Shit that just pisses you off at the gym

self-explanatory. I'll start.
>when people don't re-rack their weights properly

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>autistic dyel that keeps fucking staring at you

People pacing back and forth for no reson

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>pull out earphone while changing plates
>Westlife playing over sound system

Or just generic popshit, jesus christ at least play some crappy edm or something with a higher tempo

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faggots who drop the weights as soon as they're done.
Bitch if you are strong enough to lift 'em, you're strong enough to leave them on the ground.

when they bring out the free pizza before you finish your workout

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>supersets with [thing]
>leaves weight on it
>no phone, no towel, no bottle or anything to indicate its being used
>look at this [thing] for 14 minutes since its the last thing I have to do, seeing if anyone is actually using it or just didn't un-rack
>de-rack and use, now get dirty looks from some [guy].

wtf did you expect chief? I wait 14 minutes and no one touches it, and you're off to the side just doing 5x5 squats?

Why do retards using equipment for supersets not actually mark their shit.

women who do those ridculous ass workouts where they hump the air or put themselves under a bar in the most retarded way.

When the out of shape boomers hate glare me for bejng stronger

>When the gym bard plays Despacito for the fourth time this hour