I'mmmmmmmmmmmm melllllllllllllllllting, edition
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im the lad whos always dehydrated, as you can imagine, im suffering this weekend
>everything is fucking expensive as fuck there?
Their salaries are like double what they are here, that more than makes up for it.
>There is literally NO work there.
Blatantly untrue. What industry are your family friends in?
What happened to that lad who said he was doing a water fast then ate a greggs baguette and ended up on dialysis?
Cheeky repost for the lads, happy easter!
I only drink alcohol really need to make more of an effort with actual water
why are so many fat people so happy? low iq?
grow up
I want to rehydrate you with a hot load of cum.
He had to put so much money into the larp jar he became broke unfortunately. He's now sucking dick for 5 quid under his local bridge
Calm down seethe user, it's easter
Just the joined thread, why did Moni post a noncensored pic of shippy? He's going to get meme'd to death
I don't hate the hot weather because it makes other people happy. I have always hated it because it makes me feel sweaty and sick, been like this since a kid. sleeping in the heat is a nightmare too
1100 bong for new bike. Will double as both my commuting bike and for long distance rides. Thoughts?
>I only drink alcohol really need to make more of an effort with actual water
You say that like alcohol is a kind of water, alcohol literally dehydrates you. It's the opposite of water
Post height and weight please.
I wonder what the person who takes photos of his shits to post online is like tell me how many I get right
>"smart but lazy"
I don't understand this shit. How much better can it be than a 250-300 quid road bike? I mean if you have that much money to splash out go for it I guess but why
doing a thought about how the world is all just shapes
Buy a used one from Jamal off ebay, cause that shits gunna get nicked.
what about the sounds and smells? What shape is water?
How is warehouse work lads? Got 100 bings to my name and kinda wanna have some bongs for my bevy now and again.
Any easy jobs that you lads recommend
the changes happen slowly over time so they're less noticeable and the ones they do notice become commonplace in their lives
Had to ride a bike for like three years because of a DUI. Fucking miserable. But, you've done well spending a decent amount of money. The weight difference between a cheap and expensive bike is huge. Not too mention the quality of the parts.
Wrong on all counts, I work and I lift, notice how healthy my poo is, flicks of yellow are sweetcorn. In fact I went out this morning and bought discounted chocolate just for this photo.
Maybe your points relate more to yourself.
5 ft 10. 12 stone and i lift, so i am fit.
heat doesen't agree with me, simple as.
>Wrong on all counts,
very surprising, why do you do it?
>Maybe your points relate more to yourself.
the incel thing yes, everything else no
Literally all just waves and particles which are shapes
off to train leggy weggies lads
gonna try a bit of volume training
>i lift, so i am fit.
lol your hideously swollen, not fit.
you talking SHIT mate stop it
Mechanical breaks, weight, better tires and gearing etc. You'll find that lower end bikes weigh a shit load more
>very surprising, why do you do it?
Because poo posts are the backbone of britfeel, ya fucking nonce
I also jog for an hour twice a week. keep seething fat boy
>shapelet SEETHING
Your bike looks gay and uncomfortable
>1100 quid
you could buy a moped for that
>lol your hideously swollen, not fit.
stop trying to censor the truth user
>Roastie mad at me because my parents said she's a slut due to her tattoos
Don't see how they're wrong roastie
How was Church today my lads?
Christ is risen.
>something that been in britfeel for under 2 years and barely anyone likes is the backbone of britfeel
not much different to when moni says britfeel would die without him
What were the tattoos?
i think im wearing girls jeans, theres no room for my junk.
Yeah, jog on, gains goblin.
>says bike looks gay and uncomfortable
>recommends moped
kekking at this
Whats you weights for OHP and squats lad, just started and want to learn what others are doing, also how long you been doing.
I bought a hybrid for 200 quid, weighs 13kg. I'm not gonna spend 1k on a bike that weighs a few kilos less
get a decent mountain bike so you can go off roading on it
Iq discrimination is real but society never talks about it
He is risen indeed, alleluia.
Church was good. Passionate sermon.
alright big willy lad, post it for us to judge. if not post your bulge
my dick is risen too lmao
Huge in France is really good lads, it's like an irl Bojack Horseman.
how do you lads compare using sizemeup? uses actually medical data to compare to, not self reported and all using same measurement system
Oh wow I'll have to check it out m8
Actually the vast majority of the Universe is just empty space. Absolute nothingness.
>Whats you weights for OHP and squats lad
50 kg for ohp and 100kg for squat. 10 sets, 4 sets.
>also how long you been doing.
2 years.
>BNP member befriends muslim
Even this very basic, barebones fact is unbelievable. Then add in all the other shite.
Literally not fussed about dick size. Its so easy to make a girl cum and it doesnt require using your dick
Found a bike abandoned in the street on Saturday night.
Cost me fuck all lad.
mopeds are far more aesthetic and comfy than that bike also you don't have to pedal
explain why your overpriced bike is better?
That's the most dicklet post I've ever read.
fucking hell lad you'll get fedora'd talking like this bet you're one of those lads who says they enjoy eating out girls as well
Unlucky. What did you ride?
What bike do you have?
I have a basic hardtail mtb already. I'm planning on doing some long distance rides so I want to get a touring bike.
30 OHP and 60 for squat. Girls are stronger than me
No i know that,i didn't mean thought that was ok, i was meaning i need to drink more water. Did i not say that?, sorry.
I can't remember; it wasn't 1100 bong worth but it was a pretty decent bike.
Nah my dad's mate moved out there, worked in a bank as he did in England and got laid off (not even during the recession) had to fucking become an uber driver.
Beer is expensive as fuck too. 40 AUD for 24 cans? That's GBP 22 for shit lager too. You can get that of fosters for about 15 QUID. Shite
Love seeing all these pictures of the birds stripping down to bras at the beach on the mail and sun website when we get a bit of weather
im not him but mopeds are fuck ugly and only ridden by chavs or delivery riders, at least the delivery blokes have an excuse for being on one though
How long though, if you just started a month or so ago that's not terrible.
don't worry lad, just keep going don't focus on what other can do now focus on what you'll be able to do in the future
I'm thick so can only do warehouse or factory work. It's ok if you're left on your own but when there's a group of people they all bitch about each other and back stab. Had some jobs were i was left alone though and that was comfy
This t b h. In a world like ours what's the point of worrying over things you have no control over? Dicks are also a roastie filter. My dicks only in the high 5" and I've never had any complaints and if I did I wouldn't give a fuck
>Want to settle into a movie
>Keep checking /britfeel/
I wish you lads would fuck off tbqh
>50% of marriages end in divorce
>most divorces are initiated by the woman
Do people not realise how terrible this is? I wonder how this'll effect things in the long run
What movie is it? Any good?
>Do people not realise how terrible this is?
Yes; it's called MGTOW.
Just got home from a right normie day and night in London. Feels good.
Time to have a wank.
Just finished watching Huge in France; rewatching John Wick. I want to get lost in the neon noir.
I was impressed with myself last night lad. Only pressed F on VLC to check for discord messages two or three times very briefly. Miss having the PS3 set up in another room with PLEX so I could just enjoy my movies and television without distractions.
I recently started doing seated dumbell shoulder press. I lift like 15 kg less than standing, seems better for shoulder size though
I'm built like a stick and I can't even do a single push up.
its alright lad. before lifting i was the same, now i'm strong compared to normals that don't lift.
Yeah I started 2 months ago. I've not been for the past month due to travel and moving I've been really busy. Starting again in 2 days time.
Thanks for the kind words I'm starting properly without missing days when I'm done at work.
I'm so skinny and malnourished that I'm actually a little bit anxious to go the gym. I'm afraid that I'm gonna be laughed at and mocked
>zeus walks past at the end
what a lad
>tfw im a man who goes his own way
just like fleetwood mac
so everything is just shapes and no shapes
You're him, only a bike mong would say its bad because chavs ride them.
>muh moped gangs
They can look good or bad but to say they all look bad while riding a poncey racing bicycle is cringe.
been reading a lot of david harvey lately
really good stuff, really makes me think about capitalism
would you shag her though? be honest
>tfw I'm a man on the outside
Just like Oingo Boingo
very much doubt it. People are only really concerned about themselves, they are busy with working out. go on a bulk kidder
give us both a (you) and ill prove it to you laddo, and for the record you can do a CBT and get a decent used 125 for 1100bong
>tfw I'm the mayor of simpleton
Just like XTC
lol lucky lad, I've been lifting 5+ years and my OHP is 30 because of a shoulder conditiion just consider yourself lucky laddo