Lookmaxxing Thread

Lookmaxxing Thread

Anybody here ever get Chin or Jaw surgery?How was it and did you get the results you wanted?

Attached: 1566145081883.gif (268x300, 2.97M)


How is this related to lifting you fat retard

Lifting is related to lookmaxxing

Is this meant to be a good or bad example of chin/jaw? It looks bad to me

this is the actual OP fucking faggot niggers

Attached: 1565857240985.jpg (592x604, 83K)

this is the fitness board, not r/lookmaxing


Learn how to mew instead of wasting money on surgery.

Attached: 15 months of mewing.jpg (1268x1128, 223K)

I dont get it, his jaw isnt even that impressive