Just came from the club and banged some 18 year old stacy along the way

Just came from the club and banged some 18 year old stacy along the way

>t.45 year old boomer

who else hit their prime years after being 40 here ?

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Imagine being over 40 and still not having matured

Having an old man mentality will sap the life out of you

>Dressing like a teenager at 45
Mirin neck width though.

imagine browsing /fit at morning not drunk afer having sex with some hot chick

cool i guess dude but i cant imagine posting about it here
>t. 30 year old middle manager for a tobacco company

Ur hot. Post body pls

The fact that you post it here for validation from internet strangers says you haven't made it and probably never will

Do Americans really do this?


but they cant do this

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