
eg. A 5'0 girl should be with a man around 5'4.5
5'0 white girls aren't hard to find. 5'2 are easy, 5'4 are very easy.
So in theory everyone down to dwarves should be able to find someone and dwarves have special rules anyway.
What you need to do as a manlet is do what we all should do: find a girl that has fucked as few 6'4 Chads as possible.
>manlet cope
Every single day of every single year for the rest of their little lives
I'm 5'11. Irl I am tall. despite being a manlet here. I have literally never had to feel bad about my height.
No, 5'7" for females is 6' for males
6'2" male = 5'9" female
6 ft 1 manlet here
Do what i did and move to some chink country and you can be king of the manlets