No /fph/?

No /fph/?

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Obesity is not caused by overeating. It is a disease: There is a protein in your fat cells that collapses and makes the cells permanently stuck in suck in as much fat as possible, do not release. (it is not very dissimilar from how proteins fail in alzheimers)

You cannot cure it by starving yourself, nothing will work. Sometimes it fixes on its own, which is the reason why many people promote so many conflicting, sure way to lose fad diets, as fat people try to diet constantly and think that whatever they were trying at the moment worked, but it is not so.

That even includes keto, as when the problem fixes itself, you suddenly have a massive accesible store of calories and on0yl need to eat protein to repair the tissues damaged by the starvation, so you want to eat protein and nothing else. If you try to force keto on yourself it won't work.

Trying to starve yourself (CICO, intermittent fasting, fasting) won't work, you only starve yourself more as the fat tissues absorb all the fat you eat and won't release it. High carb, low (near zero) fat diet may somewhat diminish the weight gain, but it won't cure it and won!t work forever either. Trying to cure by eating less won't make you thin, you may starve yourself to death while you still carry all the fat. It's pointless. Wait for a cure.

cope harder fatty

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The nutrient deficiencies make you hungry.

1. Your body needs copper. Copper is called toxic and being chelated from rpocessed food, with ridiculously low RDI. Veterinary science says otherwise, the need for humans must be at least two orders of magnitude higher. The discord between veterinary and human nutrition on copper is so high that the EU limits copper in feed so that the manure isn't "toxic". Copper is in fact not toxic to warm blooded animals, contrary to what medicine insists. It's needed in many proteins including those that guard fat levels in cells and in cytochrome c oxidase, where it is necesary for converting hydrogen and oxygen into water. Also causes the fatty liver disease and loss of nerve function "associated with obesity adn diabetes".

2. Magnesium. Magnesuim is widespread in the body, but cannot be measured from blood tests. Deficiency amog other things causes dysregulation and loss of other minerals and vitamins. If you are deificient in Mg, you get in turn deficient in many other things, so unless you fix it, there is no hope.

3. Calcium excess. The RDI was determined by completely retarded studies designed so that people cannot excrete more calcium than they absorb. (one finds it hard to avoid conspiracies about milk industry) Makes Mg deficiency worse.

4. Cobalt. Needed for vitamin synthesis, gut flora and may be the direct cause of obesity; dosing rats with Co causes dramatic decrease in weight. B12 is only necessary because the food is deficient in cobalt, otherwise it would be synthesized. Supplementing Co resolves symptoms of zinc deficiency.

5. Iron and manganese are absorbed by the same mechanism, and iron cannot be excreted. The high amount of iron in western food makes it impossible for the body to abosrb manganese, resulting in deficiency and/or iron poisoning

6. Either Hg or Cd may be needed in tiny amounts, dosing rats with those also causes massive weight loss.

Other unknown nutrients may be missing

bitch ass Margaret Cho-Andy Milonakis looking ogre mother fucker


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jesus fuck im 190m and was 105kg until a few months ago, now im 88kg and i can say its thanks to /fph/ threads, holy fuck i hate these fat fucks its like theyre the niggers of weight

i know you're probably a troll, but post a medical source or gtfo

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>0.0 BMI
The ultimate lanklet.

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You input 1900m, brainlet

It coems from dozens of studies really, here is a short sample:

Yikes.. another few incels that like to be as edgy as possible by posting hate on a fitness board.

You know we should be about supporting eachother, and not every fat people can really help it. It's genetics for a large portion.

Anyway posting pictures of people of size without their consent is not needed and frankly offtopic to fitness so I don't even think the site staff will allow it


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How's the weather up there?

Spotted the person with the American education.

Kill yourself

sorry not gonna support delusional fatties who think its not their own fault and its only because of 'muh genetics


Nice copypasta from the previous thread, buddy

welcome to Jow Forums, redditor. you'd be surprised what the site staff allow here. Enjoy your visit!

this is Jow Forums my newfriend, get used to it. We speak our minds

Post body

while an actual answer is appreciated, the links you provided are just not enough to justify saying caloric restriction is useless :
- the first article is a study on mice which only assesses if copper/mercury could be a RISK (not causal) factor in obesity
- the second article is not even related to obesity itself and concludes by saying restricting fructose intake is a good protzcting factor to obesity
just post a meta-analysis supporting your claims instead of around-the-topic articles

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Yeah and have those same incels try to talk my down when I post it? No thanks, I wasn't born yesterday

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You have to go back

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Good bait. Reddit spacing was a nice touch.

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>all these retards taking the bait
you guys are worse than /v/

Yikes... Another bait poster on Jow Forums.

You know, you shouldn't be derailing every thread you come across. I know you can't help it though; it's genetics.

Anyway, bait posts are not needed and frankly off topic to fitness so I don't even think the site staff will allow it.

> it's genetics.
i kek'd

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>the links you provided are just not enough
There are too many.
>the first article is a study on mice which only assesses if copper/mercury could be a RISK (not causal) factor in obesity
No it actually says cobalt/mercury REDUCED fat weight. It isn't about copper at all
>- the second article is not even related to obesity itself and concludes by saying restricting fructose intake is a good protzcting factor to obesity
Here is an experiment where fructose combined with copper deficiency induced NAFLD:


I notoced you never mentioned exercising as an option, ya fat simp.

>fell for the genetics meme
Never gonna make it

Lmao you pathetic ableists never fail to make me laugh with your "fat people hate" threads

Face it, most fat people will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

>There are too many.
I suggested you post a meta-analysis.

> No it actually says cobalt/mercury
My bad on this one, i misremembered it. My point still stands tho

> Here is an experiment where fructose combined with copper deficiency induced NAFLD
Did you even read what I wrote ? You're making claims on obesity dieting while providing an article talking about hepatosteatosis. What's your point ?

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no lard ass, you literally just eat less. It's called self control, it's hard we get it. Ever notice that your stupid impulse control for eating carries over to other parts of your life?

You're literally less person and more cow physically and mentally.

Kek this is next level trolling


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>Big & Tall
No, you're just big fatty

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fuck it's so easy to get (you)'s in these threads. post the same shitty bait you posted for the last 15 threads and get a hundred (You)'s from newfaggots and redditers. God damn these threads are shameful displays of newfaggotry. images are funny though

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jesus christ its in my city

Who on earth could be behind something as retarded as the HAES movement? Just for reference, the woman that wrote “Healthy at every size.” (((Dr. Linda Bacon))) a feminist, social and political commentator, activist, professor, etc etc, and several other staff members of Three Birds Counseling, a prominent eating disorder clinic. Wew lad

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The fucking entitlement of this lardass, this bitch is asking for Brad Pitt and insulting you if you ain't that. I can only hope somebody runs her over with a mac truck before the wall does that.

De dónde eres, compadre?
Estás bien pendejo jajaja

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Im sure you meant 190cm but yeah was 111kg and i am at 87kg now thanks to fph and lifting, these fucks give me the rage to lift heavier and stay on track

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Imagine her sitting on your face but your whole body gets caught inside her cheeks and you're forced to breathe in remnant bits of feces and smegma that would be gross hahaha

>You must visually pleasing

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>Obesity is not caused by overeating.

Anons, this is pure posing. She's doing it so she can show her profile off. Nobody is fucking that tub of lard except hoodrats or desperate pajeets.

Medfag here

Only hypothyroidism and one other much more rarer disease that decrease BMR (via down-regulation of ATP pumps) contribute to obesity. That's it. Other than these legit causes its 100% willpower.

women actually believe this

>Who on earth could be behind something as retarded as the HAES movement?

People craving social justice brownie points, attention, and virtue.

There's a thing called 'virtuous narcissism'. These people are full blown narcissists but they get their kick from being a paragon of virtue, instead of from bullying or money. Linda Bacon is adored but thousands of fatties all over the world and managed to bullshit her way into academia. This gets her off, basically.

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Medfag, I'm curious - have you ever treated someone with Präder-Willi? Now that's a terrible affliction.

Oh I remember you from yesterday tubby. If an user posts a rebuttal to this rubbish I'll make sure to save it in case I see you post this again tomorrow

No it's a large portion for a large portion

>Medfag here
You and your ignorance are the cause of all these problems.
There will be no rebuttals because it's true.

Why is it mostly women who try to normalise being obese?
I mean a lot of guys who become beer bellied boomers just own up to the fact that they love beer a bit too much.
But women try to normalise it ”Oh no my bingo wings and my 35.5BMI is normal”

I want to smash her fucking head on the pavement until there is only blood and meat chunks on my hands.

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My question was more or less rhetorical user, but that’s a good analysis nonetheless. I find virtue signaling to be much more common among modern women, seeing as they used to show their virtue through traits like modesty, chastity, physical health and beauty, domestic and child rearing that those things are very near to being social taboos, they signal their “virtue” by clucking about bullshit on social media for attention from betas.

It says centimeters right underneath the number you fucking dunce, i bet you have problems prematurely ejaculating too

kek, never change, leafbro

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Women seek to tear down the mountain, men climb it.

Men are pushed by other men to better themselves and be competitive, those that don't are self-aware enough to realize they lack virtue as a result. Women are raised to affirm each other and be cooperative at their own expense, which leads to the outward projection of failure onto everyone else when they lack discipline and fail at something, like losing weight.

>insert donut between tits
>knead milkers thoroughly
>eat donut

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>Starving yourself doesn't fix obesity
Holy shit, we've solved world hunger

>Asking for height is ok.
>don't you dare ask for weight which is perfectly changeable.

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I literally went from 135kg to 100kg in 8 months by crystallizing my self hatred for myself, my fat, and fat people by using /fph/ threads as fuel
I would think about eating, then open up my downloads picture folder to look at one of the images I downloaded and it fueled me more than chocolate ever would
currently 91 kg, I slipped up on holidays and went to 94kg, lowest weight is 88kg at 183cm


Rookie numbers
I went from 190cm/95kg to 190cm/65kg in 6 months

im still losing weight dude, its been less than 3 months

More cardio less food
You need minimum of 1 hour of cardio on a

>t. pic related

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Thats what cole said to do.
Start with a clean slate, so i did a PSMF fasting protocol + 1 hour of daily cardio until i could see my abs
Went down to 7% bodyfat and looked like an auschwitz prisoner but it was worth it
Now i’m looking to regain those 30kg over the course of 10 years, currently 67kg, 20 years old.

>sorry for your weight

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>she didn't let her size stop her
until it did at the age of 49

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>be my friend, an absloute CHAD, solid 8/10
>but somehow he only matches with fat uggos on tinder
>finally gets a good looking and skinny match and they go for dinner
>he was catfished, she looked nothing like her pics and was a lardass
>but he isnt a meathead type chad, hes smart as fuck
>has a brilliant plan
>orders two of the most expensive dishes on the menu
>kek when they were ordering the landwhale got 4 dishes
>finishes his food fast then bails, says hes going for a shit but just gets the fuck out
>she gets left with the massive bill for 6 dishes plus drinks
>another fat landwhale btfo
Chad really is our greatest ally

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pretty straight approach, very dedicated.
i'm more in a slow and steady cut rn. just a 38yo boomer manlet shrinking his beer belly. 8kg down in 4 months with low deficit and IF.

petty revenge is for nerds and losers

High quality bait. Otherwise kill yourself.

Sounds like they were both pretty shitty. But I can feel that getting catfishes part, I knew she was fat, but she dressed like a dyke when we met.

tbf thats what she gets for catfishing him.

I've been skinny most of my life, but my nutrition courses did talk about breakthroughs in the understanding of obesity in America.

It's almost impossible to truly know someone's base metabolic rate without testing. So, most calorie counters are a bit of a crap shoot for people who have been obese most of their life. Really, exercise combined with calorie control would ensure weight loss more than a specific weight loss diet with a sedentary lifestyle because the ones person's resting base metabolic rate will go down to keep the fat.

Also, it's fine to acknowledge the roll flour bleached with chlorine dioxide plays in American obesity. When given to lab rats it causes diabetes and extreme weight gain. Also, corn syrup causes massive spikes in insulin which leads to weight gain and increased appetite. (Insulin causes fat genesis). Also, nitrates and excitotoxins are used in US foods and they cause I creased appetite.

In order to cure an obese person you should have to help change their diet and exercise. Calories in and out is true to an extent but truly long term weight loss requires totally revising the shitty foods someone is eating. Also, the above poster is correct in that nutrient deficiencies cause overeating and obesity.

Thanks doc. Now explain these fags why keto is superior for fat loss

pissed roastie or just lame guy?

The absolute unit.

Because fat metabolism is how all diets work, and that only happens after you body has exhausted carbs as fuel. So you are dropping the main cause of indulgence such as sweets, and fast food, as well dropping the impediment to ketosis. Not that guy btw, but everybody should get this by now