Anyone confident they could beat him in a street fight?
Below pic is my current body
Anyone confident they could beat him in a street fight?
Below pic is my current body
My stats
His stats
I reckon I would have a fair chance.
Post ur face
Nobody on this board could take McGregor without a weapon, regardless of how much bigger they are
Yeah having 65 lbs on someone boosts your chances. Can you fight though?
t. UFC fan smoothbrain
Yeah, you’d probably kill him if you know how to fight. People don’t realize how much of a difference weight makes in a fight, even though it’s pretty basic physics. That’s why you don’t have someone like Mayweather fighting heavyweights.
He is a trained and conditioned professional fighter. He would annihilate you. Maybe kill you.
Haha roiding faggot
If you don't do MMA as a hobby your whole life you won't do shit pleb.
If you aren’t trained in striking you’re dead - even if you are trained, you’ve
got less than 1% to even touch a professional. Even a glancing hit could incapacitate you to allow several on-target strikes and land your fat ass on the ground where you’d be beaten to death with no outside intervention.
Mcgregor only fights other 5'9 boys though, it would be his first time fighting an actual grown man.
On foot he'd knock you out easily, if you don't have a professiona-tier wrestling take down and grippleing you wouldn't stand a chance.
you guys how say "he's 5'9 155lb, will be easy" are pathetic.
you never had a chance.
I'd just throw his potatos away and he dies of hunger hahaha
You'd pass out after your third haymaker.
You feel you can do better than the Mountain?
If you've never trained MMA then you will lose.
He'll just gas your fat ass and then knock you out with a single punch
lmfao maybe get in shape before posting on a fitness hoard you obese disgusting motehrfucker jesus. alsl you would obviously have no chance. fucking retard. do you think you can beat damian lillard in a one on one because your fatter than him as well? lmfao
>its another "I'm sure to win because my speed is superior" thread where DYELs think they can win with their amateur experience against people with 60+ pounds on them
The mountain would break him in half if it was an actual fight.
You dont stand a chance against a trained fighter half your weight
this is fucking disgusting
conor would kill you and i dont even like the guy
Guarantee I could beat Joe Rogan and his entire stable of friends.
Any professional fighter would kick your ass
>professional fighters are like the superheroes in marvel films
Against untrained people, they literally are.
I've wondered this myself. Ofc if you only do weightlifting you will get absolutely crushed. But if you do some calisthenics / martial arts mix maybe you would actually stand a chance.
Any one of you who thinks you could as much as lay a hand on a professional fighter without any martial arts training is deluded.
You could tie McGregor's hands behind his back and you'd still die of heart attack before you'd be able to land a clean punch on him or grab him.
I'm 6' 1'' 265lbs bit of a fatty but I lift and am decently strong. I could def take him to the ground then just exhaust him in the struggle to win. Would not be that difficult just gotta close distance. I also wrestled a lot in military school playing around with the boys so I have a lot of experience.
>this fat piece of shit thinking he can beat anyone
This kinda, anybody that has actually stepped into the ring with someone more skilled in them than fighting will realize how much a difference skill makes. Anyone can get a lucky hit, but ruling that out an untrained person wouldn’t last that long against a top tier fighter, even if they have 50lbs on them
>it's another episode where retards think fighters weight the same casually and on fight night
Fucking idiot. Khabib walks around with 190 pounds and he fights in the 155 pound division. Jon Jones weighs 240 normally and he fights in the 205 pound division. A three inch difference in height is nothing for a casual fighter let alone a professional.
When you train a combat sport you spar people lighter or heavier than you. I sparred with a guy who had 50lbs on me last friday.
Lol these people think they just pulled McGregor off the street and got him in a cage live on air.
No training behind the scenes at all
You should go to the nearest boxing or kickboxing gym and challenge one of their fighters right now
It's about a lighter pro fighter vs an untrained buff guy
street fight is not a TV show
there are no rules and no referee
street fight does not end on a signal
doesn't matter how strong this guy is
doesn't matter how many years he trained
for pipebombs, all are equal
He would whoop your ass. But if you had like 30-40% of his experience in martial ass you'd obviously stump him
The average 5'9 MMA casual who trains for cardio would destroy you.
>I could def take him to the ground
How? Charging blindly, while he pieces you up? 30 seconds later he's still piecing you up and you've had a heart attack, fat boy.
Duck and double leg
Lifting weights won't prepare you for a fight, especially against a kick boxer like him.
HAHAHAHA. You have literally zero chance.
Why are people so delusional?
>I have no experience but I'm sure I can pull off a double leg on a professional MMA fighter
You couldn't pull it off on a highschool wrestler buddy.
Fuck it meant for
Yeah... no one on this board is even landing a decent shot on him. Don't be fucking stupid.
There are absolutely people that could beat him in a street fight. It's doubtful you've met any of them.
He's a scumbag from the streets of Dublin even if beat the shit of him your have to fight ten more lads as well
lmfao this professional fighter cant even take out a 60 y.o boomer.
why should i be concerned
t. 6"3
You vs a guy that trains how to fight for hours every day. Yeah. okay, buddy. Even the worst MMA fighter would beat your ass and mine.
>implying he would not choke you out on the ground
Would shit all over him. I’m 220lbs and have wrestled all my life and done bjj for 5 years on top of that. I’ll take a few of his punches to get a hold of him because it won’t Matter while I’m either submitting him or just ground and pounding him to oblivion
Hafthor got his hands on him though? And that's literally all he needs to win.
>You couldn't pull it off on a highschool wrestler buddy.
You're right but I've got 100lbs and 6'' on Mcgregor he's going down
Good luck choking me when I'm exhausting you and fatiguing you with my muscles and fat. McGregor couldn't even reach me.
My stats
>8 years of martial arts
>a lot of street fights
I'd be pretty comfortable fighting him
>street fight
In 2s.
When will this meme that fighting ability is all about size die? It doesn't matter how big you are if you dont even know how to throw a proper punch and you've never been in a fight before lol
A couple of open fists followed by a closed fist right on his nose. That’ll do. That’ll do nicely.
Fighting is 70% size, 30% technique.
Go fight a horse and let me know how it works out for you.
He walks around probably around 175
He'd stomp your flabby ass out within 15 seconds
This is actually true. I've been in a shitload of streetfights in my life and never lost one - I thought I was a good fighter. I got cocky and challenged a trained guy who's been boxing since he was like 10, he whooped me flat in less than a minute
That made me realise the importance of training and I've been boxing since
Post body
The average mma girl can kill you in 5 minutes in no rules fight. Not even memeing.
Well he cant even knock out an elderly person when he suckerpunches them so I would probably wreck this little fag.
>That’s why you don’t have someone like Mayweather fighting heavyweights.
that's for fair competition between equally trained martial artists
remember when the manlet journeyman roger huerta stomped some football players ass through the concrete
>never sparred a pro fighter
>He hasn't seen the judo horse webm
Someone post it I'm phoneposting right now so I don't got it. All I have is this one off a fucking reddit post.
>Fighting is 70% size, 30% technique.
okay buddy
>be my friend
>6'4" and builtfat, don't know his exact weight but he's HUGE
>always been a bit of a dick because of his size but nobody ever did anything about it, no dobut they were terrified of him
>because of this he's never been in a fight
>one night we're out drinking with the boyz, he takes a guys drink and finsishes it
>the guy is a bit short but not tiny, about 5'7" ish, has some muscle but isnt big
>confrontation happens and manlet hits him
>he hits manlet back, manlet tanks the hit and throws a haymaker
>busted his lip
>friend tackles manlet to ground so manlet starts throwing elbows
>tries ground and pounding manlet but manlet is landing too many hits
>somehow manlet reversed the mount, now manlets on top throwing punches
>me, others and manlets friends split the fight up
>manlet has a bloody nose but thats it
>my friend's lip is nigger tier and his face is bashed in to fuck, eye looks like pic related
That manlet easily fucking won that fight. Size does matter but nowhere near as much as technique, its probably 70% technique and 30% size.
He's 5'9" and 155lbs, I'm 6'2" and 250lbs. If you do the math on that I'd easily kick his ass
Given that you're proficient in a martial art and used to the chaos of fighting, the impact of technique decreases drastically. Just because your friend is a faggot with no ability doesn't prove your point.
Your stats aren't going to matter you dumb faggots, these are professional athletes their sport is fighting. That means their job is getting better at fighting, they have more experience in fights than anyone and they are good if it goes to the ground.
What a fucking douchebag
How do i avoid fights
Just don't fight
All you can do is not start fights, if someone starts a fight with you there's no choice but to dish out a whooping or get BTFO'd trying
Or if possible you could run away
Fucking weightlifting weaklings like you piss me off.
Go spar someone 50lbs lighter than you and get destroyed and report back you fucking loser.
Oh weight, you won't. Just stay within your fantasy about how bench pressing 2plates makes you "stronger" than others. Fucking Gym Rat.
lol seething dyel
I'm soon to go pro in boxing, my shoulders are bigger than you faggots. I also get paid to do what I love.
You just go be a gym rat with a minimum wage job.
I said horse. That’s a pony.
>duck down
>he leaps back and soccer kicks you in the face, 12-6 elbows the back of your head and rapes your knocked out body with a broken whiskey bottle
What now fatboy?
Post fizeek faggot
Like I said, I ain't got the full webm. Seen it posted a dozen times tho.
dyel cope lol
Why do MMAnlets just always spurt "B-BUT YOU'RE UNTRAINED"
Seriously, what is that little faggot Henry Cejudo going to do if I grab his ass? He probably weighs 50kg less than me. I get his punches will probably hurt but you're fucking lying if you think strength and weight doesn't matter
Pretty edgy there user
no i kick peoples ass for a living
>I'll just shake off a jab to the throat
You admit you're going to get hit, but for some reason you imagine that they'll just avoid going for vitals for some reason.
I wouldn’t say you’d shit all over him, but you could have a solid chance with those stats, dude still has more fighting experience as you which goes a long way, could be an interesting fight to watch
somebody post that boomer pic
>oblique kick
Nice samefag a minute apart.