>never have a profilepic because I dont care >people asked me about it all the time >set a profilepic so they shut up >wake up to a lot of texts >hey user! You are finally coming out of your shell, nice ! >hihi nice profilepic user (from my mom) >user you look so different :c
ive only done that twice in my life. never again >1st time people said they didnt like it >2nd time got told i look gay
Wyatt Thompson
I have a profile pic so bad people say they don't recognize me or that I look like a hobo. I want to change it but it will be automatically posted and shown to everyone and I don't like it.
Also >being facebook friends with your mom Don't do this. I even regret adding my cousins.
Sebastian Young
thats how normies act about everything >dont (do thing) >hey user you should (do thing) >(do thing) >oh wow user thats nice you finally (did thing) i am too familiar with this feeling i wish more people knew when not to talk
Isaiah Baker
how the hell people get to be more attractive on picture?!! all of my pictures are either make me looks like drunk or stoned or both. literally how?
>genuine That's the fakest normie shit if I've ever seen one.
Christian Thompson
ahaha you're too clever: you've seen through the normie plot, well done :^)
Or no. They see someone in their life who is normally quiet and reserved make an effort to open up a bit and encourage them. The world isn't out to get you user..
Andrew Bailey
>I hate people
I don't follow? It's a good reaction you describe, no?
Justin Rogers
Whats wrong with this retard. Stop being such a fag.
Elijah Ward
Haven't changed mine in years. Liek if u cri everytiem.
Leo Edwards
He searches for reason to be unhappy. It's a medical condition. (That's not meant as an insult, it's a medical condition.)
Robert Robinson
>change profile pic after years >gets a lot of likes and positive comments from people i haven't talked to in a long time is this good karma?
While I appreciate the few who genuinely care, it can be hard to tell the difference between genuine interest and fake niceness when it comes to normies. So i assume it's all fake to manage my disappointment.
Jack Cruz
I cringe every time I look at a pic of mine. I can't even comprehend the feeling that normies get when they take 100 selfies a day and gawk over each one.
Lincoln Torres
Is it normal to care about other peoples profiles? I've never had my photo as profile pic and nobody ever asked me about it. I dont use social media much nowadays though
Anthony Mitchell
Don't get too excited. Most of it is people being fake nice to virtue signal. It makes them feel good about themselves. Like cheering a puppy when it chases it's tail. Everyone knows it's retarted but they just play nice cuz it's a puppy. It doesn't know any better. Bless his heart.
Joshua Nelson
That's because you're too ugly to care about but not ugly enough to warrant fake sympathy. Not saying this to offend but because I'm in the exact same boat.
Leo Roberts
It can, you are right. But if you always assume it's fake and don't try to engage/take a chance on someone, nothing will change.
Why the fuck would you post this dumb fucking humblebragging normalfag blogpost shit here? What was the point? I don't get it.
Eli Wright
I found that natural lighting just makes you look better than a lightbulb ever will, but awkwardly taking a selfie in the backyard while squinting my gamer eyes at the sun isn't exactly a good look either
Camden Johnson
Take the image from above. Makes the world of difference.
Juan White
>profile pic botnet
Adrian Turner
>used to have a facebook account when i was way younger just so i could play the browser games on there >had parents and other family members added, all good >stopped using it entirely after a while and lost my login details >parents randomly just pester me change my profile pic from the default facebokk shiloutte to something else >tells me to switch the background of my profile from the default black none one to something else more happy because people keep asking them if someone close to us died because i have a "mourning background" set up I hate everything and everyone including myself for ever getting involved with this shit.