>be me >like 10 minutes ago >injected myself with testosterone enanthate >read instructions wrong >thought i needed to inject into blood vessel >stick needle into top of glute >pull out syringe >see blood >launch it >slow as fuck >injected >read instructions again >says DO NOT inject into blood vessel >what do? >mfw i got 500mg of testosterone enanthate in my blood stream possibly going into my heart
Belive me OP, you did not inject it into your blood stream.
I once accidently injected some test e into my blood stream. I could feel it after 1/1000 of a second. and i fell so fucking horrible. You would never be able to inject 500 mg before you felt like fainting.
Injecting into the blood stream will work instantly. If you did it, you would not be able to post this.
Tyler Ortiz
hopefully he dies so we can make fun of roiders
Carter Lewis
The test itself it’s fine, your body will eventually metabolize it. It’s the oil base you should be worried about
This, you most likely smashed past a capillary. If you haven't already passed out, you're fine.
Blake Bailey
If true go to the hospital immediately. You are at risk of serious embolism and death.
Evan Perry
>If true go to the hospital immediately.
Lucas Cruz
I hope you die steroid junkie gymrat
Zachary Jenkins
you don't die from injecting test in a vein
Adam White
so what's bad about injecting it into the blood? Having 100000 ng/dl testosterone circulating at once or what?
Caleb Cook
the test itself won't do shit
problem is that it's oil based and not good to get that shit in your lungs
Brody Bell
Having pure grapseed oil flowing in your bloodstream, clogging shit up and inhibiting bloodflow to and from your vital organs for starters.
Camden Cooper
The real problem here is that you obviously too stupid to be doing steroids if you think you should be injecting it into your fucking bloodstream in the first place.
Xavier Moore
>mfw OP is already dead.
Nolan White
how old are you
Angel Russell
Pro tip it gos into bloodstream eventually. It's just best and safest when injected intra muscularly (or sub q for gh and peptides). You wont die. If that was Tren and not Test youd be in for simulated suffocation tho.
Jace James
waiting for final update
Aiden Butler
rip your finances
Ian Gomez
I read the entire thread but couldn't entirely understand. I'm on TRT for a couple of weeks, injecting weekly, using 23 gauge needles. Only once after taking the syringe out saw some blood pouring vs a single drop. My understanding was that i punctured a blood vessel, not directly injecting the oil in it - IMO it'll be very difficult. And regardless trying my best to remove all bubbles, i remember injecting tiny ones a few time. Nothing weird happened.
Luke Cook
I'd say kys but you already did that
Jack Gray
>growth plates are still open underage and already roiding poorly never gonna make it
Christian Walker
How old are you OP? Interested since you said your growth plates are still open